
PAGE THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, JULY 30th, 1938THE FREE CATHOLIC CHURCH HUGE REPTILE LA MIXTURA DEL DR. MAX PERALTA During th earlier part of For some time now this Reli the similar name could not be in last wee Ir. Jasper Franha conquistado rápidamente la gran popularidad de que gious Denomination has been en scribed.
cis caught an immense snake hoy goza, por haber curado multitud de personas que An appeal was made against this on his farm situate about two padecion del higado y del estómago, las cuales agrade deavouring to gain a complete foot cidas le recomiendan de corazón a sus amistades que ting here, and as previously men ruling of the Registrar General miles from this city.
tioned in these columns, the inte Lic. Alfredo Sanchez, to the Civil Not being sufficiently acsufren de afecciones tales como: rested parties requested the ins Appeal Court, and as the decision quainted with Zoo history, Estreñimiento, mal aliento, dolor de cabeza, cription of their Society as is the wes here upheld, the matter was we regret our inability to gi case with other denominations, un carried before the Final Court of ve our readers the scientific inapetencia, desarreglos del cutis, mareos, der the controlling Laws. The Ad Appealwhere the Judges have name of the reptile, but its biliosidad, mala digestión.
ministrator of the Office of Pub just given their decision which al skin can be seen at the home lie Record however refused to have so agrees with that of the Lower of Mr. Francis. It measures, the inseription made from the fact Court. The denomination will the without the head which was that the Catholie Church being refore not be permitted operate carefully removed, eleven SECOND APPEAL TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE LIMON alred; registered as the religion in the country under its chosen icet eight inches long with a of the Nation, another Society with namic breadth of 11 12 inches at the DIVISION OF THE central part.
When the carcass was open Mr. Mitchell, front us, and re establishing HAD THE POWER od twenty. one young ones, Dear Sir.
inve, peace and concord among all alive, were discovered in the abdomen. The mate was ail. We, therefore, expect that BY EDWIN HORDE would place Mr. Jonathan known to be in the vicinity Within a few short hours our you will, a: the Chief Executive Mitchell, President. of the where this one was caught annuel cycle will bring us the of our Mother Division, throw Had the Power in a barrel and but it very unfortunately got eighteenth anniversary of our open the Doors of your City would confine certain Dic roll him around our City. away from this pursuers, First International Convention, Hall to all for such a Convenwhen our Declaration of Rights, tion. In order to strengthen the latorial Bodies of International fame in Concentration Camps to would have all men and consisting of forty Articles, or foundation, it is wise, that we be located in the heart of Ethio women, particularly those of my Scctions, issued to the stert working from the bottom, pia.
Race develop a keener sense of world. Delegates and Well wi and thereafter extend to the Human Values and so create shert of the Organization will branches. Lack of love and uniI would have the peoples of a more tolerant disposition in again be assembling in Toronto, ty have prevented our progress the world realize that the Ethio our comunity.
Canada, to further discuss, and You know this, Sir, as much as pian Cause is not lost.
ir posible, solve the difficult we do; and you also know, as would spnsor a progamme problems of the Race. Every, we too do, that the other Races whereunder African History and Fábrica de Hielo Division of the Association is value. in keeping with our adI would have Representatives Culture would be taught in all expected to do likewise.
vancement or capabilities there. of Colour in the National Con the Public Schools of Costa Ri. Refrescos As the Limon Division is the for.
gress of this Republic.
Mother House in Costa Rica, it sincerely trust that even at LIMON vould be unwise, and certainly this late hour you will recognize against the best interests of our the necessity of falling in line MOSQUITO CRAFT BIDS ASKED entire Group, to assemble el with the proposal and so make sewhere.
another real effort to bring WASHINGTON. Prelim other countries have experi.
In my Letter, appearing in Tout a better, more prosperous inary steps have been taken mented as a means of sinkthe Atlantic Voice impression situation, in worthy commemora by the Navy Department in ing under. water ships and of the 2nd. Instant, directed tion of the Convention Eigh its program of building expe launching torpedoes against LA FLORIDA jour attention to the good ad teenth Anniversary rimental high speed mosquito surface vessels.
vice interior and expectacraft for use against subma Designs for four types of mo Fábrica de Hielo tions of some of the more Eugene Roper. rines nd surface craft. Pri tor torpedo boats and subma worthy members of our Race, July 1938.
vate builders have been askrine chasers will be invited. Venta de Leche and suggested the removal of ed to submit designs to see One will be a 165 foot steel the barrier we so thoughtlessly LD. NOTE. We congratulate if they could improve on plans submarine chaser, the second Maderas erected against our progress. Mr. Roper for his thoughts so the navy itself is preparing a 110 foot wood submarine Em sure you read my letter, but apily expressed. If all, who are for the boats.
chaser, the trird a 70 foot mo as you have not responded and really interested in this imporbe tor torpedo boat of the time et our disposal is short. take this opportunity spirit being displayed by Mr. cal year. The craft are of the a 54 foot motor torpedo boat (VIENE de la Pae UNO to remind you that the Memb Koper, we are sure all unplea type with which Italy andl of wood construction. cortesia protocolaria que riers of the Association are quite santnesses and other difficulge en materia de negocios, ha ready to assemble, for the pur tes would soon cease and real procedido en este caso con pose of unravelling the serious unity be restored.
The Strengthening of the British Air Force una rectitud y una altivez problems which so glaringly con encomiástica.
According to the information, be possible.
De haber sido esta la mis100. 000 received from well informed It is believed among the Mil ma politica, anteriormente, el UNA DEMANDA CRECIENTE.
circles, the London Press state tary authorities that this annual Royal Bank no habría podithat the plans for speeding up production will be sufficient to do cerrar su sucursal en San Han tenido los billetes de la LOTERIA NACIONAL the construction of machines enable Great Britain to maintJosé y dar por finicados sus del sorteo extraordinario.
for the Royal Air Force are so libros, cuando quedaba sin ain a superiority over all other ADQUIERA UD. PRONTO SU BILETE GANE far advanced, that the Experts Continental forces, considera cubrir un saldo del Gobierno concerned estimate that within tion being given to such losses que por cualquier descuido o 75. 000 two years the production of as may be experienced as the por consecuencia de los cam25. 000 planes per announm will result of war.
bios de Goberno, y la forma LA LOTERIA PUEDS ENRIQUECERLO!
en que dicho saldo se produjo, se ignoro por luengos COMPRE SU BILLETE anos.
e led fire on the second man, La censura de este procediwho appeared on the other miento del banco extranjero ecco CCOO 00000O6806990s side of the gun. It is believed Wee. Le tiene que ser dura, porque es that the second intruder was bueno ir haciendo sanción y CANAL SENTRY SHOOTS AT TWO MEN wounded, forlater a trail of ESTRADA presentando las cosas binod was found leading to BALBOA, Canal Zone. sentry at Fort Kobbe recent the jungle.
Precios Economics son. No sólo la usura, en materia bancaria, es merecedoTwo men suspected of a pos ly according to the local An investigation is being Articulos del Pais sible attempt to damage a 16 Press.
ra de todo reproche; estas vo carried out by the police of luntarias omisiones, tambien inch gun defending the At The centry challenged a Panama and of the Canal Zo Abarrotes y Licores pueden poner una sombra en lantie entrance to the Pana man near the fun and fired ne in conjunction with the LA IBERIA ma Canal were fired on by al when he ran. Then he open United States Army.
el prestigio de una institución cuando logra probarse que hubo malicia y dolo en consumación.
Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON This bill must be paid at our office before dentro de los primeros 10 días the 10th of the month.
de cada mes.
ABOGADO Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which y NOTARIO PL BLICC de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
Oficina: Altos Pascual Ingianna so tint matter. would emulate the spent on the program this fis wood of metal, an athe fourth El caso del Roya. SALOMON CHIN como su COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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