
SATURDAY, August 6th. 1938.
All true Limonenses were lad to see Mr. Stanley Lino for a day or two. He came TI own to meet his daughter at ho arrived from Europe antnd New York last Saturday, nd as soon as she landed he gain left us.
We note that the Juan Vias School edifice, which the Lessrs. Lindo Bros. donated the Community of that lace, is completed and handd over to the Education Dehis artment. The cost is stated de be 150. 000 colones; it has een named Escuela Lindo. Ve do wish the firm would ho emember to do something of the waifs of this city, and Dimmortalize their name Tho ere also. May they and their amilies be long spared to con nue their useful activities.
AVION CIGARETTES New Simming Pool Si señor mejor sabor CIGARRILLOS Jenny Kaamersgaard, a Danh girl of tyenty years of age, as attempted to swim across e Baltic Sea. The English hannel having been crossed veral times, Jenny says it now ems like child play to make sother effort, so she originates new Pool. The Baltic Thc oute she contemplated Was om Gedser on the Danish side Warnemond, a distance of 75 iles When picked up she was ine miles from the German jast and had been swimming nineteen hours.
Ar (VION LOOK IN YOUR PACKAGES ar n e e SALOMON CHIN Wee. Le for countermarked values of 05 and 0. 10 and also for the blue coupons for the THIRD GREAT CONTEST of 1938 of the REPUBLIC TOBACCO which will be drawn on August 21st.
ESTRADA Precios Economic Articulos del Pais e st Abarrotes y Licores LA IBF. RIA You are cordially invited to tune in on the popular and powerful broadcasting station Shart. Kare PARATI Long wave 5905 ke.
880 kc.
every Tuesday and Soturday evening between 7and to listen to ond enjoy the music of the REPUBLIC TOBACCO COMPANY orchestra.
Exceptionally good music provided by eight distinguished and talented Costarrican musicians.
72000 COUPONS 72000 NDESIRABLES NOT WANTDIN COSTA RICA3 01220400 PRIZES 3 The Pope and Mussolini in Serious Dispute The new Idendification Cards e out. They have been ready distribution since the Ist.
stant They carry the corresinding photographs It is understood that a Cens of all foreigners will very on be taken, and that all who ight be found not possessed of e proper immigration papers His Holiness Pope Pius XI vigorously attacked the ra. like the Church it ought to that if Catholic Action repremi be asked to leave the coun: and the Dictator of Italy, Becial doctrine of Fascism. So be Catholic, that is Universal, serts anti racialism, then the y or be put out. Many fraudu. nito Mussolini, are once ag far as the Holy Church is the only real meaning of the re exists an irreparable doclet passports, the majority of ain in disagreement, in con concerned, he declared huma word and the essence of ihe trinal division with Fascism uropean origin, which had just accepted and have been sequence of the Race hatred nity consistis of one great fa Church of Rome.
cently discovered so the au policy, now being propagated mily from which none sho Continuing his address, the officially adopted the Race orities are auxious to know by the Fascists.
uld be segregated and that Pope asked by what unfortu doctrine he denounes. To this many, if any, of these im In an address to students racialism and exaggerated te reasonings should Italy the Pope replied it is imposgrants may have secured en representing 37 countries, on materialism are barriers cre imitate Germany in the adopsible to conceive Catholic into the Republic and how Catholic Action, His Holiness ated among men. There does tion of Racial problems? The life without Catholic Action, exist, he acknowledges, dif Latins never speak of Races which signifies activities com ferences between Race and nor things of the kind; they posed of Charity, virtue, law Race, but the human Race nave other expressions more and God, which manner of is like a great musical com beautiful and elevating, such life knows no racialism, no position in which many. Gens Italica. Italica nationalism no separatism.
riations are met, though it Stiups a Tore civilized The Pope closed his declarshas obtained its rapid and great popularity by havnevertheless produces the form than the barbaric one tions in defence of the Cathing cured an immense number of persons who sufone central motive. musical of Racialism. Catholic Action lic Action by stating that the fered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These sourid. He referred to the is universal and knows no who would wound it wounds now gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from 1929 Concordats which pro Race nor Separatist movem the Church, and to wound such complaints as vided that the activities of ents. wbich should be the the Church is to wound the Italian Catholic Action would cardinal principles in the con Pope, and he who wounds COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, not be interfered with by duct of Catholies LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, the Pope must die.
any Political Party, but shoMussolini has declared that BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION uld continue under the sole His Holiness was informed Fascism is ready for the fray.
dominon of the Church; for by the Fascists Authorities Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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