
NOTICE TRINIDADIAN LEAVES FORTUNE IN SAN JOSE GRAND RALLY Mr. Andres Marquez, a nati then unfortunately in such ve of the Island of Trinidad, state, physically and mentally who lived in San Jose for mo that it was impossible for him of the Twelve Tribes of Is.
re than twenty years, took it to make a WIL. It was. howerael will take place as MATILUMBER YARD recently ard was admitted to ver, discovered that he had two NA on Sunday, August 14th. at the San Juan de Dios Hospital sisters in Trinidad with whom 7p. on behalf of the Mount where he died last week, leav he had occasionally been in co Calvary Lodge.
We have opened a Lumber Yard ing a fortune said to be of the respondence. They have been Admission Free, but a Collec One value of 35, 000 colones. Ile did communicated with and in the tion will be taken Come where we carry in stock a complete a not make a Will meantime Ms. Cox has taken and All and have a good time.
He entered the Hospital as a possession of the effedts of the THE COMMITTEE assortment of all kinds of Native Pauper patient, and carried a deceased.
Lumber. Special sizes io order. grip which he insisted should It is said that the deceased Recent Deaths be placed under his bed. His had expressed the wish that his We also have Portland Cement, Rcof condition gradually skew worse fortune should be used for the and he lost Amont those who departed this consciusness. As purpose of costructing a Ward ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpennothing was known of his fami in the Hospital for the benefit life recently in the San Juan de Dios Hospital, San Jose, are.
ly connection, the grip was ope of those West Indians who tine and all other building materials. ned to see if it contained anyth might find it necessary to seek of 10 years from Siquirres, who Cirilo Centeno Sanchez, a child SEND IN YOUR ORDERS ing which would afford the de the aid of the Institution, but died on the 24th, July and sired information, and to the this desire was never testamenJorge Thomas, 16 yenrs of age, extreme surprise of the Hospi. ted.
tal officials, it was found to con Mr. Marquez earned his live the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jorge Tho tain documents disclosing the lihood as a Professor on English mas of this city. His death occur.
red on the 29th July.
Limon Division fact that he had tre tidy sum in many of the Schools of the of thirty five thousand colones Capital, and was highly respect deposited in local Banks. Mr. ed throughout the community. DEATH OF AN Cox, His Britannie Majesty Eve ything was done by the HOLDING OF GENERAL CONVENTION EX PRESIDENT Consul, was immediately noti Dedical Superitendent and his SUGGESTED fied and he attended at the Ins Collesgues to save the life of so titution along with Mr. Luis suleiul a citizen, but all their Arthur Barelay, a former PreAnderson, the well known eforts were of nio avall.
sident of the Republic of Liberia.
The following is a copy of working and re establishment Attorney. Mr. Marquez was died in Monrovia, the Capital Cia letter which has been cent of the in Costa Rity, on the Itth. of last month. He direst to af. Mitchell. We ca, by which its members shall had recehed the advanced age of are site to publish it, so that be benefitted more expansively.
all orto sre interested may crmmercially, agriculturally FRANCE MAKES UNEXPECTED CALL ON Mr. Borelay was bor in the know: wist is passing.
and educationally, for the comBritish West Indian Island of Bar To the President, Orficers mon good of our respective com AFRICAN TROOPS bados. and was eleeted President and waters of the Limon Di munities. We also suggest that of Liberia in 1904.
vision, N9 300, of the Univer a circular be sent, separately, to PARIS. African troops from teen to nineteen and to import sal liegeo Improvement Asso cach Divi ion, whether in wor France Black Reservoir of native troops was contained in premises ciation, Greetings.
king condition or not, to im manpower were ordered includ a surprise decree buried among The offending statements for the French continental 101 new decree laws issued by which Mayor We be undersigned, a inten:ediately organize Committees ed in was Anderson the the cabinet.
rested members of our Race from which they shell send to forces in a move to bring taken to task were contained in army to 1, 000, 000 and sympathizers with the im The order to use an unspeci ja speech and an interview pusuch Convention Delegates with standing men.
fied number of African troops blished in the Gleaner of the portant cause for which the Or helpful resolutions for our nüop The French high command to strenghten the army at home ist instent as also in the cable ganization stands, beg to intro tlon; and that you shall adverti ordered to create a disclosed they were needed be to London. Among others they duce the following propositions weekly for three weeks in was also cause of the smallness of her are: It is race discrimination of and tot solicit your co oper both English Journals, namely new army corps along the nor tion and belp so as to establish the Central American Express thern and eastern frontier where present war baby classes the worst type and it is bound to the main force of any attack the low birth rate in World war produce race hatred.
its coe and the Atlantic Voice. refrom Nazi Germany might co years has reduced from 250, 000. if we are to continue do.
We have resolved that ell que ting the attendance of every me.
to 140, 000 the number of cons ing things of the kind recorded Dit bions and Branches of the possible Negro.
Authority to raise the numcripts now coming up for trainſ in this advertisement, then we Associatice, as well as all Neber of corps areas from eigh ing each year. will not be able to stop what gro Fcaterhal Societies, should We beg to say we are prepawill happen. feel that whoebe cited to send Delegates or red to shoulder the expense, ver is responsible for this adverPeprezentative to the holding jointly. of such a Convention, tisement is disloyal to the perols Coavention.
and pray you will give us an son of His Majesty the King We suggest that such a Con carly reply and will advertise OFFICE and he should be withdrawn vention should be held in the the letter in the papers.
from the Colony immediately Limga Liberty Hall in the Trusting all will be The following is taken from When he resigned, the mo Racial feeling existed and was month of August 1988, on with best wishes, we have the a recent issue of the Gleaner tion had not yet been passed; a danger, and if that feeling newspaper, but Councillors who day that may be to your con honour to be.
spoke was kept alive in the communi vertence. Said meeting shall Yours truly Denouncing his Council for agreed that Dr. Anderson had ty it was going to mean consis bc tac the absolute purpose of been immode Farquharson; Schars pussyfootism in his langua gration and ruin. He had not Dr. Oswald ge.
devising appropriate resolutions midt; Wellington.
This raised the Mayor told the people of Kingston Anderson, in a stormy manner, and adoption for the ire and when the Councillor better Medre de Dios. July 17th 1938 dramatically resigned his seat exactly what happened, but he as a Member and as Mayor of suggested that it: the light of had saved Kingston from beng the Council of the Kingston new information he might rein ruins and St. Andrew Corporation traet some of what he had said, HENRY FORD IMPROVES HIS FACTORY The cable to London was as He did so following a debate he shouted a bellicose What?
follows Situation in Jamala severe vote of censure and preceded to declare that the officials The great philanthropist, cost 13, 500. 00 and the other against him for Iris statecable he had sent to London cu deplorable. Some Henry Ford, has launched an fice will utilize 25, 000 tons of assume oligarchie role Many ments on the border line ol was his own private business.
Government Departments, espeidea not of only improvin has steel and 20. 000 of cement. scdit. on in connection with When his speech waxed war cially the Medical, vile: injectvast automobile factory at new tyre department is also the vexed question of a adver mest he suddenly flounced off ing colour discrimination Race Dearborn, Michigan, USA, being constructed at a cost of tisement in the British Medical the Mayoral dais. went down to hatred being fostered but to assit in minimising 5, 600. 000, as also an im Journal the Town Clerk, handed in his Councillors at yesterday unemgloyment mense smeltingand moulding resignation hastily written in meeting considered these state He is spending 34. 000. 000 shop, a new electric generat Branch factories at Rouge in pencil and stamped out of the monts immoderate, characterisdollars on the enlargement of ing plant to supply 110. 000 ki Michigan; Somerville in Mas Council Chamber. The gallery ing them variously, as grossly his equipment and the cons lo watts, and a high pressure sachusetts, Norfolk in Virgi through foll afte re improper. indiscrete. very truction Or two immense boiler for the principal plant. Inia, and Milford are also who had chécred him right inflammatory. harsh and imbuildings, one of which will general reformation of the being undertaken.
turning when he had left the moderate. Although the Mayor had resigned, they persisted in putting on record their conNos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso demnation in terms of the resoWe beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: lution moved by Councillor, the of receipt which reads: Hon. Sargill Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before dentro de los primeros 10 días The Cause of the disagreethe 10th of the month.
de cada mes.
ment was on account of an adLe rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pene Be so good as to comply with this request and do not vertisement in an English Medioblige us to suspend our service, a step which cal Journal, for a Medical pracde tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
titioner for government post No Coloured Medical man should apply howeve The resolution of Censure passed to Two declining to yote Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventua, Costa Rica.

    FranceGermanyNazismWorld War

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