
By Rollo Ahmoi. In The Science of Thought Review Re Recent Robbery, It is probably unnecessary But what of actual Voodoo When such practices as o VoTakes the pleasure of informing his esteemed clientel to explain that Voodoo is a actual Black Magic, as practis doo are referred to at all, they are form of Black Magic. Its rites ed by large numbers of persons commonly mentioned as though that he has removed his Dental Clinic to the apartments are dark and horrible, and read all over the world? Fortunately, such pågan orgies could have to the counterpart in this part of previously occupied by Dr. Badillo, between the Consulate ers will, in all likelihood, con most normal men and women sider such things as having shrink from the very thought world. Unfortunately, th is not of the United States of America and the British Pharmacy Siti So even in the material sense and nothing to do with them. But of it, pandering as it does to the let us think for a moment. The lowest impulses of its devotees, how far less in the mental aspect. y. 100000OOORSCHO majority of people either fear but there is no need to dread its For as we have seda, the true power of all action is not in its Black Magic or disbelieve in it influences and power so exces mere outward perfomance, but in absolutely, but by neither at sively. Black Magic and all kin the Thought and the Desire and titude can they entirely dis dred forces can only hurt us the Will, which le behind. Vie.
associate themselves from it, for it we ourselves have weaknes wed from this angle, even Voodoo Dear Mr. Editor Centeen and Restaurant the real essence of Black Magic ses or secret vices which lay us and Black Magie are reduced to Once more solicit the re ving been broken into the pum or Voodoo is not so much in the open to contact with the evil the level of matters with which wired space in your very va vous night (Sunday) and me burning of certain commodities sent forth. If we are pure in we are liable to link ourselves ler. ble Weekly to say someth ny spoons, forks, plate, sevg or the spilling of blood, as in the mind and ficm in right think through unloving thought, harshing on the recent robbery at cul bottles of liquor and fit thought forces sent out the wishing and doing, there is no Majudgments or ill. condusate acts. the Canteen and Restaurant ma teen colones in cash stolen.
for evil toward a given person gic. of East of West that can Esen a desire to dominate others nuced by Mr. Mitchell, who The thief or thieves, supposde or for a particular end.
affect us. But people do not for our own good, while trying is styled by his few followers diy gained entrance by a small Make on mistake, any one realize this. Some have an al to believe it is for theirs is suf the President of the wicket gate in the oftice, and of us who knowingly harbours most hysteric dread of its pow eient to rank us as Black Magiit is said they spared no time thoughts of malice, places hmm ers. Could they be brought to cians in thought. happened to pas: by their taking away the little value self en rapport with Black realize they need only do so Thus it is easy to see Coat much brilding this morning when they discovered. They are now Magic and in a certain degree in proportion to their own that is considered not even remo observed the President in a wondering Who could it be practises it. This is one of the wrong thinking, and that teartly connected with Black Magic sizle of fright as if he had been and am wondering too, il reasons why illness so often is opens the door for the thing, actually is allied with it. when we attacked by a mad Bull. few their thoughts would be direct the result of wrong thinking and feared, they would then banish proceed to analyse motives and minutes later saw him holded toward me. few days ago an icorrect attitude of mind: the unreasonable dread. otherwise delve beneath the sur og up a post of the buildinga wa charged as the one who and why? because by Prayer face. There are few people who do as if trying to keep it from had reported the liquor selling and an adjustment of the mental The Voodoo of Europe is not not immediately recognize the evil falling. It was at this time that affair. What can they now say?
outlook the ailing condition can less potent than the Voodoo of of Voodoo, even if not accepting got the information of the Edwin Horde be alleviated. Our Lord was em the West Indies, and the evils its magical aspect; but now admiphatic in pointing out the rela courted by those who dabble in rable a thing it would be if men tion between Sin and physical it are legion. Loss of resistence, and women, everywhere, would suffering. Go and sin no more DOMESTIC WORKERS ARE IN DEMAND depravity, terrible obsessions recognize equally the importance said He. Many of us undoubted and frequently, insanity, are the evil under which humanity ly have not sinned in so gross undoubtedly the fruits of practis lobours and suffers, are due WASHINGTON. American to train household workers. His a form as to produce disease: ing Voodoo; no less so the Black much to our own thoughts and 400, 000 do organization has established a Lacults and failings and indiffe houscholds need but nearly all of us, strive as we Magic of which we hear more mestic servants, according to a household service demonstration rences as the next man may, fall from harmony and familiarly. But we need not Department of Labo survey project, under the shadow of the this in itself depletes the phys fear that those who practise it We dream of Peace, we long for which discloses a wide need for Capitol. Here an initial group ical and etheric body, and leaves can harm us unless we harbour Harmomy, in our own lives and trained chauffeurs, cooks, house of thirty one colored women.
us a prey, mentally, to under some seed of resemblance to for the world lauge, but not keepers, janitors, laundresses, taken from WPA rolls. have irable thought influences. their thoughts ard ways. If, in until we can rid ourselves of the nurses and other domestics. been trained by experienced was once consulted by a lady warly, we know that this is so, Voodoo of petty jealousies, and the In connection with this need, teachers in home economies, for who was very distressed by an then we need to set our selves of hundred and one little failures from the president of the United Go domestic work, marketing and evil influence which was over with ardent Will and prayer to love, which mar our progress, canvernment Employes, Inc. has the management of upto date shadowing her home life, and red ourselves of the danger pot we hope to achieve that freedom urged that relief funds be used American homes. The teachers particularly encroaching more within the vety house of minds.
which fears no evli.
place special emphasis on trainand more, on her favourite ing students in the use of the daughter. Althougth vague and mechanical and electric ар.
intangible, the malign fear grew with alarming rapidity FRANCE SECURES AIRBASE pliances that play so large and NUMBER OF REICH EMPLOYEES SET RECORD part in the modern household.
threatened to become an obsesIN AZORES sion. In the course of my ques BERLIN. It has been of whom were only partly emtioning, the lady told me Inounced that the number of ployable.
PARIS The French and Por BOOTH hate various people who have employed workers and office em The unemployment figure for tuguese Governments have reach slighted my daughter, and ployes in Germany, without the Reich is lower than Austria ed an accord giving France the BEST nightly pray for their punish Austria, had reached 19, 850, 000, although the latter has only one right to use the Azores Islands BAKED ment. God always let me see my or 1, 300, 000 more than the pre tenth the population of the as a base for a French North BERLIN enemies suffer. Here an vious record high in July, 1929. Reich. The number Austrian Atlantic BREAD aviation service, otherwise generous and kindly BUNS The number of unemployed unemployed is put at 351. 000, cource close to the Foreign Miwoman, practising mental Black has consequently dropped BISCUITS CAKES to although the number was redue nistry has disclosed.
Magic, but she would not agree the low record of 338. 000 most led by 65, 000 during May.
that this was so and, indeed, was Negotiations are to be opened THE PEOPLE BAKERY offended when pointed out the soon, it was said, to fix the Box 179. Limon source of the trouble. It may terms.
be difficult to return good for The United States, Great Britevil in all circumstances, but it ain and Germany have received is the only way to be absolutely permission from Portugal to use The village of Matina has been. After the child had been with the the Azores for proposed transatsure that the Black Magic can deeply stirred in consequence of se peoplefor a short time, the lantic lines. Portugal agreed in not touch us. So many things, so the most dastardly crime commit nora who specially common in our world, are the ted by a father on his eight year her, discovered that something very islands in November, 1936, but looked after principle to French use of the instruments of the Dark Forces. old child unusual was wrong with the girl: technicalities had been holding Gossip. injustice, harsh criticisms, are not just human piced for steaing Cononuts on The man, a native, was arrest and on examining and questioning up negotiations.
the her, the most inhuman acts of the cadilloes, but barbs of evil farm of Mr. Gutierrez, and as he father were discovered and she con which may ruin others, and in wes being brought here for deten fessed he had repeatedly tamper soon as the culprit has served his Fábrica de Hielo jure us, probably more than we tion pending his trial, he left the ed with her.
can. Inow, until this phase of life child under the care of a family sentence of three months for the Refrescos The Police Authorities have ta Praedial Larceny, he will be arу is laid aside.
with whom he was acquainted. ken charge of the matter and as Iraigned for this heinous affair.
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