
PAGE 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, JULY 30th. 1933 Full steam ahead Brevities from Here and There ho for which the Company Success in life Lasting youth VIRILINETS.
The Government of Nicaragua, Court of San José has thrown out se held the opinion tha: Mr.
has placed special taxes on Coste claims made against the Norrano de:th was occasioned meticcs, Perfumes, Silk, Gaso thern Railway Company by the recauses line, Naptha, lubricating Oil and latives of the late Lic. Guillermo could not be held responsible. An Greases to cover the cost of the Serrano for the total sum of two appeal has been lodged against the country extensive Road build hundred thousand colones. The Jud decision.
ing programme, including her section of the International THE BANCO DE COSTA RICA Highway.
by means of Following on the resignation of the following day when don Alejo Mr. Manuel Montejo, as Gerente Aguilar Bolondi was elevated ot Presirent of the Institution the Presidency.
British Medicos have threat shareholders met on Sunday last We wish the new administration ened a stay in strike in a lw and elected don Jorge Hine to the unbounded success.
ther effort to prevent the ad position. Don Jose Joaquin Alfaro, for the Rejuvenation of men.
mission of additional Austrian the Sub. Gerente, was also nomi physicians to practise in Eng nated, but the voting produced an Cotizaciones para entreWomen take FERTILINETS to preserve Youth and Beauty the Medical Practitioners Union who actually occupied the position gas fuluras de Cacao declared that, if representations of rPesident of the Institution to Parliament foiled, more dras Board of Directors. The voting was MERCADO DE NUEVA YORK tic action would be taken. so. 1025 in his favouras against 61 SOLD BY ALL DRUGS STORES mething to arouse the whole! The votng represents the wishes Setiembre 06 country, something that may of the holders of more than 000 Diciembre 23 LIMON NEW HOSPITAL develop into what is known as shares. The Board of Directors met Marzo 27 a Staly in Strike.
The new construction intendedral one inch steel bars interspersed thouse the government Hospi between the half inch ones, so as al is being pushed ahead, but to better resist vibrations in case there is one thing which very for of earth shocks and afford greater It was recently disclosed that cibly strikes one, that is, the size protectio to the second floor. during the first twelve months and strength of the earth. qurke The designer of the construction of the Chino japanese war Ame Jroof re inforcement bars.
must have been regarded a rican firms sold more than a thing be worth doing. of experience and capability: Luis 20. 0000. 000 worth of war supought to be worth. while doing no one who is also experienced pl es to both nations. The figures it well. Accoding to the plans, in constructions of the kind, it given by the State Department this edifice is to be a two story might be opportune to make this show that China had made purone, and so it would have been observation of healthy criticism.
chases to the value of 12, 559, 741 supposed that the lower floor would and Japan 7, 664, 413 be re. inforced by at least seveArchitect Ove DUCUDOS0002 The Judge of the First Civil SHOULD NEVER BE WITHOUT man If Hospitals. Clinics. Clinics. Health Resorts. Hotels. Butchers Shops. Dwelling Houses Guillermo Niehaus Co. TO IMPROVE RAILROADS AROMA DELICIOSO.
FRY Sólo el capital.
RAYON arsu inse TICIDA LIMON, COSTA RICA SANTIAGO, Chile. OrMADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS ders amounting to more than 10. 000000 reichsmarks have Compro cacao Material de Tranvía been placed in Germany by the Chilean Government, to Servicio de cabotaje a Cahuita y Pto. Viejo modernize state rairoads.
Importación de mercadería en general.
Streamlined trains later will be imported and four elec tric substations built. The pre sent order includes sixteen electric cars, three electric lo comotives, and seven steam (Viene de la Pág. UNO) damos de que, siguiendo nues locomotives.
tro tiquismo se haya ido más group of German manu dad, en punto a haberes, ni allá, haciendo concesiones pa facturers is allowing credit forma de recalificarlos, y me ra evitar molestias y discu for seven years with per nos compulsión para que el siones. Pero si el plan gene per cent interest.
pago estuviera al dia. Gracias ral está aceptado: lógico seque el fisco ha tenido buenas ría rematarlo en forma entradas por otros conceptos, mónica, para que tenga toda tarios; en fin, organiza como exportaciones e impor su virtualidad. Porque mu economía en forma ajustada taciones: venta de licor, etc. chas leyes no han podido dar a la ciencia y las prácticas de Que de otra suerte se habría sus resultados, no por falta los países más avanzados. El llegado muy cerca de la ban de estudio, ni siquiera de a complemento de esa obra recarrota.
daptación al medio, sino por novadora tiene que ser la or Si algo hay delicado, es el que al formularlas, se inclu ganización de su politica triavalúo de la propiedad; mu yeron agregados o se supri butarii, para llegar a un réchos descalabros bancarios mieron conceptos que las de gimen de presupuestos exactuvieron su origen en avalúos jaron, como quien dice, ren tos, acordes con las realidadefectuosos, para no darles cas. Ese es otro medio de mu des del momento y la apreotro nombre. Por eso se a lificar una legislación: darla ciacion exacta de las posibiconseja un mecanismo de a incompleta.
lidades futuras. Entonces la valúo que funcione periodica Costa Rica providencial economía de la nación irá por y permanentemente, así co mente, vive un minuto histó camino recto; tendrá ocasión 10 la organización de una rico en su vida; ensaya una de entrar ror el orden; como oficina general de impuestos reforma bancaria; ordena su la economía de los ciudadaInternos bien instalada. régimen de moneda, encarrila (nos, sigue iguales normas Los proyectos han sido de el crédito; fomenta la pro Así, por gracias del buen sen bidamente estudiados; no du ducción; crea nuevos propie tido y la recta aplicación de la ciencia, que todo lo rige, unos y otros cooperarán al engrandecimiento de la ReBIG REDUCTIONS IN SONG BOOKS: pública que sólo ha esperado una mejor comprension de CHORAL TREASURY: sus problemas y un mayor interés para afrontarlos con eficiencia CHORAL ANTHEMS: Debemos celebrar que el CHILDEN HOSANNAS, etc. at Congreso entre, en sesiones extraordinarias, a conocer de este importante plan de forma tributaria, en cuya aplicación y desarrollo se finca el futuro de nuestra patria.
DOBLE FUERZA The Insecticide with the Greatest Death Dealing potency for FLIES MOSQUITOES, BED BUGS, FLEAS, ROACHES, etc.
Order it for your Grocery. Drug Store or Butcher Shop Sold in half Bottles and Gallons in all Drug Stores and Groceries.
Droguería COSTA RICA Jack Orane Sucs.
rede MARCIAL SOLERA SOLE DISTRIBUTORS Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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