
bth 76 10. 15 Compañía de Vapores 74 Cosecha 1937 1938 las obtained its rapid and great popularity by havng cured an immense number of persons who sufPUERTOS AGENCIAS Junio. 1958 ered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These aow gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from Such complaints as Fecha RESCO. FIA y CIA VAPOR Total COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION Londres 2041 Jun 516 Cordillera 376 Amsterdam 216 76 Veragua Curacao.
100 645 Crijnssen 646 Génova 80 555 AFTERMATH OF STRIKES IN JAMAICA Colombia 539 Havre 93 25 77 Phoenicia 77 New York 70 24 876 Colombia 876 Vluch is now being mention, One, he said, was decorated with Cristobal 74 Quirigua 74 of the Unions in formation a Black Cross and a triple Jamaica, as a consequence of evidently meant to represent Total 604 SO 2524 Total 604 recent albour troubles there Klu Klux Klan. it threatened din other parts of the British he would be taken if he continust Indies. Almost every ed to advocate the cause of the nch of the public and govern labourers.
nt services is said to be inau great demonstration; in ating its own Union and which every class of the Isding delegations to the Orland workers is expected to als in charge of the Island partie pate, is being Fecha UFCO RNSSCO HAPAG arranged VAPOR Total hinistration, The Railway for the 1st day of August next, rkers Union is already func and the Authorities are maksing and the commercial em ing all preparations to avoid Jun. 316 Cordillera 316 yees are following suit. The disorders. 76 Veragua 76 y group who seem not to With the view of compensat 10 646 Crijnssen 646 e been sufficiently aroused ing the Police Force for their 13 539 Corombie 539 the Domestic Servants, faithful services during the try 23 77 Phoenicia.
77 pite the oppression they ex ing period of the strikes, the 24 876 Colombia 870 lience from time to time. Fund being raised for the purp 26 Mr. Bustamante, the Labour ose and known as the Police Quirigua ader, asserts his life has been Reward Fund has reached the Total 150 1522 393 539 Total 604 eatened as he had received very respectable sum of.
eral letters to that effect. 11, 477, 136.
Total Café Embarcado SUCCESSES OF TWO COLOURED COSTA RICAN GIRLS de Octubre de 1937 al 30 de Junio 1938 The New York Amsterdam, ca for the United States in 166, 993 SACOS May 28th, gives a glowing 1930, entered the Lincoln bort of the successes obtain School for Nurses, and graduatCLASE DE CAFE by forty two Nurses who re ed, as previously stated, in May htly received their Diplomas of this year. She is now employCAFE ORO 2, 346 sacos 174. 139 kilos.
om the Lincoln School, Newed in the Lincoln Hospital. Miss CAFE PERGO 258 16, 430 ork. Among them are the Mis Demmitt had a goal. She posses Vida Anglin and Mercedes es a true Christian character, 2, 604 190, 569 Demmitt of this country, the high ideals und an indomitable ary ter being well known to us. will, hence her success. All acRUMBO ans ated a le is the daughter of Mr. and quainted with her cannot but rs, Demmitt of Siquirres, and congratulate her, and wish her NORTE 70 sacos 4, 830 Kilos.
IS characterized, from nds to an a career of much usefulness, in SUR 2, 584 185, 39 rly age, as a modest and lady which the ATLANTIC VOICE direct 2, 604 190, 569 per se girl. Her Teachers pron: joins most heartily.
uced her a buddin intellectual nius. After the close of her pool term, in English, she was THE CITYS BALNEARIO Comme CALL TO OUR PUBLIC DEBT AVERAGES 285 PER INHABITANT it to the Colegio del Sagrado olon la razon de Jesus Cartago, The final figures, recently sión, as well as to the much eir na Mere she passed three The many, many friends SUBSCRIBERS nment released bw the Treasury Dep. Targer sums required for natioyears quiring a knowledge of Span of don Abel Robles are proud artment of the United States nal defense purposes. Musie, painting, and other to know he had taken over We beg to call the attention regarding the government fieful arts. On leaving the Col the management of our City l of our patrons to the fact that, narcial operations for the fiscal He her parents took her to Rio Balneario by purchase from despite our many efforts in year which closed on the 30th VERY WORTHY APPEAL ndo where she conducted a the former lessee, zo it is now bringong before those concern June last, disclose that the Nay School and undertook the left to our citizens to showed such disadvantages which tion Public Debt has reached e of many young girls from their oft expressed appreciaDear Sir: may from time to time, be ex the total of 37, 164, 740, 315, 45 ier Districts. Here she exem tion of the accustomed cour perienced by our people, and This exceeds the previous year May be allowed, through the fied herself as one worthy oftesy and afability of don courtesy of your paper, to inform and vocation and left the best im our dealing with matter vitally total by 740, 126, 583, 00 Abel.
the Members of our Eraternal Bocassions behind her.
connected with their well being, produces an average of While there is no gainsaying there is not yet that support 285. 70 for each man, woman dies and other Organizations reMiss Demmitt left Costa Ri the fact that as Comandante garding our Centenary Celebraof Police and later as Provin being afforded us which we feel and child in the nation. In addition to this huge sum, the go gust in the Baptist Church.
tion to be held on the 1st. of Audecial Inspector of Haciendo don our unselfish endeavours vernment is said to be liable for Abel carried out his duties serve various other amounts aggregat. tations to all, but in the event of It is my intention to send invirigidly, yet there was at all ti of the 20. 000 English speakFROM PAGE tors, ing the sum of 4, 825, 000, 000.
any of these not reaching on time, e price of the manufactured mes an absence of that unnecesing people around us, there is The marked increase in the am now asking for the co opersour ticle would drop to ten cents sary austerity resortel to by no reason why a copy of financial obligations of the tion of every one concerned.
mdr pound, to the ruin of the some officials when occupyng Weekly, should not be found country is due, it was expain Bustry as the smaller soch positions. Don Abel has in every home. If you trust there will be a spirit of really cane ed, to the need of continued Unity combined with much enthuunters would have to go out always commanded not only value our Journal and appreborrowings to meet the highest respect, but the locate the efforts we persistently created by the prolonged depres business.
defieits siasm for the great occasion ve of every WM. FORDE.
member of our di play on your behall, give us West Indian community. and your support and see that your we feel it is but right we should neighbour becomes a regular ors.
give recognition to his worth subscriber.
end forgetting unwise rulings Subscribers who are in arrear Wee. Le o past Administrations, rally are asked to remit their amounts cround him at the Bath to to Mr. Nation, Box 137, MATINA y 24 MILLAS ESTRADA help him in making a success Limon.
Precios Economics ef the venture.
Los más surtidos Establecimientos de Artículos del Pais HAGASE RICO LICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES Abarrotes y Licores Ayude a las Instituciones de Caridad Háganos una visita LA IBERIA COMPRE LOTERIA NACIONAL Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
paid HE WORLD at dibe best SALOMON CHIN HOP LEE LUNG 200, eekly


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