
SATURDAY, JULY 16th. 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE 11 TIENDA MIL COLORES Enrique Yankelewitz, Proprietor Edgar Young We are competitors, because we import dised from England.
We are supreme, because we have the best jourOIL TO DOMINATE NEXT WORLD WAR AMONG THE BAPTISTS According to Mr. Arno Dosch, figured out that the oil needs Fleurot of Paris, the next world motor fuel and lubricating oil war will be fought with Oil. He. of modern armies, navies and The Choir of the Baptist says that the allied countries air fleets is so great that, in the which will, at that time, have event of war, the demand of Church can be heard practising SUCURSAL. LIMON. AP. 578 the most oil, will hold an over Europe for war purposes only for the Flower Services fixed whelming advantage on their would be 70. 000. 000 tons, nearly for tomorrow side, and hould they be in a three times Europe entire peaOn Monday night a Special position to withstand the as cetime need Service Rally of the chief gaults of the first few months, Great Britain, which consuProducts of Costa Rica will be Roden, Cutter held for the entertainment of the lack of fuel oil will cost mes 11. 000. 000 tons of oil antheir adversaries the war. He nully ct the present al! who take an interest in this time, points out that Napoleon ar would need for its army, nevy Religious Denomination.
mies moved on their stomach; and air force 27. 000. 000 tons, LOOK!
the modern motorized armies the present consumption of all move on gasoline. No navy can Europe, couting out Russia.
move without oil. Submarines, France, which uses 000. 000 which will be even more des tons, would need 15. 000. 000, tructive in the next war than and Germany military deCOMERCIANTE in the last, require the finest mands even with its prezent re por más de 20 años LOOK!
Establecido en la Provincia quality of oild. Airplanes must duced fleet and only partially Vende al detal, Vinos y Liheve motor and fuel oil that is motorized army, would jump cores extrunjeros y del pais, also 100 per cent pure.
io 12. 000. 000 tons from its preMISCELANEA Shortage of oil will, then, be sent national consumption of abarrotes en general.
ney men tailors.
more disastrous than shortage 000. 000. If the United States Establecimiento esquina of munition. The last barrel of and Japan were to enter Norte del Mercado, the 100K!
Entre a oil of a beleaguered army will war, the needs would be doubuc as dramatic as the last car led and the combined belligetridge.
rent war consumption would With the exception of the na reach 140. 000. 000 tons a year.
tionalized Mexican oil the big The cost of this, the major part CALL TO OUR gest supplies of oil in the world of the world oil production, SUBSCRIBERS are owned or controlled by the would build war debts that United States and Great Bri would sink those of the connected with their well being, value our Journal and apprelant tain.
War into insignificance.
there is not yet that support ciate the efforts we perestently We beg to call the attention being afforded us which we feel di play on your behell, give us France, which has not gone de your support and see that your They hold the key to war or. for the production of either of our patrons to the fact that, our unselfish endeavours despite our peace, except for the develop natural or ynthetic oil, would many efforts in serve.
heighbour becomes a regular ment of synthetic oil. In this, be dependent upon imports from bringong before those concern of the 20. 000 English speak subscriber.
Germany took the lead soon af the United States es such disadvantages which ing people around us, there is Subscribers who are in arrear or Mexico, ter the end of the World War. even for its fleet, unless the Me may from time to time, be ex no reason why a copy of our are asked to remit their amounts Today, under the pressure of citerranean remained open, al perienced by our people, and Weekly, should not be found to Mr: Nation, Box 137, autarchy, Germany is supplying lewing easy access to the pipe our dealing with matters vitally in every home. If you really Limon.
itself from coal mostly low gra lines from Persia, which is hard de coal and lignite amillionly likely. In the present line up ton of motor fuel a year. But, of European alliances, however, the event of war, that is only Great Britain and France, being a fraction of the oil that Ger cn the same side, it is figured, many will need for its armies. could keep the Atlantic Ocean ADMINISTRACION GENERAL DE LA TRIBUTACION The French general staff has routes open.
DIRECTA Suits from C90. 00, upwards. C1. 00 weekly PURCHASE YOUR MEDICINES IN DRUG STORE CEDULA DE IDENTIDAD which merits your Confidence, The Botica Alemana Lic. Paul Kleefeld. Prop.
EL DIA 19 DE AGOSTO PROXIMO COMENZARA DISTRIBUIRSE LAS CEDULAS DE IDENTIDAD CON LAS FOTOGRAFIAS An Important Archaeological Discovery y se previene por última vez a los obligados a portarla que on hayan cumplido con la ley, presentando las declaracion es necesarias en la fórmula blanca marAn advice from Cairo. school in the vinicinty of the cada Nº y haciéndose fotografiar, que la cédula es requisito indispensable Egypt, states that a city of quarries where all the drespara todas las transacciones y para todos los actos del ciudadano, según lo several thousand dead, and a sing was accomplished and dispone el artículo 4º que dice: richly ornamented funeral where men learned how to causeway has been unear cut the stone which was afthed at Sakara.
terwards shipped northward La Cédula es un documento de identificación y como tal Selim Bey Hassan, the dis by way of the Nile.
coverer, said that at least deberá presentarse en los Tribunales, en las oficinas públi20. 000 muinmies were in the cas, en las mesas electorales y en los actos notariales o de necropolis beneath the cau The Noted Reims Cathedral seway which connected a va Restored carácter político, civil o comercial. Tanto las autoridades Hey temple with the funcral chapel of Unas, the last King Silent since the noted edicomo los particulares interesados tienen derecho a exigir la of the Fifth Dynasty fice was largely demolished The necropolis is supposed by the Germans during the presentación de la Cédula.
to antedate the causeway, or World War, the bells of the walled passege, by about 300 ancient Cathedral at Reims.
La fórmula blanca que lleva el NO es la que debe enviarse inmediatayears, though Selim Bey Has France, are reported to have mente a esta Administración con todos los datos de filiación, domicilio, etc.
san said he found evidence pealed for the first time in y puede obtenerse en todas las Gobernaciones, Jefaturas Políticas y Agcacias it was used long after the 24 years, on the 10th. instant, de Policia causeway was built. The dis in announcing the ceremonies covery of the latter is regard which were scheduled for the La demora en obtener la cédula en agosto entrante les oeasionará dificuled as a find of the greatest following day in honour of tades a los obligados a portarla y la Oficina de la Tributación les hace preimportance, as inscriptions on the inauguration of the re.
sente que a última hora no le será posible atender a todos los atrasados.
the walls disclose the source built Cathedral. The Great Sar José, mayo de 1938.
from which the ancient Egyp Bells are hundreds of years tians obtained their granite old, one of them dating back JORGE ARAGON CARLOS LARA and dressed it for use in their to the year 1570. About temples and as statues. 100, 000 persons were expectThe inscriptions told the stoed to take part in the imporry, it is said, of a technical tant event.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    EnglandFranceGermanyWorld War

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