
munion: If we would have If men were convinced that the Sacred Elements, we they could realize the Premust offer our bodies and sence whenever they entered energies as the Sacrifice to the Sanctuary, how crowded the Divine that they may be our Churches would be. Not, changed interiorly by Him, so however, until we ourselves that His Holy Love will re become Sanctuaries for the veal its perfection through Great Love can this experien us, teaching us to be compas. ce be found.
devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Editor English Section: NATION Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday A11 th 1953 No. 206 Wireless News The Ruso Japanese Clash to the Jathe cents to PANAMA GETS BLOODED STOCK FROM JAMAICA SHANGHAI. e Japanese Russia and Japan are at war obstructed their efforts to do They have long been threat minate the Chinese Empreittis effective control of areas cap. Secretary army is threatened with loss of Mr. Glaister Baxter, former of the Aberdeen Angus, the ening each other. Of course it believed in certain diplomatic tured since the war began, Con Society of Jamaica, but now Agriculral double Pogis and Jersey strain.
is not now necessary for a for circles that the present situatinued resistance by the Chine attached to the Mr. Baxter says his reasons for mal declaration of war to be, tion is the result of Japan desse, ambush and surprise offen Department of the Republic of maica are because Agricultural making the purchases in the announced in order to legalize ire to weaken influence stock killing; nations simply go to it. which Russia might otherwise sive: by Chinese Communist and Panama, recently visited his Is there are equal in blood to those Irregular armies, the grab what they can and slau have been able to throw on the Rushian Japanese border tension purchased twenty seven head of the Western Continent and being Soviet land home on vacation when he of any of the other countries of ghter as many of their fellow European tangle by reason of and the need for all available blooded stock for cartani Indus acclimatized to tropcal conditreatures as is possible her alliance with France and forces in pressing the offensive trialists of the Republic The present clash began with Checoeslovakia. However, the tions, much of the illnesses litowards Hankow are given as the killing of a few of each determined aggressiveness diskely to overtake them in conthe reasons Reports from wiother nationals the ownership played by Russia has apparently The stock consisted of twenty secuence of the extreme heat of dispute regarding the ownership caused Japan to change her bo Chinese have already occupied fers and six thorough bred bulls mized.
despread areas show that the one full blooded cows and hei Panama are very much miniof a few square miles of territo licy for she has offered to call many districts, sometimes withry along the Siberian Manchuo off the conflict and settle the out a fight after tactical with kuoan frontier: but conditions dispute through diplomatic drawals by the Japanese, and assumed a more serious aspect channels. The Soviet authorities frequently after the capture of NEW INDUSTRY as both parties sent heavy re have expressed their willingness small garrisons The reoccupainforcements into the affected to adopt the suggestion, but For some time past there was raised from ten to thirty tions are scattered and the Chi the rumour that certain capitalists per Kilo while the paper for its af region and fighting has been have notified Tokyo of the almost continuous.
terms on which they will only ken full advantage of the Si tablish an up to date factoryter the ten cents rate. This channese appear to have not yet ta of San Jose were disposed to es. nufacture will continue paying af Both nations declare they do do so. The matter is now under not wish war, yet they feverish. discussion and though it it hop tuation, hence the doubt if they for the manufacture of the paper ge will certainly protect local ma.
ly continue prepartions, and as ed, on all sides, that an amica merely content to continue ha mercial retail activities, but they into force, the parties originally can press the advantage or be Bags so much used in all com nufacture, hence since it has come it is known that the help the ble solution will be reached Soviet Union has been giving there is a great fear that therrassing the Japanese and inte feared that undue competition from interested in the matter have, web China has always been a sore conditions laid down by Russia Trupting supply communication those interested in the imported undestand, definitely decided lines point with the Japanese as it may frustrate this, article, would cripple the venture carry through the proposition. The NEW YORK Federal autho loss and cause them much financial factory is to be located at Alajue la and the necessary machinery as rities are conducting an enquiry already been ordered. As it is exinto the story of a midnight The proposal was, apparently sub AWFUL RAILWAY WRECK IN JAMAICA death struggle on mitted to the Fiscal Authorities, pected that this new line of indus it favourable conside. try will provide labour for a large Normandie which ended in the ration, for we observed that at one number of hands, we wish it every disappearance of a young college of the recent sessions of Congress success. Railway wreck, said to be a mmunicated with, it telesco Professor and serious injury to the duty on the foreign article was the most disastrous in the his ped four of the coaches, the his wife. Officers of the French tory of the West Indies, took baggage car and the disabled en Liner reported that Dr. Robert place, it reported, in Jamaicine and sent them over the pre Moore Duncan, 35 years old, Asca last week end.
cipice unfortunately located atsistant Professor of Politics at DELINQUENT TAXPAYERS BEING HNNTED The information received so the point where the mishap oc Colgate University, had vanifar states that Excursion curred.
shed at sea, 450 miles from New The Department of Directones will be similarly treatbain with six coaches filled It is reliably stated that thir York, after attempting to throw Taxation is determined to col ed unless they get their slawitn more than three hundred ty of the passengers were killed his wife overboerd. Mrs. Dun lect what amounts are pay tes clean. If they delay much passengers was on its way to and around 75 injured. Four san is the mother of two small able by punishing those who longer they may find embarMontego Bay. It was being hel embers of the children and daughter of an as are endeavouring to evade goes being placed on their beped over the steeper grades by mong the dead. Several of the sociate of John Rockefeller their overdue payments. All longings and they will then a pusher locomotive and on nea Lodies were so mutilated that, Jr. She arrived in the ship therefore, who have not yet unjustifiably blame the govsing Balaclava, a town located it is hardly likely they would hospital, bauised and beaten. paid their last year quotas ernment.
about 70 miles northwest Merchants are also being of be identified it was anticipated.
had better get busy and do Kirgston, the leading engine ap We anxiou ly await further killed eigh Arabs and wounded large landowners of the In pal rates, as cash is needed to JERUSALEM. Mobile troops what is right. Several of the pressed for overdue Municiperently got off the track and details of the terrible catastro many others when they contact Iterior are being placed before meet the multifarious obligatefore the rear one could be phe.
ed a roving band in the Jordan (the Courts, and the smaller tions of the State.
River Valley on the 1st tant, the 26th. successive day turing which the Holy Land has been kept in a ferment as the result of continued fighting.
the Liner who gave an crew were insUNITED FRUIT COMPANY HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE SERVICIO DE VAPORES Salidas semcnales de Limón para Nueva York con escala en Cristóbal y Hobana.
RPG RANGOON, Burma. Fifty persons, including five Indian women, were killed after three days of street fighting between Burmese Buddhists and Inian Moslems. Armoured cars had to patrol the streets. The outbreak is said to have followed the publication of a book by a Mohammedan allegedly offensive to Buddhism Llevando café para todos los puertos Europeos y Americanos VAPORES SALIDAS Fróximas salidas de Puerto Limón GUATEMALA: JAMAICA VERAGUA CHIRIQUI Para MN. CARIBIA Agosto Agosto 14 Agosto 21 Agosto 23 Mr. Alfredo Sasso Para EUROPA: MN. CARIBIA Agosto 28 ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS.
Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
HAPAG LLOYD Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la UNITED FRUIT COMPANY on los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica TELEFONO 3156 It is with much pleasure we note the appointment of Mr. Alfredo Sasso as Consul General, ad honorem, for Costa Rica, in the city of Caracas, Venezuela.
Mr. Sasso left these shores last Sunday to assume his new activities in the SouthRepublic. We reiterate our wish that he experience the greatest successes in his private and public careers.
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