
PAGE 10 SATURDAY, AUGUST 20th. 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE To The General Public HOP LEE LUNG Notas Sociales LIMON TRADING COMPANY With reference to an article ap.
pearing in a recent issue of the Atlantic Voice we deem it our MATINA duty to request the publication of y 24 MILLAS THE VOGUE TAILORS the following Rogers It is an estiblished fact that le Eos más surtidos Establecimientos de JAMAICA BURIAL SCHEME SO LICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES CIETY has always, since its incep Háganos una visita.
tion, maintained its honour, and always will. Hence we beg to ad Buy Your Suits on Easy vise the general public that the article captioned Dissatisfaction Payment Plan in Bucial Scheme does not refer to us. We pay our Death Grants See Our Lines of almost immediately after recev ing the declaration of Death; and Edith Reuben Duelo Banco Tweeds, Serges, Palm our Sick Benefits, as soon as they are recommended, so long as the Beach, Linens and Se encuentra de nuevo entre Con mucha pena hemos sa individuals are in compliance with nosotros la encantadora damitado del dolor que aflige a nuest Drills.
the ruling of the Society.
de nuestra sociedad Edith Reutro muy estimado amigo don ben, a quien le damos nuestra cente de la Peña y su señora MITCHELL cariñosa bienvenida.
esposa en Siquirres, con la re Make your choice. Pay cierte pérdida de una preciosa any amount from one Secy, Jamaica Sociely.
niñita que era la alegria del hd gar. Nuestra sentida condolen colón upwards. We make MOST REVOLTING ACT Para la capital cia para los padres.
your suit to your entire Para San José Some days ago a youngDon Juan Luis Vargas y su satisfaction.
Varga Regresó a la capital la gentil man bearing the sobriquet of señora doña Otilia de Seven was seized by the po! salieron para San José. Un buen culta dama doña Ermida de Gallegos Montealegre, quien lice while committing the viaje les deseamos. abominable act of carnal inllegó al puerto a recibir a una de sus hijas. Nuestro atento sa tercourse with a sow left at ludo para ambas distinguidas se the Slaughter House here. It foras.
can well be imagined the a Profesional enfermo mount of horror this dastardly act has aroused, some of Mucho mejor de sus dolencias Amiga que regresa THE EXPROPRIATION OF THE ELECTRIC COMPANIES our people going the length hemos tenido el gusto de salu De la capital regresó doña of expressing the opinion dar al Lic. don Albino Villalomelina de Vaz donde distru By forty three votes against poses were imported and plac that the deplorable wretch bos. muy amigo nuestro. y tó de unos dias de descanso one, Congress has agreed that ed in operation in opposition should be confined to a Pig ceperamos que continue mejoran Nuestro saludo para la genti all the property and utilities io the Companies tramway Crawl for the remainder of do cada dia.
señora de Vaz.
of the Electric Light and Po services. The demand for po his time. He is now in the lo wer Companies now operat wer and light, in keeping cal Cuartel awaiting the deing in San José and other with the growth of a progrecision of the Criminal Court.
parts of the Republic shall bessive eity could never be taken over by the govern satisfactorily met; hence the ment.
continual complaints which For several years there has culminated in the aforemen Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON been great dissatisfaction bet tioned decision of Congres to LUMBER YARD accord the Executive Council ween the government and the public on the one side the authority to raise a loan ABOGADO and the Electric Companies of eight million dollars to pay We have opened a Lumber Yard y NOTARIP PUBLICC of San Jose on the other, It for the expropriation of the was claimed the Companies concern which would thereaf where we carry in stock a complete had not been living up.
ter be run under government Oficina: Altos Pasassortment of all kinds of Native their agreements regarding management and ownership cual Ingianna the supply of light, power just as the Electric Railway and trasportation Board to the Pacific coast is Lumber. Special sizes to order.
of Control was appointed by being carried on.
We also have Portland Ceinent, Roof the government to regulate Of course, the question of ed Press. The Administrator all matters connected with the value of the properties states do not consider ing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpenthe manipulations of this gi and general affairs of the the expropriation of our progantic concern, and these ha Companies is where the knot perties the most tine and all other building materials.
convenient ve been continually at logger comes in, but according to means under the actual cirheads, the Company being ap latest exposures, the govern cumstances. For approximaSEND IN YOUR ORDERS parently of the opinion it had ment claims that the low va tely ten years the Company grown too powerful to be lues stated in the Compa has been trying to make now controlled by a Buard, nies Ingiving Reports and new contract with the the majority of whose on which is based the amount vernmen of Costa Rica for Limon Division members might not be of taxes they pay, are those the Electrical Services of women who scientifically prepared to ef by which a valuation can be San Jose and its surrounding ficiently discharge the duties ajudicated. As it is natural districts as a means of permit demands. In the present ecc gress, appears to me an incor required of them. The Board to expect, the high officials ting us to finance new exten nomic situation of the Comformity to the public, by made certain findings and re of the Companies are not atsions and improvements. Not pany, due to the high rate of checking the progress of thit solutions with wich the Com all satisfied with these tran withstanding several rebates exchanges as well as to the community electric service panies disagreed as being opsactions, as may all the better in our tariii rates and other state of the foreign finarcial Personally, do not think the posed to their best interests be gathered from the terms concessions, we have not markets, it is impossible to expropiation of our propert and not in keeping with the of the interview recently gi been able to arrive at a defi obtain the necessary new ca ties is the most appropiat original concessions. Friction ven by the General Adminis nite understanding.
consequently started, the pu trator of the Electric Bond this period the Company During pital without having in hand way to settle the questioa ur contract of say, aller present, conditions, blic got furious, motorized ve and Share Company to a re has reconstructed the grea least, 25 years duration am hoping the governmen hicles for tranportation pur Ipresentative of the Associat ter part of its system and which the government has will, in the near future, fing has invested mucn new capi not been willing to grant. a solution more favourable tal in its several departments to safeguard public interest to their interests within the YM of service with the resultſ and those of the Republic in laws and constitution of the See the Latest in that this city now enjoys an general, we have always ma Republic.
electric service that cannotnifested that the problem FANCY PALM BEACH LINEN be improved upon.
might be solved in some way SUITINGS Due to the greater uses of or form defininety, whether electricity, the Company ac by sale of our business to the This question is being an tually has not sufficient capa State or by a new plant erect xiously watched, for th at JACK ORANE SUCS. Limón.
city to attend to all the de ed by the State, or yet by the grasping or seizing of privat mands of the public. It would grant to us of a new contract properties now being indulg!
QUALITIES, PATTERNS PRICES require an inversion of about to enable us to got the necessed in by differenet govern two million dollars to cons quired improvements. ments, does not really savou to please you!
truct a new plant with the cosary new capital for the re of goodwill or the promotion rresponding extensions to the The suggestion to the Pre of that peace and harmony st present system to meet these sident recently passed in Con much talked about.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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