
at th. 18 SATURDAY, August 6th. 1938.
THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE 11 ORA do Top bartano ebon bleste to da.
vida y RAT CE. SO CFO EAN Chile Honours Two Well known Costa UNA DEMANDA CRECIENTE.
Ricans Han tenido los billetes de la LOTERIA NACIONAL del sorteo extraordinario.
THE VOGUE TAILORS ADQUIERA UD. PRONTO SU BILETE GANE On Wednesday last our De Rogers partment of Foreign Rela 75. 000 tions was notified by the MiLA LOTERIA PUEDE ENRIQUECERLO!
nister for Chile resident in this country, that His ExcelCOMPRE SU BILLETE lency, the President of that Buy Your Suits on Easy Republic had gratiously conferred the honour of a ComPayment Plan mander of the National OrANOTHER LANDMARK GONE der Al Merito on don Julio Peña, the Managing Director Sad are we to state that don pected and appreciated by all See Our Lines of of our National Bank, and Luis Bestard, one of the pione who knew him, especially those Tweeds, Serges, Palm that of an Officer of the sa ers of our City, has been sum of the older settlers.
me Order on don Lucas Raul moned to the Great Beyond The Atlantic Voice takes this Beach, Linens and Chacon, the Director of the Don Luis, of the Princesa del opportunity of offering its conDrills.
Dollar fame, was a very methodolence to the widow, dona The Atlantic Voice ex dical citizen of Limon from its Esther, and his nephew. May his tends its most sincere congra earlier colonization. Cuban by Soul Înid the Peace of God.
Make your choice. Pay tulations to don Julio and nationality he was much res.
Dn. Lucas for the distincions any amount from one bestowed on them by our Sis ter Republic colón upwards. We make ALLEGE ANTI. FOREIGN FEELING CAUSED your suit to your entire ILL. TREATMENT Tomorrow Cycle Race satisfaction.
Georgetown British Guiana, trip last October They were Expelled from Venezuela, ten blown ashore on the VenezueEncouraged. on doubt, by the men were recovering from hard lan coast, where they lived on splendid success which they attain ships suffered during months of coconuts and shellfish for seved with the last Race run from imprisonment in a labor camp eral days before Indians took San Jose to Naranjo and return, on an island in the Orinoco Ri them to a near by village.
Hie They were arrested by VeWe observe that the popular Firm ver. Alexander Williamson, 60, SCOS of Palma Hnos. of San Jose, have native of Falkirk Scotland, but nezuelan police and taken to JAMAICA. OFFERS US COCONUT OIL AND arranged to carry off another like for twelve years a resident of the Guasina Island labor camp.
event tomorrow. The course will Trinidad and his companions, Both men said they were illon this occasion, be from San Jo three Trinidad men and six Chi treated and beaten with the flat The strenuous efforts iwhich sibility of their sending us re se to Cartago and return; and alonese, arrived here from the box of machetes. They said that twenty one men were locked up the Jamaica Coconut Produ gular supplies of the oil and though the distance is much shor der town of Morawhanda.
cers Association and other Lard Substitute.
ter, the event should be full of in They were found by border po in a single room at one time.
Bernard Toussaint, 29. of San private parties have for long We have not yet heard terest in view of the fact the rilice on the British side of the Barima River the after they had Fernando, another member of been making to produce and what, if any, reply, has been ders will have to negotiate place on the market a class made to the enquiry; but we Alto in their outward and in been placed in dugout canoes the party, came to the prison ward runs by Venezuelan authorities, and camp in a similar manner. He, IDA of the universally known oil hardly believe there is any sent up the Barima River to too, was cast ashore while an a which, while being entirely likelihood of the offer being Mora whanna.
fishing trip. Alvin Arnaud, 29, Hies free of the peculiar smell favourably entertained; in Mr. Williamson and Fernando of Port of Spain, the third Triwhich has ever handieapped view of the efforts of the gov AN INVITATION Gomez, 23 another Trinidad nided man, had been working Lech its popularity, would be ca lernment and private agriculman, told the story of their ar in Venezuela since 1826. He said pable of being sold at a price turists to stimulate and exTas rest, which they attributed to that hundreds were facing sim within the reach of the poo pand our local activities arest, seem to be now so fully long similar lines, and in conna Branch of the Universal particularly All members of the Mati high feeling against foreigners, ilar expulsión from the labor West Indians. in camps. The six Chinese were realized that it is observed nection with which a protec placed in camp while they were Negro Improvement Associa Venezuela.
the Chamber of Commerce tive Custom Tariff is still in tion and their friends are cor Señor Gomes and the Scots seeking work.
of that Island has written our force.
Institution regarding the pos.
dially invited to the Liberty man left Trinidad on a fishing Hall Tomorrow night (Sunamb Centenary of Slave day. Dissatisfaction in e As this may be our last Tas Od Emancipation chance, all are specially askBurial Scheme eneo See the Latest in ed to make good the opportu.
The one hundredth year of nity.
Quite a lot of unpleasant the emancipation of British FANCY PALM BEACH LINEN The Organizers gossip is going the round of the Stalves passed off very quietly SUITINGS, Matina. August.
city regarding the unrest being here Hardly any notice shewn in connection with the given it by the Negroes of Liat JACK ORANE SUCS. Limón.
delays of one of our Schemes mon.
in meeting its obligations on There had been some agitation Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON the death of a member or des among sections seetions of the QUALITIES, PATTERNS PRICES pendent Two such payinents UN Association but nothing are alleged to be now long came of it. The Baptists celeto please you!
ABOGADO overdue and the parties concern brated the Centenary annivered are said to be much dissatis sary of the Denomination exisy NOTARIO PUBLICO adap fied with the tardiness exhibit tence in the Island of Jamaica, ed in the settlement of the but it lacked the pomp and SEDITIOUS LIBEL CHARGE Oficinas Altos Pas claims. Others of a similar na splendour expected of such an ture are supposed to have been important cual Ingianna occasion, due quieted down and compromises doubt to the great gulf which Communism seem to have rea 18th. June an article regarded is taken charge of the Islands being seditious accepted libel separates the Negroes of Thouof Jamaica. In every public ap against the government of Ja reise their voices in defence of among the members or is the quence of the absence of Unity Is this a sign of discontent ght in this country, as a conseRoos real one notes the use of the mica and against the Peace of Labour.
Society on the road to well known term Comra. His Majesty the King, Hi Crown Insol among the members of the nated Special Constables, composed veney?
Negro Organization around us.
des. and it is particularly ob and Dignity.
mostly of habitual criminals served that Messrs. Coombs and The article is as follows.
and office workers, have been Buchanan, who are under indiet armed and given orders to kill: ment in that Island for Sedi Police Terror in St. James Special orders: giyen to kill tious Libel, are coliciting the S. Coombs, Founder and moral support of every Cama Innocent people beaten and Epleng suo uop. a.
roda in the cable they recently shot: Jails crowded: Special President of the Jamaica Worsent to the Daily Worker. Constables menace life and kers and Tradesmen Union, London publication informing burly. From a Correspondent whare headquarters are their Comrades of the charge of Labour in Montego Bay. Tokes the pleasure of informing his esteemed clientel in Montego Bay.
Mr. Hugh Buchanan and Mr St. James is under Martial The preliminary investigation that he has removed his Dental Clinic to the apartments itici Kerr Coombs, Co. Editor of Law. Government is determi into the charge was slated to previously occupied by Dr. Badillo, between the Consulate the Jamaica Labour hpve ned to kill every man or wo be opened on the 25th. July, been charged with publishing man in the parishes of St. Ja We are therefore expecting some of the United States of America and the British Pharmacy or cpusing to be published in me, Hitaover, Trelawny and further and interesting particuthe Journal edition of the Westmoreland, who desire to liss in time for our next issue.
ee Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica ución las sos or was rela puise dica Certo clone ai no Bre a ciado con estil gen Dr. Medal Jr.
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