
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE WIRELESS NEWS is a total were Where the Lord guides, the Lord provides: Always remember that the Lord tempereth the wind to the shorn Lamb.
Our devotions should be a daily, contact with God cvoid to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone at leas thus finding the Mid Point of God Peace. Then Editor English Section: C. NATION all our difficulties, disharmonies or anxieties will tend to grow less, and a Divine Adjustment will begin to maYear IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday Ju y 23rd, 1938 No. 204 nifest in our lives. Such Contacts must be in the Spirit 14 of Truth, conscious that we are in the Presence of God.
BANANA RECORD IN JAMAICA THE BRITISH SOVEREIGNS IN FRANCE BUCHAREST The death Despite her numerous draw since the inception of the indusof their moter, the Dowager backs of diseases, winds, rain try in that Island. For the week The visit of King George VI of the dier, the Premier: and Lord Green Maria, brought at least storms, etc. Jamaica, the small ending the 2nd. instant, exporBritish Empire accompanied by lifax, and taken under a strong temporary reconciliation betIsle thrown up in the Caribbean tations totalled 758. 790 stems, lis Queen, to the Republic of guard of Lancers to the Palacio een King Carol of Rumania Sea by, possibly, volcanic ac the second largest movement brance hes outdone all the recent del Eliseo wherethey were given a and his brother Mr. Nicholas tion, still holds her own among for a single week. Another very political moves of Europe.
grand reception and banquet by Diana, now shern of his titles the Banana producing centres o encouraging circumstance zboard President Lebrun. At this brilliant ena in trossing the Channel exile in Italy the world.
sinee also reported in connection with For the past month of June the trade operations for the he Royal Yatch Ercbantress es function the French President de.
orted by French warships which corated Qlueen Elizabeth with the April 1937, for marrying another record was seen by the first six month of the current ave each Sovereign the Royal Great Cross of the Legion of Ho ccmmoner. The King summon exportation of the huge total of year: the grading of the Island alute of twenty one guns on en nour, King George in turn confered his brother to attend the fu 3, 063, 664 stems, which exceed, fruit shews an improvement of uring the Port of Boulogne last ring the Order of the Bath on the neral of the Queen who is to 143, 288. Last month aggregateſ like 1937 period.
ed the June 1937 total by per cent over that for the luesday, they were received by Prusidens. Mons. Lebrun speech be buried tomorrow (Sunday)
Ir. George Eonnet, the Minister of at the Banquet was most signifi. at Jurtea de Argesch beneath was only surpassed on two pre The Costa Rican output for loreign Atairs who presented cent and elaborate, to which the vius occasions in July 1930, June shews weel with a ihe 16th century Cathedral bem to the assembled dignitaries King responded in the most cle.
when 3, 240, 000 stems left the of 623, 325 stems, while the mid the greatest enthusiasm ev gant French. translation of these cloister, where a vault next to Island, and in September of last quantity for the six month totals aced by the enormous crowds and will appear in our next impress that of the husband. King Fer year when exportations reach 2, 707, 096. Jamaica ouput for dinand, has long been preperhe customury salutes from the sion.
ed 3, 066. 630.
the one month of June therefore Blitary Units. On arriving, the From the standpoint of politics for her. The king warned Other significant activities exceeds Costa Rica exportaame evening, in Paris they were cal significance, magnitude of te. Erana he was to leave Rumaobserved during last tions for the half year by scorted, first to the Palace of the coption and elegance, this visit is via immediately after the cere month. The exporting of 356, 568 stems. a wonderful foreign Minister where they were regarded as the most important ain:orics.
783. 447 stems during one weck achieveemnt for so small pined by the President of the Re fair Europe has witnessed since the was much greate: than those producing centre.
jublic and his wife; Mons. Dala great War.
made during a similar period TOKYO The Japanese public is highly incensed over THE WORLD SUGAR INDUSTRY THE CORRIGAN TRANSATLANTIC FLIGHT ihe killing of a Japanese Cor poral and the wounding of a The Sugar producing coun so as to bring the over producThe sensation created as a porsessed passport, landing pa Sergeant by Soviet troops near tries throughout the world are tion down to 186, 750 tons. While on equence of the recent re pers or maps. nor was his ma Chanchalu on the border of ko experiencing much concern with th emembers of the Internacord breaking round the world chine equipped with a radio or rea, Manchukuo and Russia. respect to the industry. In order tional Council handling the might of Howar Hughes had har Icther fancy instruments, his on dispatch from Seoul, Korea, to prevent a serious slump in matter are experiencing the y subsided when the astound fly possession was fifteen do said the Corporal, Sergeant and prices, by keeping the produc greatest anxiety regarding the ng news was broadcast that llars cash. It was, he declared two other Gendarme were firtion on terms of equality with disposal of this surplus, we obDouglas Corrigan, the Cali! is intention to fly to Califor ed upon pointblank by Soviet consumption demands, twenty erve Costa Rica is proposoing to rnian Aviator, had traversedia, but had made the wrong guards while patrolling the one countries met in conference intensify her output of the comhe Atlantic, alone, in his nine run As his flight was unautho frontier well within Manchu last year and fixed the produc modity. Should other countries ear old single engined plane. rized, he was technically detain kuo territory. Moscow has re tion quotas at 622. 000 tons. follow suit, what will happen?
er in Dublin, though it was not jeeted a protest from the Japa There has been an overprodueUS Leaving the Floyd Bennett expected he would Field, New York, at 17 a. much trouble for his accomplish soldiers had invaded encounter nere government, claiming the tion, this year, of 1, 086, 750 TO PAGE 11 Soviet tons, and the delegates to this last Sunday, ostensibly for Cali ment.
conference are not disposed to THE BANANA CONTRACT Cornia, Corrigan nevertheless make further sacrificial cuts in arrived at the Baldenne! AirCorrigan declares he the quota system to cope with port, Dubdin. Ireland, at 20 th most suprised man in the the situation.
This much debated and criticized Tue day. None the worse world when he realized he had matter, which is to control the Bain his most unusual experien nown the Atlantic. He will be Biley Court on the 19th ins to make further reductions in fully pased through all the neces LONDON. Jury in Old Several of the signatories to nana Industry on the Pacific side the five year plan, are willing of the Republic, has now cuccess ce, the American, on landing returning to New York as tant acquitted to the frightened passenger on the Manhattan William Bourne, one of Doctor Aleck 30 crowd that he had just got in which was due to fail from Dutain leading Obstetricians, of this year, agreed on a five per end came at the session of Contheir exportation quotas while sary legislative stages to Brienable others are not. The conference its being carried into effect.
The from New York, that he neither Elin on Thursday last. cherge that he violated the Abortion Law. The patient was 209. 000 tons of surplus produc puties voted in iis favour and 10 cent reduction and as this leftgress last Wednesday when 34 Dea fourteen year old girl who had been attacked bya soldiers tion, Brazil willingly offered to disapproved.
of the Royal House Guards surrender an additional 5, 000 We will, in our next issue, give The Jury deliberated forty mi tonos if Belgium would give up our readers full particulars of the rute. Dr. Bourne said he was 4, 000 and Germany 12, 500 tons contract as now settled.
SERVICIO DE VAPORES prepared to be a Martyr in pro test against crazy and cruel ir terpretations of the English Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con law which allows abortion escola en Cristóbol y Habana.
by to save the life of mother or child. The Royal Family Llevando café para todos los puertos Doctor defended Dr. Bourne Europeos y Americanos actions.
LUMBER YARD VAPORES SALIDAS We have opened a Lumber Yard TALAMANCA RIO DE JANEIRO. Four Julio 24 United States Firms are in liwhere we carry in stock a complete QUIRIGUA Julio 31 nc for a six million dollars rail JAMAICA Agosto assortment of all kinds of Native way equipment order which might have gone to Germany.
Lumber. Special sizes to order. project for improvement of the government owned CenWe also have Portland Cement, RoofF. ALVARADO y Cie. SUCS.
tral Brazil Railway calls for 26 locomotives and 1, 000 cars; ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, TurpenAgentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
the locomotives to be deliverPoro otros informes dirijose a los oficinas de la ed within six to eight months tine and all other building materials.
and the cars in four to six. SEND IN YOUR ORDERS UNITED FRUIT COMPANY pending contract with German ir terests was recently cancelled en los bojos del Gran Hotel Costo Rico ay it is reliably stated that the TELEFONO 3156 proposal did not fix a date for the delivery and prices Limon Division too high.
was UNITED FRUIT COMPANY on LIMON TRADING COMPANY LIMON TRADING COMPANY were Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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