
ATURDAY, JULY 23rd 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE 193: News From Guacimo e value lospitals. Clinics. Health Resorts. Hotels. Butchers Shops. Dwelling Houses RECIBA LA SUERTE THE BAPTIST CENTENARY Llega el siete de Agosto CON SETENTA CINCO MIL COLONÉS We are asked by the Rev. A secular concert took place on, regret having to mention Forde to announce that it was his this inetntion, as well as that of many the lower floor of the Beacon Hall but one has to be fair and just on the 12th. instant. The weather do know what the future of our PANAMA RICE INDUSTRY of the high dignataries of the was fair, and as the result of the younger generation in Englad will be, Baptist Denomination ue, it is said to the great operating expenses. This proved and the United States of America, months of elaborate preparations such conduet be persisted in rest the government of the so successful that soon the go to have assembled in the Island of the Hall was filled to standing ca On account of the persistent ru hel blic of Panama, has within Ivernment mills were unable to Jamaica for this very important pacity deness of the youths, and the noise The first item on the Programme they made, very little of the items Ens ht years, been evincing in handle the output, and the ap event, but due to he recen labour late Rice Industry, there are now pearance of privates ones com disurbance here, his was consid was an appeal toy boys entitled could be heard this of course care five privately owned mills menced. These rapidly increas ered unadvisable. Just listen Boys and dont be rused general alfappointment. Two macy ating throughout that cou ed until, as stated above, there Pasor Forde however begs that de, but we regret to say the re of these youngsters were put outIn addition to the three own are 45 profitably operating at all Lodges, Associations and inte. quest might have been more suc side by the police, but even this cessful had it been directed to the failed to improve conditions.
ly the government.
present. The latest one has been ested artie will make a supreIt his hoped that on all future ome government initiated its installed in the town of Chepo, me effort to attend the great Func lower animals. The platform very this occasions, when a permit is issued paign in aid of the industry and is of sufficient capacity we tion at the Mission here on the unfortunately gave way, at ry saking cash advances to the understand, to handle the entire ist. of August, so that the event wiederheith the actors. and this can for similar functions, he police vators; of may be boys go and will have complete of beyond all control despite repeated objetionable characters.
the installation of three mo Chepo and Pacora.
wiht no less an importance and Correspondent.
the mills and the inauguration It is hoped that ere long we magnitude than elsewhere outside calls for a more amiable display.
and ne system whereby the proof this country will experience Jamaica.
Es was purchased direct from similar activities and so afford and litrowers, threshed and clean us a lowering in the prices of tolea nd sold at a price allowing this every day necessity. THE SELECTION OF MISS upea sufficient margin to cover JAMAICA STANDARD THE VOGUE TAILORS On Friday the 8th. instant, are the Independent Selection ComJ. Rogers mittee, with the Hon. Sydney 200 Cargill as Chairman, selected Miss Casserley, Secretary to the Motor Car and Supplies Buy Your Suits on Easy De Co. Ltd. of Kingston, Jamaica, es Miss Jamaica Standard to represent that Island and the JaPayment Plan amica Standrd Newspaper in London and Glasgow.
See Our Lines of The readers of the Standard Newspaper chose, we underst. Tweeds, Serges, Palm and, some two score of the IsSHOULD NEVER BE WITHOUT Beach, Linens and lands most beautiful and accomplished young ladies, and Drills.
bled from these the ten most eligible, tration educantionoaly, culturally and AROMA DELICIOSO.
otherwise, were selected and Make your choice. Pay grou placed before the Committee.
any amount from one romen So close were the attainments have and qualifications of these that colón upwards. We make enced it is said the Committee was for faced with a most difficult task The selection, however, dwindUnder led to two, Miss Madge Magnus satisfaction.
and Miss Winnie Casserley; and on the final vote of the Committee being taken Miss Casserley became the lucky one by ge the small margin of the Chairman casting vote.
The final selection was made at the Carib Theatre in the pre Standard health had been ap successfully fulfil her responsisence of an immence audience who cheered and applauded as propriately drunk and Bon bilities, by not only creating the girls went through their Voyage wished her, she was among the most critical society trying experiences, which includ presented with the following folk of the world the most plaascharm special gifts among others: an ing impressions of her ed a turn at the Microphone.
Elizabeth Arden red During this function each young travelling case containing every difficult work of convincing the morocco and personality, but the more presented with Leather Hand Bag on benalt of article which may be required people of Britain of the beauties the Directors of the Theatre, a during the trip abroad; a Max of her Island home as a Tourist Max Factor Beauty Set on be Factor Gift Set; two cartoons resort as the specially chosen of Chesterfields; a dozen tubes representative of the Standhalf of the Local Representative of Forham Tooth Paste and aard newspaper. Nothing of this of the Manufacturers, and a Five bottle Pound Note, the gift of of Forvial Perfume, kind has ever before taken place the while the Standard Newspaper.
Propietors of the in any of the other Caribbean DOBLE FUERZA In the well known business places of Islands, consequently this new evening of the same day, the ten Messrs. Nathan Co. and Issa method of boosting Jamaica finalists were also entertained at a Dance at the popular Glass Bros. placed their stores at her charms and the beauty, pleasBucket Club, where they were disposal for the selection of her og personality and educational the recipients of other presents personal outfit.
abilities of her people will be including a Miss Casserley left Jamaicaearefully watched with the hope special Souvenir on the 19th. instant for London that the expectations of all will Pin from the Management of the Club. After Miss Jamaica it is fully expected she will and later on for Glasgow, where be fully realized.
your suit fo your entire FLY 20 hold.
RAYO inse TICIDA lady was a SES The Insecticide with the Greatest Death Dealing potency Order it for your Grocery Drug Store or Butcher Shop, Sold in half Bottles and Gallons in all Drug Stores and Groceries.
LUIS WA CHONG GUACIMO y GUAPILES Droguería COSTA RICA Cantina, Licores Extranjeros y del país Tienda bien situada Abarrotes en general BIG REDUCTIONS IN SONG BOOKS: CHORAL TREASURY: CHORAL ANTHEMS: CHILDEN HOSANNAS, etc. at Jack Orane Sucs.
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