
3: SATURDAY AUGUST 14th. 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE 11 CHAMPIONSHIP CONTEST Military Attache to be located in San Jose Jose sessicasses TIENDA MIL COLORES SUCURSAL. LIMON. AP. 578 It has been brought to our at: We are not yet in possession tention that the Department of of all particulars and details so Sport of the St. Anthony As would advise all intending com sociation is arranging to stage petitors to lose no time in see According to the Star and a noyel Concert within the next ing the Director of the AssoHerald, we note that the few weeks. Triple Contest ciation for all the necessary inOffice of the United States will be among the items. As the formation regarding this novel Military Attache to Panama function promises to be a most affair which is already arousing and the Republies of Central interesting effair, we feel sure a vast amount of interest on America is to be transferred the general publie will make every hand.
from Panama City to our every effort to be present, and Capital, San Jose, where it so give full support to a worth JOSE ACHION NG was formerly located.
while undertaking.
Comerciante Detallista Lt. Col. Pate, who The principal attraction, we Licores, Abarrotes, Cristale occupies the important posi are told, will be an An Star ria, Artículos de Ferretería y tion is expected here today. Championship Elocution ConEléctricos; todo se encuentra test, in which the competitore, e este establecimiento.
PRECIOS DE SITUACION will vie for the title of ChamLIMON pion Elocutionist of Limon.
The prize for this important WOMEN! item has been donated by Mr.
Anthony Maxwell, a Justice of Turn dark weak the Peace, letely here irom days into sun.
days. Be strong, Kingston, Jamaica.
happy. Cardui.
The other two items of the Cuando una muchacha de famous medicinal Triple Contest will be a 16 años mira a su madre ho tonic, helps prevent periodic discomfort. Song Hit competition and a puede creer que hubiera ja Humerous Comedy contest. mnás romance en su vida.
G66636606: Seeceoso Con Pimienta MIRE!
res porque importamos di We are competitors, rectamente de Inglaterra.
because we import diNosotros somos competidorect from England.
ANS sastres.
We are supreme, beSomos superiores, porque cause we have the best tenemos los mejores journey men tailors.
Vestidos de casimir inglés Suits from 95. 00, desde 95. 00.
Aceptamos pagos semana upwards. 00 weekly les desde 00 payments.
Enrique Yankelewitz, Propriefor Roden, Cutler CARDUL.
Mothers Day.
BEVERLEY NEWS PERSONAL Dear Mr. Editor: The entertainment, during the beg that you give publica evening of the 1st. August, was The very large circle of tion to the following Mid Sum exceedingly successful with Mr.
Festivities which Gordon once readers and others who tru mer School again in the ly appreciate the untiring. ef recently took place at Bever Chair and Miss Iris Gordon atforts of Mr. Nation, the ley, and consisted of a Pleasant tending at the Orgna. In his op Editor of this Section of our Sunday Afternoon Service, on ening address, Mr. Gordon Journal, for the betterment the 31st July; the Annual En dealt with the important subject of our community and Pro tertainment the following even of education, which he reminded vince generally, will surelying, and the Outing to Siqui his hearers had no regard for be gratified to learn of his Fres in combination with the either aristocracy or poverty.
success as stated more fully Schools of Zent and Liverpool. but was a matter of labour and elsewhere in this issue, in the The Sunday afternoon Servis Farlane again distinguished her opportunity for all. Miss Mcsuit brought against him in ce consisted of Recitations. self in her solo cannot sing the Supreme Court for Lib Songs, and Addresses. Mr. Char the Old Song. The Dialogues les Gordo acted as Chairman kept all spell bound, especiaHy After their usual careful and the Misses Gordon and call the one in which Miss Wilhelinvestigation of the charge vin attenden at the organ. The Carr partieipated. Miss and hearing the evidence programme was most satisfac Carr is a noble speaker, and it submitted on behalf of the torily gone through, but can. is to be hoped her neat expresdefendant, the Judges unanot help mentioning the thrill nimously agreed our Editor we all experienced while Miss sion in public wil be copied by our other girls. The crowd was was not guilty of the accus Jenny McFarlane so impressiation made against him and vely rendered Newman well quite a decent one. It would ap so dismissed the case. We take known song Lead Kindly Light formation in Social gatherings.
pear as if there has been a Rethis opportunity of re itera particularly the lines Miss Iris Gordon and her coting our gratification and workers are sincerely thanked And with the morn those Angel for their perseverance, through tendering him our warmest Voices smiled congratulations Which have loved long since, which brought about the eventhe long and continuous rains, and lost awhile.
ing success.
mina From Pag.
unto your neighbour child as you would like to have done unto yours, you may be sure true blessedness cannot, ottoin its ends Selfishness is ruining the world at this time. Every orgonization, religious or otherwise, wishes and prays that success and Divine favours may attend its members alone, forgetting that every living being was created by the same Parentage, and therefore has an equal and similar claim on His bounty, care and guidance. Mothers should consequently remember that the more they proy for blessings for the children araund them, the more abundently will theirs be blessed.
We now come to a point that bears very heavily on the mind of every thoughtful member of this community. the need of protection for the unfortunate waifs and strays on our thoroughfares. Hundreds are to be seen around us travelling swiftly along the roadway to criminalogy, and why?
Because of selfishness. Let us implore all Mothers to formulate themselves into one great. Association, without the thought of Creed of. Colour, for the uplifting of these unfortunates.
There is no oppeal more powerful to the minds of men than that of womanhood, therefore if our mothers and sisters, who are prospective mothers, will go forward and organize for a campaign to house, care and educate these unfortunates, the tender sentiments of our Officials in government service will be proused on behalf of these suffering youngsters. It may be said how con so gigantic o scheme be made o reality, we therefore suggest the following for a start: Let every mother start on o Begging Drive. Request a ten cents donation, per week, from every one encountered.
Organize responsible Committees, under government recogintion, in every district to take care of the collections. If this be energetically attended to along real co operative and unselfish lines, we are sure that by the 15th of August 1939 an amount totalling one million ten cents pieces will have been acquired, and with this sum on deposit with the National Bank, the government would readily grant oplot of land on which the youths could be housed, fed, cored and educated into paths of virtue. The influence of Motherhood shall then be seen, felt and mode dignified as it ought to be.
Let the compaign be started, let us organize a Mothers Saamritanized Committee, and invite all prominent fothers and men to bolster the scheme. If this ideo be properly set qut success will surely attend our efforts.
TIRED FOR YOUR RELIEVE Death of Author of The Outing Party left LiAFTER DAY IN THE mon at a. Wednesday for Tipperary SUN Siquirres escorted by Mrs. Saw yers and Knight. They went by the Northern and EYES Jack Judge, the author of connected with the famous British war song the Liverpool and Zent Schools. There was a select and. It a Long Way to TippeURINE decent crowd this year.
The rary. died in Birmingham Lady Directress has shown the England on the 28th. July EYES public that she does not tolerate last, he was 60 years old.
Before he earned a fortu that he composed the song: che dat 15 and the children impropriety, Siquirres was reane with one of the most suc Some one, it is stated, laid marched to the Anglican Chur cessful song hits of the twen him a bet he could not writech where they were met by the tieth century. Judge is said a song and produce it on the Rev. Canon Thornton, and gite have spent many years same day. He took on the bet, selling fish in Oldbury. Mar wrote the words and the mu nutes. They then visited the Saw ven a service lasting 15 miket, Staffordshire, England. sic, and sang it the night of Mill and other important sceHe later went in for vaude the same day at the Stalyneries. All returned to Limon ville acting, and it was while bridge Grand Theatre. It be full of glee for the day pleataking part in one of these came an immediate success sant outing. Our humble thanks to those who facilitated the transportation Lumber Deposit SAITA It is gratifying to know that within 100 years of our Liberty, our very Task Masters have adopted the opposite policy: Next to LA PROVEEDORA New and Complefe. Assortment of Lumber Messurements less than feet at 25 per foot They are tilling on Soils of Yo ho, Yo ho.
much more than our Limon Fraternity, SAWYERS. Educationists. We hope Miss They are sowing the Seed of Wilhelmina Carr will be a com Vindness.
ED. NOTE. The Beverley folk petitor in the St. Anthony Con richer Soil they till. must be complimented for their test, new blood is always welYo ho.
efforts to celebrate the 100th. comed in such educational ef hсalthier Seed they sow year of Emancipation They did forts.
Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa


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