
SATURDAY, JULY 30th. 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE 11 200800100G0000000000 Why the Fourth of July Celebration?
Lumber Deposit SAITA Hop LEE LUNG HOP East And West.
TIENDA MIL COLORES WASHINGTON. Ask the first 100 Americans you meet MATINA y 24 MILLAS why the United States tele.
brates July and about niNext to LA PROVEEDORA nety of them will reply: Los más surtidos Establecimientos de New and Complete Assortment of Lumber Because it the anniversa LICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES Messurements less than feet at ry of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
Háganos una visita. 0. 25 per foot The Declaration. say Li00000 000eScoooooooooooooooooo00000000999 This is wrong by 29 days.
brary of Congress officials Collision Belween Train and Motor Car who ought to know because The New Banana Contract ar:d The Negro they ve got the famous document. was passed by Con At five o clock last Monday, lion, Mr. Elanco and his motor gress on July 4, 1776.
As is, well known, one of the always so much appreciated jinomorning ear Nº 35 of the Pacific man, Juan Alvarado, jumped for It was not until Aug that clauses which caused much heated ther directions. He never seeks the Railway bearing the Supe: aten dear life. Alvarado escaped unhurt. the fifty six signers put discussions in Congress during the association, in family connections, dent of Trains, Nir. Humberto Blan but Mr. Blanco got a leg broken their names on it. Some of debates respecting the Contract to but of those of his own Race, save co, left Puntarenas for San Jose and was otherwise battered and in them were not members of control the Banana Industry on the and except the profligated waite with orders to meet and cross Eles jured; he is confined in the San Congress on the Fourth.
Pacific side of the Republic, is the woman of whom he eventually, in tric Engine 4, lound from Oro Juan de Dios Hospital, San Jose, one dealing with the migration of his quiet, reflective moments iecis tina for after forty Puntarenas, at a point in a serious condition.
the Negro from this to that zone. ashamed. Why, then called Pozon. Mr. Blanco having. The crew of the Engine have One Deputy went so far as to say or fifty years of lawabiding citiin the course of his duties, to make been handed over to the legal au that if Jesus Christ was to comezenship with sons and doughters on Earth again. He would be bound who have lt en educated to becotwo calls on the way, was a little thorities at Orotina for a full inlate on arriving at the meeting vestigation of their unwise act.
to depreciate the Coloured Races. me useful members, of respective point so the driver of the Engine As it is estimated, provided no FROM PAGE It does ecem strange that after communities, should they be the and his Conductor not seeing the other complications take place, being made and precautions ta so many years of occupation in objects of depreciation and be deof the At nied the freedom of moving from motor car when they reached the that Mr. Blanco will have to re hen along the Railway, we can thengricultural life spot dec. ded to proceed to he main under medical treatment for cnly conclude that the Compa lantic Zone, the Negro, who was one vicinity to another in search next station despite their orders at least six months, we note Mr ng intends to keep traffic con, brought here for the purpose of of honest work.
As is generally the case when such Victor Lopez Baltodano, ihe actual tinuously open at all costs, in developing its industrial and agri During Election campaigns he is risks are taken, luck went against Auditor of the Department, has crder to minimize delays in the cultural resources, the native not particularly sough, and inducethem and the car was met on a been selected to carry on the du transportation of the fruit from being able to stand the climatic in ments held out to him to cast his sharp curve. As soon as they realiz ties. Mr. Lopez is well known in the Pacific Zone. Again, it must fluences, should now be so depre vote on the side of those who toed the seriousness of their posi this Zone.
be remembered that in order to ciated. It this not Ingratitude? It was day so disparagingly regard him.
keep the Agreement with the he Negro who made Limon fit for In times of war, he is fegretted out co and dispatched Ecglich Bon iholders, the Com habitation by the white and to the country pany must, so long as the Lease loured Costa Ricans from the in frontiers. We yet remember the Pa terior. When all other labour fail nama incident of some years ago rx mains in force, find sufficient ed, he was brought here in the and should a state of war again freight to sustain the investtent. Hence there need be Year 1880 to construct the Rail. come about his services will be way; end as late as 1899 others among those of the earliest to be serious alarm as to the pos were brought in by that never to requisitioned, having regard to his sible abandonment of Limon as be forgotten industrialist Minor preparedness as the result of his SUCURSAL. LIMON. AP. 578 a consequence of the develop Cooper Keith, to properly establish British or French military tuition.
ment on the Pacific side. and develop the Banana Farms, in, Why, in Times Peace, should he be Then, there is such a thing view of the fact that the work despised and hindered from trekMIRE!
as the Providential Care of an could not and even now cannot, ing to Puntarenas, and the woodailwise Creator, and as we poin le done by native labour. Now how lands of the West Coast, in search Nosotros somos competido. We are competitors, ter out in our last issue. He tem ever that the country has been of work, where more than fifty per res porque importamos di because we import dipirs the wind to the shorn made habitable by him; now that cent of the native whites with rectamente de Inglaterra.
rect from England.
Lamb. There are such things the Banana and Cacao Industries, whom he will get in contact are as emergencies. We will not have become such important fac o! Indian Origin: MIRE!
wish our competitors any harm, tors in the economic life of the How ill advised are the thoughts a: this may rebound on us, but Republic, he is discovered to be of those who would deber him Somos superiores, porque We are supreme, beWe cannot help remembering an undesirable human being one from his rights of finding work in tenemos los mejores that on the Pacific coast there not fit to enjoy the privileges of any part of the country, which for cause we have the best are often experienced six months that freedom which has been bes balf a century he has assisted to sastres.
journey men tailors. dry weather with heavy bre towed on all men by God.
improve, at least economically if Eles, the other six being very The Negro does not aspire to the not socially, MIRE!
utt. Why, therefore, worry bo social status of those Deputies who fore calamities overtake us.
would so gratuitously depreciate. Mas Anon Vestidos de casimir inglés Suits from 95. 00, desde 695. 00. Where He guides. He provides him. He was induced to come here li the farms on this side are that labour. He at no to labout, an dall he still seeks is BID, NOTE. Can we hope that Aceptamos pagos semanaupwards. 00 weekly time en scme one or other of the Coloured kept in good condition, the day croaches on the private or person Leaders of our local Groups will les desde 00 payments.
Lay come when fruit will be in al domain of the white capitoli have something to say on this im so great a demand as to repay except to solicit work which is portant suject?
Enrique Yankelewitz, Proprietor for the losser which undue rejection may have caused during Roden, Cutter a few weeks. We should pursue a system of give and take with all with whom we deal, whet PURCHASE YOUR MEDICINES JOE LOUIS MAKES PROTEST her a small customer or a great From Detroit comes the with Max Schmeling.
Company. We do not see the IN DRUG STORE report that Joe Louis, the It is said that the German need of any getting unduly sca World Hearvyweight Cham Theatrical Companies have com red regarding the Pacific side which merits your Confidence, pion, has by means of his Assist bined certain parts of the previ developments, as all is incluant Manager, John Roxborough, ous fight with the last for the bed in the General Scheme of sent a protest to the American purpose of producing the im Thing. Was not Honduras at Minister in Germany against pression that Louis did not obicne stage of her industrial life the changes which haye been tain so great a victory as was exporting around Lic. Paul Kleefeld. Prop.
twenty six made in the film of his last fight claimed million stems? What has happered we neither know or wish know. Never give too much GERMANS URGED TO REMAIN ON LAND thought to the successes of a Com BERLIN Field Marshal years.
petitor, for be assured if one Hermann Goering, Germany Moreover, married farm conducts one busino along economic dictator, has of hands may be granted loans the lines of Loving your neifered new inducements to the up to 320 for agriculturals bour. success will always be Lion now being made of the setional Bank in this city are askWith reference to the distribu mounts at the Branch of the Narural population to remain on implements, cattle, etc. which riet.
the land and resist the lure similarly need not be refund venth dividend connected with this ed to attenn there not lager than of the city led if the recipient remains ferms up by planting one or two Take our advice. keep your Bankruptcy, the Creditors who will p. each day.
Marshal be receiving their respective Goering decreed on the soil for ten years.
that the present govern It was explained officially rectareas in dull times so as to mental marriage loans of up that the flight from the land be in a position to meet the HAGASE RICO to 400 for setting up house no longer can be tolerated in bright side of life when it holds of young farmers need view of the imperative neces cumes. Limon cannot be aban Ayude a las Instituciones de Caridad not be repaid if couples re sity of raising the nation doned. she may be dull main on the land for ten foodstuffs.
brik days will dawn.
COMPRE LOTERIA NACIONAL The Botica Alemana The Keith Bank Bankruptcy but Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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