
SEÑORA: PENSION COLON The American sculptor Jo boys, was once a laundress in Con su geniecillo bastante Esquina opuesta del Cuerpo de Bomberos Davidson went to Barcelona a little mining town of the As batado es usted causa de te somewhat recently to model turias. She sympathized with domésticas que por cierto APARTADO POSTAL 326 SAN JOSE some of the Spanish Loyalists the miners in their strikes. Soon ven para conservar In armo La and specially Exquisito Servicio en Comidas Pasionaria, she was in politics, first as a tempoco para edificación de the Communist heroine of the Socialist, later as a Communist. hijos.
Esmerado Servicio en Cuartos workers tall, robust, dark The Primo de Rivera dictatorSu pobre marido no pued PRECIOS ECONOMICOS haired woman of 43. her real ship put her in prison. The Re meter la más leve falta name is Dolores Ibarruri. The public sent her to the Cortes sea involuntariamente porqu ATENDIDO POR SU PROPIETARIO workers renamed her La Pasio as a Communist Deputy. Once se arma de una trifulea de VISITENOS SE CONVENCERA naris Parsion Flower becau she presided over a meeting of aunque dicho sea de paso se of her beauty, oratorical po the Third International. Early tampoco la esposa indicada wer and loyalty to their cause. in the civil war La Pasionaria exhibirse como modelo.
Throughout the civil war she organized 100, 000 women in an WINDSOR TAPESTRY En tal forma, es natural has been a prominent figure, anti fascist organization, and hogar sea infierno en min How the London Sunday Picto dictamene of England ruling traveling abroad to enlist aid throughout the war has urged donde todos la soportan pore rial paid 25. 000 dollars for the pu house. More demnable than the for the Loyalists, speaking at that the issue was not between tienen más remedio.
blication rights to Compton Mac most violent anti. royalist would home to stimulate prosecution communism and fascism but be Kenzie book, Windsor Tapestry. dare attempt in Britain. He writes of the war.
tween fascism and democracy.
Sujete su genio, señora, de ser más benevolente con to be run serially, and then gave of the brutality of King George La Pasionaria, mother of six poso y con sus hijos.
up the idea of doing so, is told. an dof his Ghastly German misAsi su vida será más tra by the editor, Hugh Cudlipp. To treses, and melodramatically desy en el hogar se vivirá con make the sacrifice more emphatic cribes his end thus. For a long comod dad y alegría.
the Pictorial reproduced the check time after death his tongue hung PARIS. Every budding Suddenly a voice rings out, a No amargue su vida y la for 25. 000 dollars given to Mac far out of his bluish mouth, and Napoleon is rushing into print, typical top sergeant voice: Up suyos, señora. Kenzie.
in the news sheets it was widely, drawing lessons from mechaniz and at em, boys! They re atFRAY CA Denouncing the book as an circulated that the Devil had got ed warfare as practiced in Spain. Itacking! Let em have itt Evetrocious embarrassment the ten him by the throat at last.
Well, sir, they all make me ry one stumbles out of shelter.
King and Queen and a disservice Referring to the author as the Gloomy genealogist Cudlipp says tired. As heads appear above the par to the Duke and Duchess of from description of the sexual in The speaker held forth at a apet one after another good Windsor whom it defends. Cudlippcidents in the life of George sidewalk table in front of the man is hit. Then you realize it says have read the book but MacKenze moves on to the Bru. Café de la Paix. Every other was only a false alarm via a my view is that the sensible mon will lay it down with no words of tal handling by George II of his minute an acquaintance would loud speaker pushed out into no commendation but only of son. He tells how the Prince of stroll up and address him as man land. Colonel. Scarred, bemedaled, You settle down again, ontempt and anger. It it not so much Wales was compelled to wed the a defence of the Duke as a scaPrincess Augusta of Saxe and Go polyglot of nondescript nationa ly to be aroused in the same Fábrica de Hie brous attack on the House of Han tha. She was 17 when she arrived lity, he had served in the World way an hour later. To vary the War (one gathered) with the program, the top sergeant voice nover from the re gn of George at Greenwich, the writer says, in y Refrescos to the beginning of the reign of a royal yacht, carrying a doll He Foreign Legion; to his intense gives you an earful of propadescribes, too, in detail, how disgust the Italians had kept ganda: You birds are being fed George It contains the inost bit LIMON him out of Ethiopia; he had on beans and salt cod. We ve to great company escorted them Jer uncontrolled denunciation of their bedchamber after their mar been fighting on the govern got plenty of honest beef and Гbe the ancestros of the King and and good wine.
Queen that ever disgraced a sing riage in 1736. Principally, Editor ment side in Spain and he was white bread book luck preparing to try his in Don it tempt There Cudlipp up, the is a layou?
gle volume.
borious criticism of the King and China. He continued: plenty for those who care to Compton MacKenzie, the editor Queen antecedents. What an armored car but cross the lines!
thinks, strives to draw up an inimproved war chariot? Of course, both sides can go What a tank but the steel off in for this. We re going back ANOTHER AIRPLANE LOST spring of one of Hannibal ele to the noise of the captains and LA FLORIDA phants? Yet these so called ex the shouting. From armor plated fortnight or so ago it was, ble for an explosion to have oc perts are hypnotized by them. loudspeakers at strategic points Fábrica de Hielte Colombia catastrophe, last curred owing to improved cons Let me tell you this: The only will come such a roaring and a week it was with the Phillipine truction since the accident Venta de Lech to mechanical novelty on the Spa bellowing, each one trying Islands, where the large hydro the Samoan Clipper. They also nish front is the loudspeaker. drown out the other, that men plane. The Hawaian Clipper claimed the plane could float There mechanized warfare for, will go stark, staring mad. Soy Maderas seem to have fallen in the sea for an indefinite period. She you! And full of possibilities. me one had better be quick and and gone under. Fourteen warshi has however apparently gone Round about midnight every invent an ear mask.
ps and many planes have been at to the bottom of the ocean with one in the trench is drowsy única posible solución work endeavouring to localize her fifteen passengers factoria her but to no avall. And the re Despite this accident, the PhiLas otras compañías participan tambie of oil have been seen in the the United States, and the China este mismo punto de vist vicinity she may have travers Clipper has departed from CaliLos ejecutivos de las Col ed. The Pan American Airways fornia for Hawaii and the Far Se comenta insistentemente que las empresas serán de ñias Petroleras sostienen Company, to whom she belong. East.
vueltas a las Compañías. México no puede pagar tento que lo adversos el ed, said it was almost impossinada por lo pronto de la expropiación por de estas propiedades se ha OG. coooo Nueva York. Al reiterar, México, la Compañías sostie cho sentir ya en las relac la demanda de la devolución de ner que la acción del gobierno mdxicans con los países 1s: propiedades petroleras en rexicano es ilegal.
tranjeros, sugiriendo dicho México, el portavoz de una Com Si se permite que esta perma jecutivos que se haga una pañia Petrolera dijo que los nezca en vigor, dicen los ejeculación a la Corte Internag negocios de los Estados Unidos tivos de las compañías que el de La Haya.
pudieran sufrir grandes pérdi ejemplo de México puede sentar La ruptura de relacione SUCURSAL. LIMON. AP. 578 excediendo en mucho el u precedente peligroso, que re plomáticas de México en valor de la propiedades mis sultaria en la limitación de las Cran Bretaña, originada nuis, si no se buscaba solución versiones de los Estados Uniccr. troversia petrolera, se MIRE!
satisfactoria a la presente condos en Latino América y en la comprendido que esta accio t: oversia.
frustracción de la política del agravado la controversia, ni Nosotros somos competido We are competitors, El fracaso en llegar a un abuen vecino y el programa de lamente para la Gran Bre res porque importamos di because we import directamente de Inglaterra.
cuerdo con las autoridades me comercio reciproco.
sino también para los Est 11 rect from England.
xicanas sobre la expropiación, nidos.
estimada en unos 400. 000. 000, Las mayores compañias de La Administración Roos MIRE!
y que afecta a las Compañía Pelos Estados Unidos envueltas en se ha encontrado, según troleras americanas y otras ex la controversia han declarado es dicho, en una encrucijada Somos superiores, We are supreme, beporque tranjeras, puede estimular 16 en favor de los principios política en conflicto. la tenemos los mejores cause we have the best otros paises, según opinan los de Derecho Internacional en la unanimidad de acción con sastres.
ejecutivos de dichas compañías, materia y la mayoría de ellas. Gran Bretaña en la cuestid journey men tailors.
a tomar medidas similares para cepta el aplazamiento del pago te, nacional y la del buen MIRE!
cypropiar a empre as extranje de las propiedades tomada.
pago alguno o sin comUn portavoz de México declaLa lealtad a la primera Vestidos de casimir inglés que México no está capacita rece que requiriría una ad Suits from 95. 00, pensación adecuada, desde 95. 00.
Su argumento general es co do económicamente para hacerniás firme que la demost!
upwards. 00 weekly mo sigue: El Derecho Interna un pago equitativo en dinero hasta la fecha por el Dept Aceptamos pagos semanacional provee, con respecto a la electivo, hecho que es admitido mento de Estado, en tanto les desde 00 payments.
propiación, que se haga un pa ре el mismo presidente de Mé la observancia de la política go equitativo en el momento de xico, Cárdenas.
kuen vecino implicaria pr Enrique Yankelewitz, Proprietor la toma de la propiedad. Puesto En vista de estas circunstan blemente un intento definid Roden, Cutter que no se ha hecho ningún pa cias continuó el portavoz. pacificar las miras opuest de las propiedades tomadas la devolución de las propieda lo cual el Departamento de a las Compañías americanas enles en una forma u otra parece todo no ha hecho.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
to port has come that large pools Hipine Clipper left Honoluin for LA EXPROPIACION PETROLERA EN MEXICO case TIENDA MIL COLORES o a TO.
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    Civil WarCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismSocialismSpain

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