
SATURDAY AUGUST 14th. 1938 THE ATLANTIS VOICE PAGE ROM COURT THROWS OUT LIBEL SUIT would en com al of ding ma Blan lon her in SALOMON CHIN La Lemme Chic Francisco Fonseca Ch.
Madame Ida Sankey, the Wi human nature as to have allow Por ANNE DAVIS vez, dijo que si la mujer poLAWYER NOTARY of our late well knowned THIS RECEIPT to have been dia comprar solamente un ves.
PUBLIC Izen Ben Sankey, instituted drawn in the name of their much La primavera se acerca atuario, ese vestuario debería ser Libel Suit against Mr. respected partner and friend grandes pasos; y, en pocas se un traje sastre; y, esto, en reaOffice: tion, the Editor of this Sec Ben Sankey manas los abrigos de pieles des lidad, es verdadero. Con dire Adjoining to the City n of our Journal, for an arti Happily, the honourable and aparecerán los arcanos de rentes blusas y accesorios, un Public Library he wrote in the issue of the serious minded Judges of the alcanfor y neptalina hasta el ad traje sastre puede ser adaptaENGLISH SPOKEN rd. October 1937 explaining Supreme Court saw there was venimiento del próximo invier do a una infinidad de ocasiones.
the shareholders of the Limon no reasonable cause for the no. Y, en los horizontes de la Las parisienses, con su tipica in FORMER JUDGE OF THE orting Syndicate as well as bringing of such a suit against moda; sea en la Rue de la Paix, clinación al ahorro, así como LIMON DISTRICT COURT Sport loving public, why this Journal and absolved the en Bond Street, o en la Quinta con un verdadero sentido artisere was the danger of the Syn Editor of all blame, thus dismiss Avenida, los trajes sastre y los tico, hacen la base de su ropero ate losing the plot of landing the action The Legal erguidos y coquetones sombre el traje sastre; y, demuestran ETHIOPIAN ACTIVITIES cated near the Camp One Practitioners who were engag ritos para la Primavera, están su ingenuidad y originalidad en imp, purchased by them fromed in the lawsult were Mr. haciendo ya su entrada triunfal la propia selección de los acceThe Djibouti Correspondent e deceased Juan Jose Leon Carlos Silva, prosecuting for La base de un ajuar de pri sorios.
of the Voice of Ethiopia. rethe purposes of a Sporting the Widow, and Messrs. Paco mavera es el traje sastre. Un Los modistos están ya exhi ports that 50. 000 Italian soldiers in ound and which they had Fonseca and Albino Villalobos famoso modisto francés, una biendo sus elegantes creaciones were recently dispatched to ma cr.
med Sankey Park. It was of Limon and Mr. Hector Beeen blusas; y, las dos notas más ke an attack against the native Rer ated in the article that Mada che of San Jose defending the salientes de ellas son: las blusas warriors at a place called Ane Sankey had refused to hand Editor con cuello; y, las blusas hasta kober, 12, 000 of them were of er the receipt extended by We need not re iterate to our nai las caderas, de corte ajustado y the Negro Race and they deser in Juan Jose Leon on the friends and subscribers the exen materiales muy ricos.
ted and joined the Ethiopians.
ound that it was in the name pense and anxieties this frivoMaggy Rouff está exhibiendo Since this occurred all their tal her poor husband, and as he lous accusation has caused In Wee. Le una bellísima creación, una blu, other Black soldiers throughid been hastened out, it reverts addition to the many other items Wsa para ser llevada dentro del out the country are being disESTRADA her ownership of expenditure entailed, we had traje, y que tiene un cuello he armed.
On the matter taking this to take witnesses to San Jose Precios Economic cho del mismo material. en un rn, it was said we could not and keep them there several Artículos del País dibujo caprichoso.
The inhabitants of Addis Onceive the cruel attitude on days in order to place before the Mainbocher está exhibiendo Ababa are said to be suffering le part of the loving widow of Court the reasons which brought Abarrotes y Licores una blusa de dibujos en colores terribly on account of an une deceased Sportsman and about the article as also to prove LA IBERIA Pasa a la pág. 10 precedented heat wave and a at it was unworthy; for by the injustice of the suit. Howeshortage of water. The scarcity ich an act the shareholders ver, it has served as a further of food and consequent increase ould be losing over seven proof of the rectitude, honourin prices is also the cause of housand colones they had spent ableness and serious mindedness THE ANTI MALARIA FIGHT serious trouble. Some 50 Italian in the investment, while the pu of the High Judges of the Suarmy trucks, laden with food Nelie would lose the pleasure preme Court of Justice of our The following is the first of a newspapers and periodicals the and escorted by 100 others, merivable from what would have beloved Country, and we can series of articles we intend publish world over, for your co opera while on their way from Desqonstituted the only Sporting only rely on the Truth of the ing in the interest of the campaign tion. You. form the powerful link, sie to the Capital were capturplaza available around Limon words of the Master. He who which is still being vigorously was in our chain which will effect the ed by the Ethiopians at Shela pind why? Simply because the lives by the sword must died on all sides, against the com connection between our informa Meda, which lies in the neighlub, or Syndicate, had been by the sword.
mon yet most pernicious disease tive articles an dthe people for bourhood of Addis Ababa; anvenwise in confiding so much in MALARIA. We are taking the ar whom they are meant. We offer other lot travelling from Dire hu ticles from the very interesting you our articles by means of this Dowa with food, arms and amsit HELIUM GAS DISCOVERED IN BRAZIL pamphlet entitled Malaria. Mon monthly, as they will be an indis, munition were also captured pe thly of the Vaz Dias Agency. In pensable source of information and and several hundreds of the Ita tei national. Amsterdam.
should attract general attention, lians accompanying them killed.
RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil. ment, through gwnership of particularly during malaria epidedelium gas has been found in plants at Amarillo, Texas; Dex In the Foreword of the first is nics. zao Paulo Province, according ter, Kan. and Thatcher, Col. sue which bears the last month to a statement by Dr. Basto Al has a virtual monopoly on the date, the Editorial Staff say: We publish our articles regular editors of the world. press. We es res, Directo: of Brazil Geo production of belium. The rare ly in forty odd languages, so they even ask this much more. Among lographic and Geologic Notwithstanding the fact that an be read by the many millions the readers of these papers there Depart element, so scarce that it was medical science is making surprisin all parts of the world. Their are, no doubt, scientific men, gendiscovered in the sun by spec ing progress, the public health of egular publication, which contribueral practitioners, who have obslas Some time ago, German scien troscopic methods before it was mankind is waylaid, every year, bytes to the knowledge of malaria erved the favourable action of Qui ha ists, investigating helium sourisolated by a British scientist in epidemic discases, the consequen and its cause, and moreover to the nine in cases of malaria; we should res here, declared its existence 1894, is ordinarily found in dinout their report was never yert quantities so small that the cost Malaria is a characteristic inste nee, is a matter of inestimable impor means of short articles, intended ce of which are often disastrous sight and treatment of the disease, value it highly if they would by of recovery is prohibitive.
dito and it is a good sign that the right tənce to public health. We there for publication in our nienthly pa The American supply is refinles The United States Govero ed from a natural gas.
against this disease and its cause, fore count on the co operation per, add in a popular way to the de the Anopheles mosquito, is not flag and hospitality of the director and realization of our endeavours.
Ho gins, but on the contrary is abviously carried on all the more ces energetically along with the in WOMEN NOT SUCCESSFUL AS RENT COLLECCHILE PLANS PURCHASE OF EX KAISER su crease of scientists taking up the TORS did arms. It is backed in this battle YACHT by the valuable adviees of the Ma esp It all goes well for one to There seemed to have been laria. Commission of the League of be a Cook, a Washer or even something with a peculiar SANTIAGO, Chile. The five vessels.
Nations. which is carrying on its a Light. house Keper, but smell in connection with the Cormer Kaiser yacht Hohenzol The first ship was purchased splendid and beneficial work. when it comes to the collec handling of the property.
lern, now at New York, willin Liverpool, and attention is There are many methods of lightion of rentals busy There is much noise respec soon be on regular service bet now being given to the Hohen ting malaria, and the informative town lot it is quite a differ ting surplus amounts collectween Puerto Montt, Chile, and zollern. The price is reported writings on the subject are voluent matter. Hence the last ed on certain premises, and Magallanes, the southernmost to be about 000. 000. minous. To pay full attention, eve monument which commemo we understand receipts are city in the world, if plans being The former Kaiser steamy month, to this malaria. fight rated the name of our once now being passed to tenants tonsidered by the government yacht Hohenzollern was sold ing. to report results attained in much respected fellow citi for the correct amounts here mature.
at Oslo on Jan. 19, 1935 to a all parts of the world, and above zen, Ben Sankey, has passed which should have been coThe Chilean State Railroads group of Norwegian business all to attribute to the distribution on to oblivion. The creditors llected, Inflations to as much in an effort to increase traffic men for making week. end of the data obtained regarding the concerned have seen the ne as around 25 per cent are with the southern territory win cruises around the fjords.
fight. this is what we have made cessity of taking over this alleged to have taken place.
establish a steamship service of our task with the publication of last link with the days gone High financing certainly, to this monthly Can anything be by, and the lot hitherto a very dangerous degree: but more fatal to the prosperity of a known the name San such things do not last long, JAPANESE PLANES KILL 16, 000 CHINESE country and its population than its kel Lot on the 8th. Street and it should ever be remem resistance being undermined by an is now under the control of bered that Honesty is the CIVILIANS epidemic disease? And is it not a white collectors.
best Policy.
matter of primary importance for that country and that population: HANKOW, China. Accor The figures show Japanese to contribute to their health, by NUEVO DEPOSITO MADERAS DE GUAPILES ding to figures issued coinci planes carried out 472 raids fighting elements whyling dent with the opening of the up to the end of June.
them with ail the means at their World Anti. Bombing Confe50 varas al Sur del Correo.
Generalissimo Chiang Kai. disposal? We alone, cannot comrence in Paris, 16. 532 noncom shek has cabled the conference municate direct to the milliards batants were killed and 21. 752 his appreciation for its ef all over the world, and cannot the El famoso laurel negro y barcino en cualquier wounded in China by Japanese forts and also made an appeal refore make known all the data, plenes from July, 1937, until on behalf of the countless in the statistics, the medical instruc cantidad. Precios más bajos de plaza.
June, 1938. Heavy casualties innocent noncombatants who have, tions, eje. being added to the the bombing of Wuhan, Can fallen victiins to the indiscrimi knowledge of the methodical maPASE VER SE CONVENCERA.
fon and Swatow would materia nate attacks of Japanese air laria. fight. We therefore appeal lly increase those totals.
to you, directors and editors of Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
de llia fied.
on a


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