
THE ABANDONMENT OF THE ATLANTIC ZONE THE ATLANTIC VOICE was a one was Due to the advice of the Uni The Compary is making a ted Fruit Company Officials tunnel and carrying out other that no more Bananas should be costly works to as to maintain planted in this zone, it has been a good service on its railroads; persistently felt that our Atlan but at the same time it is its devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone tic region is to be abandoned duty to warn planters of the Editor English Section: C NATION Representations were consequen darger incurred in making new tly made to the Chief Executi plantations in view of a disease ve of the Republic by the lar of such importance as the SiYear IV Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday August 20 D)
No. 208 ge producers as well as by the gatoka Chamber of Commerce, and Lie. 11, at the inception of the Padon Leon Cortes caled on the nema Disease: the Company or Wireless News THE RUSO JAPANESE ARMISTICE THREATENED Company to explain the situa anyone else had been able to timus. The following memoran core ce its ravages, we would BERLIN About six to dum, as published in the daily nave given the same warning seven thousand Jewish phys dated the 16th, instant, indic ese troops moved into advancAn advice from Moscow narrowly averted when Japan papers of San Jose, was sent note we are now giving and the President by Mr. Chitten many failures would have been forbidden to practise after the Ruso Japanese Armistice The troops were only withicians in Germany have been ated that the carrying out of ed positions after the trace.
den in reply avuided. When the Panama. DiSeptember 30th. The only ex Agreement was being delayed drawn, after Foreign Commissease made its appearance, ception to the sweeping de by new border difficulties, sar Maxim Litvinov warned San Jose, 12th, August 1938 it new factor and cree were unusual Sr. President. The publi no cases, which had almost caused an the Japanese Ambassador able to foresee when the Minister of Interior armed clash shortly after the that the USSR would conscations which have been made what would have occurred.
can grant licenses to practi Truce went into effect on the ider the Armistice violated in the newspapers of this date Now, we know the enormity of se; as also certain world 11th. August if they were permitted to relative to the belief that the the damages caused by the Si war veterans, who may bc Company intends withdrawing gatoka in other countries, ne given maintenance grants The difficulty was disclos hold their new positions.
ed in a Soviet communique No later news has been reits activities from the Atlantic vertheless the fight against it which said a new outbreak of ceived of the progress of the Zone, induces me io address you is only in its experimental sta SAN DIEGO. Naval Av fighting on the disputed Sibe negotiations by presenting the following me ge, and the result of this com iation authorities have an rian Korean frontier had been morandum which may undoub bat will be for the good of all nounced that two flights o tedly serve with all good will to corcerned. We therefore wish to sixteen long range patrol ca the public mind by the await the results of this expe bombers, each to Hawaii in LABOUR PARTY TO ELECT LEADER conviction that such rumours rimentation so our producers do September and November are entirely unfounded.
not run any risks without being and one of sixteen planes to Mr. Hubert Critchlow of Bri) each group from where candi The Company has gone far forewarned of what may hap Panama on August 31st. will tih Guiana, Hon. Captain date has been proposed.
beyond the letter of the agree pen.
complete the Navy A Cipriani of Trinidad, and Mr in communities where there ment in the fulfilment of its The works we have been un mass of distance flights for Alex Bustamante of Jamaica are is not a native of any one obligations assumed in the con dertaking to maintain efficient 1938.
the candidates for election as the groups which has proposed tract of 1934. It has loaned far railway traffic, will clearly pro Labor Leader of the Caribbean. a candidate for the general elec mers a larger sum than that a ve that it is not our intention to COPENHAGEN Every The Executive Body of the tion, a native of another colony greed on in such contract as a abandon the Atlantic Zone, es legal obstacle has been rem British West Indian Labor Par which has not proposed a candi means of increasing the cultiva pecially while this region pro oved from the separation of ty is reported to have received date must be invited to form tion of the Atlantic Zone; it duces sufficient bananas to jus the wealthy former Barbara with the greatest satisfaction part of the committee, in the has assisted the farmers to cons tify its maintenance. Apart from Hutton and her second husb the proposals of Mr. Alexander piace of the lacking member.
truet tramway lines in their priits Banana activities, the Com and, the Danish Count Haug Bustamante and Mr. Hubert Crit All applications for voting ma: vate frems: and has, in addition pany is making experiments to witz Reventlow. Acting Min chlow constituencies, ter al must contain the full naconstructed on its own account, augment the production of Ca. ister of Justice, Orla Buhl, sig The Constituency of the Hon me birth place, and address of other railway lines with the cao by the hectarea, which is ned the petition granting se Cipriani has been long await each member of the committee.
view of retaining transportation, the secret of success in any paration to the Nobleman ing the proposal of other candi Both sexes have the right to it has undertaken canalization branch of agriculture. The alarm and the Woolworth Heiress, dates for the general election of voie. All that is required is works of effective improve therefore in so far as the aban row also a Danish subject. a Leader for the British West they must prove they are natiments, including new exten denment or the ruin of the Their separation becomes di Indian Labor Party.
ves or citizens of any of the co tions of the railway service. In tlantic Zone is concerned. is vorce after eighteen months. The Executive Body of the lonies referred to above and ashort. It has co operated in eve unfounded: for apart from the if both agree, or after 12 mno: Biltish West Indian Lebor Party te workers.
Ty way possible to augment and activities of the Compania Ba re onths if each of them has notified, it is understood, na make an increased production a nanera in the production of Ca disagrees.
tives and citizens throughout reality cao, Bananas and possibly Abathe British colonies situated in TO ENGOURAGE NATIVE If the Company thought only ca, there is an immense Tidal field LUCKNOW, India. and around the Caribbean Sea of its private businers, it would open to private initiative for wave floods. covering 400 as well as natives of the above TALENT not advise private farmers to the cultivation of other fruits, square miles in the United colonies temporarily residing in on the initiative of Deputy stop their plantings, for its de grains, etc. or in the Cattle in 100 in the Nonda District, and material will be sent to a com been asked to re validate the Provinces, recently drowned foreign countries, that voting Carlos Jinesta, Congress has sire would be to have increas Custry. The Goodyear Compa caused widespread property mittee in any community if ap law which was passed ed planting and more fruit, be ny is estsblishing Rubber planlast cause the Company is disposedtations and also carrying on exdamage. Relief operations plied for 10 purchase all the, Exportable preiments with Abaca in which wiped out 30 miles of the on tiog material must be composed lones from the public were hampered as the floods year authorizing the expendi Committees applying for vo ture of the sum of 24, 000 co Fruit that can be obtained the Company may possibly derevely railroad line to governm of at least, one person from from the Atlantic Zone.
ent headquarters.
UNITED FRUIT COMPANY HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE SERVICIO DE VAPORES Solidos semanales de Limón para Nueva York con escala en Cristóbal y Habana.
QUITO, Ecuador. series of earthquakes have destroyed three towns, causing unaetermined deaths, injuries and damages in Quito, the Capital and Guayaquil the country main port and largest city. The small towns of Sangolqui, Elteingo and Arangas were destroyed. In Arangas 35 shocks were felt in 24 hours, levelling the town and causing several deaths. Troops with tents, medical supplies and other first aid equipment were rushed to the stricken areas.
Llevando café para todos los puertos Europeos y Americanos Próximas salidas de Puerto Liinon VAPORES SALIDAS Para GUATEMALA: MN. CARIBIA CHIRIQUI TALAMANCA QUIRIGUA Agosto 23 Agosto 21 Agosto 28 Septiembre Para EUROPA: MN. CARIBIA Agosto 28 ALVARADO y Cia. SUCS.
Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
HAPAG LLOYD Poro otros informes dirijose o las oficinas de la UNITED FRUIT COMPANY er los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica TELEFONO 3156 NEW YORK Four Germain fliers, who dined in Ber lin the night previous, dropped in on New York during the afternoon of the 12th.
instant, to complete in 25 hours aviation first westward flight between the two cities. Over 3, 942 miles land and water, their 24 passenger transport flew to demons trate it was explained, the feasibility of air service between Germany and Americe.
AGENCIA COSTA RICA AVENIDA CENTRAL TELEFONO 2086 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    GermanyLeón CortésPresidentes de Costa RicaSovietWorkers Party

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