
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE MATTERS INTERNATIONAL Cannot the explosive Power of True Christianity explode in this world drugged by the flesh, blinded by pleasure, and proclaim its message of Faith? That Faith devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone which converted Paul. Augustine, Francis and Luther, con yet be proclaimed today if Christionity will muster Editor English Section: C. NATION the strength to do it. It has the inner resources of Power; it has the energy which cannot be calculated. And Year IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday August 13 th. 1938 No. 20 by fearlessly proclaiming it, a flesh sodden age shall be awakened to the joys of a spiritual life, and make it will The Vatican and Mussoing to count the world well lost, if it can but regain its lini Discuss Anti Jewish Soul.
Problem Although the Russian dem still receiving aid from Italy, ands on Japan for the return of the French government is being According to an advice originall she had been stealthily ap hard pressed to re open her fron ating from the Vatican City, we MORTHER DAY propriating since 1886 were rej tiers to Spanish emigration so see it is stated that negotiations ected, the Soviet Athorities con that the Republican troops may have begun for a settlement of Tomorrow we will again arrive at that period of time sented to an Armistice hence the be afforded supplies of arms the dispute recently provoked canons have ceased roaring on and ammunition now known as MOTHER DAY which ought to be observto carry on between His Holiness the Pope the borders of Siberia and Man their recent successful opera and the Fascist Authority of ed, not with so much ostentation and revelry as with an inchukuo, while the representa tions. England has also strongly Italy in consequence of the start tensity of thoughtfulness regarding the many blessings actives of the two Nations probe protested against this additional of the Anti Jewish campaign.
corded Motherhood in the attendant mysterious manipulo the cause of the outbreak with violation by Italy of her pled Both the Pope and Mussolini tions.
a view of arriving at a final and ged word, and called the atten are said to be anxious to avoid a amicable settlement of the dis tion of Mother ought to enter into quiet contemplation of these Mussolini to the fact recurrence of the difficulties pute; a result which is generally that it may have a very serious which took place in 1931, blessings received from an unseen hand, and pray for guidesired but which most diplomi effect on the fulfilment of the dance and protection of herself and those whom she was ati circles consider very doubt Anglo Italian Peace Pact.
given the privilege of being the vessel of Motherhood. She ful. It is known that an agree.
On the Sick List ought to pray for the continuol presence of Divine good ment exists between Germany, The greatest anxieties for the Italy and Japan to throttle Comsafety of Europe from another ness in her home, to enable her to rear up those for whose We exceedingly regret havthe again being ing to mention munism, and although Germany conflagration are advent into this Vale of Tears she was responsible. She ought illness declares it does not provide for exhibited among all ruling of of our esteemed Director, continually to potray in that circle the tenets of sincere religi a military colaboration either ficials, as it is feared the torch don Rogelio Gutierrez Ross ous devotions, without which no Mother can efficiently carry of an offensive or defensive na may ignite at any moment, which has kept him confined out the dignified and honourable duties of Motherhood. ture, the Representatives of the more so in view of the Russo. to bed in his San José residMothers ought always to instil in the minds of their Soviet Union will, it is expect Japanese conflict, and the fail ence during the past week.
offspring the teachings of that Great Master: The Love of ed, seize this opportunity to ure of the Checoeslovakia peace We sincerely wish him an weake nits effectiveness as far efforts.
early and complete recoveryGod with implicit faith in His fatherly care and protection, as might be possible. It is fur.
and so imbibe the thoughts of the young ones with confid ther known to the Russians that THE JAMAICA RAILWAY DISASTER ence in the guidance of a Supreme Creator and Fother, the despite the declaration by Toreby creating a willing obedience to His Will. Mothers may kyo that Japan is fully prepaFollowing on the informa. Magotty; Lucille Raby of red to undertake both wars, she ion given in our then rest assured of the blessedness which will attend their previous Comfort Hill; Nurse Veroniissue regarding the children, for by the impressions made is already removing large num railway disaster which occulliam Bernard, Alfred awful ca Recas of Kingston; Wiher tuition in their bers of her troops from the Broearly lives they will never afterwards do anything for which Chinese fronts to face this new rred in the Island of Jamai oks, Mrs. Murdock, Bertram they could not ask the blessing of God.
menace; hence it may be prea a fortnight ago, we car Cawley, Cecil Johnson, CharThe care and training of the Youth is incumbent on sumed that the Soviets will do now definitely say that the lote Walker, Walter Grubb, everything they can to assist, accident took place while the Walter Mother guiding hand in the home, as it is impossible for Barrett, Urselina the cause of their Chinese train was nearing the Bala King and Jane Hanson. Eight Father to know what is happening there while he is rigidly allies.
clava Tunnel at the Oxford bodies were unrecognizable occupied in his duties in an anxious world as the family Field Marsahll Balbo flight embankment, on the mair and were bruied at Bataclabreadwinner. If Mother patiently and assiduously instils in from Tripoli to Berlin at this line to Montego Bay.
va the minds of her children the love of God, and the delight of time is very significant, and the Tre persons who were ki The entire crew of the de doing His pleasure, she may be sure that outside of her journey of the French Minister lled totalled thirty, The in railed engine lost their lives of Aviation in a similar direc jured ones amounted to 75 as the rear engine pushed preesnce they will be accorded Divine protection.
tion has called for much com. they were taken to the hos everything over the embankMothers ought not, however, to be selfish in their desment.
pitals at Mandeville, Black ment before its engineer reires of blessings for their young ones; they should be suffi The mission of Viscount Run kiver and Montego Bay. alized what had happened.
ciently broadminded to wish blessings for all youths. They ciman to Checoeslovakia with a The following were among Conductor Gordon had been should take the same sincere pleasure in the children of their mesage of mediation has borne the dead Joseph Anglin, in the service of the Railway Julius no fruit, therefore the tension Fngineer: neighbours as they have in their own for without doing Gordon, for over thirty years between that country and Ger Conductor; Williams, Bra would be retiring next year. To Page 11.
many not only continues, but keman; Brissett, Fireman. He is said ta have been one has again assumed a most dan Hamilton, Baggage of the Department most gerous aspect in consequence of man; Myrie of the Loco popular employees. The other the killing a few days ago of motive Department; Phillir members of the crew were another of the members of the Tennant of Mulgrave; Vera all faithful workers who had Minority Group, Cawley of Paradise, Magot served the Railway for many The destruction in Spain con ty; Beatrice Watson of Aber years.
tinues unabated and experts say een; Helen Nembhard of SERVICIO DE VAPORES the end of the civil war will not be seen this year. General Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con Franco having failed to live up escala en Cristóbal y Habana. to his obligations regarding the evacuation plan arranged by Llevando café para todos los puertos the Non Intervention CommitEuropeos y Americanos tee, and as it is known he is LUMBER YARD VAPORES SALIDAS and UNITED FRUIT COMPAN LIMON TRADING COMPANY VERAGUA CHIRIQUI TALAMANCA THE END OF THE CHACO CONFLICT Agosto 14 Agosto 21 Agosto 28 ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS.
Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
Para otros informes dirijose a las oficinas de lo UNITED FRUIT COMPANY on los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica TELEFONO 31 56 The Treaty of Peace between Bol via and Persguay in connection with the Chaco conflict having been duly ratified by both nations, the Neutral Committee provided thereunder wiil immediately commence the arbitration preceedings.
Paraguay approval of the Treaty was obtained by means of a plebiscite taken on the 10th instant when 125, 028 votes were kiven in its favour and 13. 026 against. Bolivia ratification was obtained by the usual legislative procedure.
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SEND IN YOUR ORDERS LIMON TRADING COMPANY Limon Division amminile Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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