
THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE Even as everything we can see is the result of Thought; so everything may be altered or modified by Thought, and there is nothing so bad or hopeless but co nbe transformed ond remedied by the process of right thinking devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Editor English Section: SC. NATION Be ye renewed in the Spirit of your mind, that ye put on the new mon which, after God, is created in nant eousness and holiness of Truth.
Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday July 301h. 1938 No. 205 on a part in of a EAST AND WEST IN COMPETITION MR. ROMAGOSA NEW APPOINTMENT The Contract regarding the There are others who contend a hipping port, must be susBananı operations on the Paci that the commereiai life of Li trined. There will be a weekly Don Juan Romagosa term Ti ho is now leaving us for a side of Costa Rica is now de men will be severely curtailed. ipment for the western maras one of the Legi lative Repre more lucrative position in one nitely agreed on between the This is so even now, due, appa lets of the United States, but sot tatives for this Province ha of the more Southern Republics, Government and the United rently, to the absence of this the bulk of exportations must ving expired, his place was th No more cuitable person than Fruit Company, and it is left year. Cecao crop, urd the slow always be across the Atlantic Fen. as the result of the last don Juan could, in our opinion to be seen what effect it will ha movement in our Banana out Ocean; and es it would hardly elections, by don Rafael Eduar have been chosen to carry Va on this the Alantic Zone. The rut. Our best Bananas are now te to the financial interests of te, who, by the way we note, is the important work: His wide are those of the opinion that using produced on the swampy lae Company to incur the addiverthily filling the vacancy. experiences; his knowledge of the operations on the Western lords along the coast, hence tional costs of sending those We were experiencing some the English and French langua Coest of the country will have a continued rains are destrimen hipments by way of the Panaamount of Anxious, curiosity ges, to which a smaller percen rury disastrous effect on a con ial But, really, the Western demo Canal, we are confident no fegarding the possibility of our tage of the Germen can be ad truance of the development of velopment is not yet affecting untoward effects will be obsercver being again afforded the ced: his intimate acquaintance re are those of opinion that us, and will not do so to any ved in so far as this Port is opportunity of ecuring the ser with foreign customs and abo the industry on this side. serious extent if we can keep concerned. In addition, when we vices of don Juanito which had ve all, bis gentlemanly deport It might, of course, be only a up our usual normal output. cbserve the great improvements teen throughout so lengthened merit toward all persons un tlind man who would venture One thing is certain, Limon, as TO PAGE 11 seriod Tarticularly devoted doubtedly befft him to further the decision that there is no reatu ihe best interests of our pro extend the succes es already obso1. for entertaining such an opi vince of Limon, hence our plea tained in this branch of our eco, rion. The lands avsilable for WIRELESS NEWS sure on learning that he had nomic and social welfare. Binana cultivation, within been recently selected to sue Don Juanito will enter on reasonable distance from our HAIFA Jerusalem. More, Murphy. hunger has driven cricered Mr. Alfredo Sasso as the his new duties in a day or two existing means of transportaGerente of our National Tourist and so we take this opportunition, are exhausted as regards blood was being spilled during the kets to seek a diet of snake meat past few days in the Arab. Jewish Murphy said the crawlers, by a Board. The succes which Costa ly of extending him, as hosts fertility, or will be so within warfare in what were regs rded as mass attack, forced three rattlesRica has achieved as a Tou of others have already done another half a decade, there reprisals for bombings, which kill nakes into pits where they swarnTut Resort is, in a very great cur heartfelt congratulations fore, without extensive railway ed sixty five and injured 107 per ed over them and soon Icft no measure, due to the zeal and with the hope for a long and constructions toward the North sons, of whom sixty one were trace of the buildi. Ordinarilly untiring efforts of Mr. Sasso, most beneficial term.
crn and Southern ends, that is Arabs. Concerted attacks on the the crickets prey on field crops.
reaching into the Colorado San Jewish populace were prevented by AN AWFUL AEROPLANE WRECK Carlos areas, on the one side, British Marines standingguard TOKYO The government con er the Sixaola Talamanca divi with mounted light artillery at the firms the press reports regarding Right in the heart of the Repub, caith in the midst of the immenseſsion on the other, our Provin boundaries of the Arab. Jewish the battle which took place, recent.
lic of Colourbia a most distressing g:thering will certainly be unable to quarters.
ly between Japanese and Russian catastrophe has occurred which is Never has an accident of this na supply the large amount of first forces on the frontiers of Monchuup to this, known to be respon ture been witnessed before in the class fruit the Company must sible for the loss of 53 lives and Americas, except that of the Von have. Even if such railway ex than a dozen shots were fired it PONCE, Puerto Rico. More kuo and Siberia. According to the Minister of oreign Relations, 2, 000 injuries to as many as 200 persons. Hindenburg.
tensions were made, its doutful the Governor of Puerto Rico in an Soviet soldiers took possession of While taking part in the festi Lieutenant Abedia and his As hin the areas in these directions attempt to assassinate him while an Lland in the Usuri river, and vities in commemoration of Simon sistants were burnt to death Bolivar, Lieutenant Cesar Abadia there is no one to say anything ve to warrant the heavy expen brating American occupation so would prove sufficiently extensi he was reviewing a parade cele invading the Manchu territory set fire to two villages. They were of the Air Force was carrying out positive as to the cause of the certure. As a proof we note the Island. He was not hurt, al however attacked by 500 Manchu certain manoeuvres in the presen rible mishsp, it was however said Dr. Chittenden ha contracted though the attack precipitated soldiers, and after a battle which ce of President Lopez and his Ca he was at the tine carrying out a vith the government that the shooting affray in which two Puer lasted for five hours, the Russians binet, Dr. Edusrdo Santos, the Pre most daring and difficult Leat. He Company will, on its own ac to Ricans were killed and at least retired. It is said that the govsident. Elect; the Diplomatic Mi was considered a most daring count, place 000 hectareas un. 31 wounded. One of those killed is ernment of Tokyo has materially nisters of all the accredited coun lot and was in 1934 suspended from tries, and in the sight of more than service for performing one of his cer cultivation on the Western said to be a member of the Na changed its policy with respect to coast withing four years.
tionalist Party, a group demand the activities of the Soviet Union 50, 000 spectators, drawn from all stunts immediately over the ing that the Island be made indeclasses of the populace, when ans. Houston with President Roose. There have we, on this pendent of the United States. HAIFA, Jerusalem. Hevzi Ab explosion of the motor of the plavut aboard, there endangernes such an area capable of pro dul Amid, the Head of the Arab ne caused an immediate burst of the life of the pride of the Aner wein volv: it PARIS. The body of Semuel Church in the Holy Land, was as.
flames and hurled the machine toican people.
hich is evidently required by Insell, former Chicago Utilities Ope sassinated on the 27th. instant while tlie Compe. rator who died here has been sent officiating in a Mosque do Acre.
to London for burial in the Insuil The assassin fired three shots at family plot at Putney Vale. him and escaped. It is expected TO CONTROL that this incident will originate ELYN, Nevada. Liceording to another period of terror BANANA TRADE a report made by Rarger Morley.
Salidas semanales de Limón paro Nueva York con Banana companies in Ecuador are escala en Cristóbal to revise required Habona. their existing contracts in Llevando café para todos los puertos keeping with a new law. This will affect the local subsidia Europeos y Americanos ry of the United Fruit Com LUMBER YARD VAPORES SALIDAS pany, which has developed banana planting on a considerable scale in recent years. We have opened a Lumber Yard QUIRIGUA Julio 31 The new law restricts the JAMAICA ownership of land to 175. 000 where we carry in stock a complete Agosto acres and provides for sale VERAGUA Agosto 14 within five years of any in assortment of all kinds of Native excess of this in lots of 150 acres to Ecuadorian planters.
Lumber. Special sizes to order Failure of the owners to com ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS.
ply within the time limit will We also have Portland Cement, Roofresult in expropriation of the Agentes paro Limón y Puntarenas.
excess land by the governing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpen.
tine and all other building materials.
Paro otros informes dirijase a los oficinas de lo Banana companies are reUNITED FRUIT COMPANY quired to buy 50 per cent of SEND IN YOUR ORDERS their fruit for exportation en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costo Rico from native planters. An ins pector appointed by the Minis TELEFONO 3156 ter of Welfare is authorized to regulate the quality and Limon Division prices of the fruit.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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