
an COLOURED NATIONALS DENIED WORK BRAZIL EXCLUDES COTTON AND COCOA FROM Me. JEditor: GERMANY BARTER TRADE ed nationals are placed in the this Zone, and how broken down The article captioned New inconvenient position of being they are on returning? The geBanant Contract and the Ne declared Undesirable Elements nerality of the Raza de Color RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil, a time, in the fear, it is believe Eco. appearing in the 205 in this Zone, 2nd. Personnels law, taken as an excuse by Ra The Bank of Brazil has specified, that a new agreement would Lissue pi your Journal, is very of the Company conveniently ce haters, has become a weapon cally ruled that cotton and co not prove so advantageous, commendable; was looking for abuse the Law and refuse to in their hands, and the democ cos may not be purchased with The specific action against cotmore of such articles ere this recognize citizenship of colored ratie creed of your government German compensated markston and cocoa purchases in comWhat imon needs is real lead nationals, and Cedulas de Iden is greatly distorted to resemble and it is in the purchases of pensated marks is the result of ership. men who would cease tidad mean nothing to them. 3rd nefarious extermist doetrines, these two products that Ger past expereinces In unloading mixing with criminals, murder. Although the Governor of this doctrines, which are unhealthy many, in the past, has been most this currency, without interna3, etc. and look about the Province has recognized our for the colored nationals and deeply interested. The new rulotional standing, on the Brazilian future betterment of our com Rights and is willing to extend dangerous to the Costa Rican ing will contine German trade market. In the case of cotton munitsThe Coloured natives explicatory letters to those con government. have always been in compensated marks, in Bra Germany not only purchased her should be more nationally cerned, viz. Se hace constar glad to boast am a child of azil, to purchases of coffee and entire quota of 62. 000 tons in conscious with the aim of tak que el señor Joseph es nation whose Flas has never fruits and the allotted quota in the first six months of this year, ing a greater part in the politics, costarricense de origen, segúa been dyed with the blood of the these two in the past, has not but pleced excess orders of.
of their country, for force, po atestados que obran en su poder persecuted, etc.
been used.
25. 000 tons.
wer, are our only salvation. En consecuencia no se le comIt is possible, that the specific When this deal was blocked exemptions in this ruling may by the demand for payment in have always championed respecto a gente de color se be held to be tantamount to an an international currency. Gerthe cause of nationalism, and prenden les prohibiciones que From the above letter you brogation of some clases in the man agents attempted to corner for my aspirations have been han establecido y puede trabapersecuted But it is hard to jar en cualquier parte del pais can see my point of view, and abrogation of some clauses in the cocoa market, and in exchanikill a die herd spirit though aun en regiones bananeras y en if had the backing of the en the three yerr cla German ge for 300. 000 bags swamped actividades de esa indole.
tire Atlantic Zone, my Sight Brazilian barter treaty, and thus the Bank of Brizil wtih several suppose. my apparent silence has caused many to regard me Extendida a solicitud del inwould be carried under the noses lead to a revision or abrogation millions in compensated marks.
of men such as Señores Alber of the entire arrangement.
as socially dead However, teresado a las ocho horas del tazzi and Urbina. d show them This brought about the original while some have been bemoan veinte de julio de mil nove that the inferiority of our Race Inurred this old treaty along, ex ed mark trading, which has nuw Germany has many times entire suspension of compensating the future of Limon, a few cientos treinta y ocho lies with men of criminal men tending it for three months at Seen modified.
having a swell time, and others Por el gobernador de la pro tality, who are used to destroy scrambling over the Universal vincia whatever progressiveness NeNegro Improvement AssociaAntonio Retana Secretario tion, have been actively trying grocs try to achieve. would carry my battle over the netTHE LAND PROBLEM IN MEXICO to oppose the Negro phobia of (Seal)
Legislators; and it my endeav.
work of the world, and defeat Such a Constancia is. con whatever attempt to make us The Mexican Constituion of tried to be a good neighbor. At our have been fruitiess, it is sidered useless, and the Gover really inferior is encountered. 1917 promised a redistribution the same time Mr. Hull pointthrough the lack of financial nor of the State has no voice in would try to infuse a real na of the country rich farmlands, ed out that the good neighbor and fraternal support. should protecting his subjects tional sprit in the minds of our which had been worked, but! policy was reciprocal; that the have liked to have appealed to In view of the fact that Pasing generation, and batti never owned, by centuries of United States was concerned the mass of the county and to nama ideology is the protection against foreign elements who peons. For the past two decades only with moderate American the Clergy. two great factors, of her citizens. Panama for the are endeavouring to separate Mexican Governments have land holdings, not with large but alone, broken and consi Panamanians irrespective of and destroy us.
been confiscating large estates, estates; and that compensation dered enemy to my own race or creed or 75 per cent naAs ever yours, expropriating foreign. owned for expropriation was a prinprovince, am helpless. This is tionals in every position, forlands and turning these over to ciple of international law.
what nevertheless did: sent eigners find it very hard to be Hr.
two petitions to two extremes employed in any payable posiDolores Joseph.
more than 1, 200, 000 rural famHull proposed that the in Congress Sr. Manuel Moration. Seeing now faithful was ilies. Those who lost their pro question be submitted to arbitraLeftist, and perties in the redistribution have tion, under the terms of the gePresbitero Arce, to my political convictions by Rightest in the name of the voting neral treaty of arbitration signNational Republican, never been compensated.
Coloured Criolios, soliciting Recently the United States ed at Washington in 1929 by with your Excellency as Supreraised a diplomatic voice on be Mexico and the United States.
their defence of our cause dur me Commander and Dr. Oreahalf of its citizens who have The Mexican press asserted ing the Banana Contract deb muno Flores as Limon Repreates. also been deprived of their land that United States claims against approached our sentative, have found myself Deputy don Rafael Eduarte, and grouped as a Jamaican even holdings. note, delivered by Mexico could be countered with called his attention to our ex though my parents were Secretary Cordell Hall to the Mexican claims against not clusion from all employment in natives of that very small West Mexican domestic program, had United States, notably for nonthis Zone. He advised me to Indian Island, ington, cited the claims of sev payment for the Chamizal secFábrica de Hielo Hateful Jae dof land worth more than tion of El Paso an area boundprotest through an Escrito to maicans Why so hateful to the provincial Governor, Refrescos who the sight of my compatriots, eral hundred Americans deprived by the present and bygone gave me a letter to those con when Costa Rica should be gra 10. 000. 000. The United States, channels of the Rio Grande cerned, but this also the note stated had shown pa on which Mexico has an interLIMON provedteful to them for having sacthe national arbitration committee negative rificed their lives during more tience and sympathy for After the Company Chiefs than fifty years to feed the naMexican domestci program, had ruling in her favor.
refused to recognize citizen stion? Were not Italians and Chirights, sent a letter, of which nese scurried like hares because the following is a translation, they were TOO WEAK to withto the Executive Head.
stand the temper of the Propics. believe in the differences of Sr. don Leon Cortes.
Races, and must compare this LA FLORIDA RIGA. The Soviet Govern sary of the Bolshevist revoluPresident of Costa Rica.
human family to a great musical ment has assigned 100. 000. 000 tion. The building cannot pos.
I, Dolores Joseph etc. composition, in which there Fábrica de Hielo rubles (about 18. 900. 000 at sibly be completed by that dawith respect would be grateful exists variations in its tonal the official rate of exchange) te, but that is the present aim If you, Head of this Sover structure, but placed together Venta de Leche for work this year on the si Plans for the palace have eign State, could inform me as they form harmony through santic palace of the Soviets been repeatedly changed, but at to the Rigths and Guarantees of their systematic placement.
being built on the site of St. present they call for a pyramid the citizens who were born of Thus there should be no earthly Saviour Cathedral in Moscow, al skyseraper in accending circolored foreign parentage. motive to separate such a human It has also crnounced that the cular terraces surmounted by. palace will be opened on Nov. a colosial figure of Lenin 325 all who are born in Costa Rican the White and the Black Races Gold territory of foreign parentage are needed. No other people are the structure and statue is set and what the age of twenty adaptable ot the fury of a tromonds for Louis at 1365 feet. The building is to one, have voluntarily optioned pical Zone; and it is suicidal to medal studded with diamonds. have a base 460 feet in diameCosta Rican citizenship are con expose the flower of your naWe note the report that a Both the gold and diamonds ter and its main hall is desig. 1sidered Costa Ricans and shalltion to be infested with the group of miners in British Gui will be from the jungles of thated to hold 20. 000 persons. It is enjoy ll Rights as such.
poisons of malarial parasites. ana are so enthused over Joe Colony where 100 miners are to be built of reinforced concre Taking too consideration this Have you ever seen how heal. Lo efeat of Schmeling that said be taking an interest te and a special rustless steel constitutional Right Ist. Color thy they look before going to they plan to send him a gola the matter.
and will contain 148 elevators and sixty two escalators. special lighting system based on English patents is now Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: being planned of receipt which reads: The structure 117 feet Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before higher than the Empire State dentro de los primeros 10 días the 10th of the month.
Building in New York is ex de cada mes.
pected to reach the clouds that Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pene hover over Moscow. Soviet exoblige us to suspend our service, a step which de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
perts, in fact, have estimated that on only ninety days out of the year will the head of the Lenin statue be clearly visible from the ground.
Gigantic Palace for Soviets Maderas Medal with Dia 1942, the twenty fifth anniver feet high. The total height of COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    BolshevismGermanyLeninLeón CortésPresidentes de Costa RicaSoviet

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