
After passing a short vacation in the Interior, during which they visited several of the country interesting ioca lities, we heartily welcome the return, today, of our much appreciated citizen Mr Alfred Hill and his daughter Miss Cecilia.
has obtained its rapid and great popularity by having cured an immense number of persons who suffered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These now gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from such complaints as COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION Accompanied by her broDEATH OF HEIR TO DODGE AUTOMOBILE FORTUNE ther and sister, Mr. Anthony HENRY ARMSTRONG NOW HOLDS THREE and Miss Marian Maxwell, Daniel Dodge, the youth Camp located twenty miles Mrs. Clara Orone of the PeoCHAMPIONSHIPS fui heir to the Dodge Auto west of Little Current, Ontaple House, left last Thursmobile fortune of about 000 rio, Canada, Dodge suffered day for the Capital, By whipping Lou Ambers The bout was for fifteen 000 dollars, where at the Madison Square Gar rounds and took place lin the was drowned a skull fracture and the loss while being taken to a hospi of an arm by the explosion of they expect spending some ti den, New York, last Wednes presence of a huge and enthu tal for treatment for injur a stick of dynamite he was me. We wish them the best day night, Henry Armstrong, siastic crowd. From the start results obtainable from ies received in a dynamite ex examining is a garage. sethe the Coloured Dynamiter from of the fight Arsmtrong is said cooler clime.
Los Angeles, has created plosion which also caused in cond stick also exploded and a to have shewn his superiorijuries to his wife and anot seriously injured Mrs.
Dodnew record in the history of ty in rapidity and technique KEEP ge, the former Lourine Mac the Fistic Art. He is now the and although he was unable YOUR While honeymooning with Donald: the doctors expect holder of the Light weight to completely finish His foe, his two weeks old bride at she will recover.
EYES Championship in additon to he was at the close of the Kagawong, the those of the Feather and Wel encounter awarded the victoSummer ter Weights ry by decision.
her party, Clean and Clear The Anti Malaria Fight MURINE, An Assurance pond Fortunately, malaria is not conderable time, they become impo. The Abandonment. is now demanding coppolies.
EYES The Editor sure the public that the pu. Tort Dr. Willam Brady contributes the malaria. carrying mosquito ASK YOUR DRUGGIST Kindly spare us a small space of the article con by no means the following to the July issue of from the common lind. Malaria Monthy.
Malaria mosquitoes in your much appreciated journal have any reference to our Associa are GENL. BYRD ON THE to say a few words in connection tion, which promptly meets southedn reader says Mala breeders, or a puddle of natural all with the article Dissatisfaction in legitimate claims on dentand, alria is very prevalent in his part collection of water will do, as also of the woods and the treatment some stagnant water in field or IMPROVE Burial Scheme. appearing in the though its grants are the largest used is not very effective for most swamp. They are issue of August 6th. We thank you as the following denote. Memless likely to in advance ber 225. 00: An Adult Dependent of the cases are of long duration breed about habitations in un The many friends, residing The article refers to certain dis 200. 00 and a Child C125. 03.
According to recent statistics com screened rain barrels, open cis in this Province, of Gereral piled by the United States Pub terns, old cans, or other recepta Byrd will be pleased to learn raises the question of the insolwe have the good fortune of being satisfaction among meinbers, and In conclusion, we may mention lic Health Service, more than bles about the yard containing he is still improving from the 133, 000 cases of Malaria are re water or obstructed Al possessed of a healthy Bank Aceaves than very unfortunate accident he vency of a Burial Scheme.
ported annually, though our Association is not na count, and an excellent and cafeand there are are the common Culex kind, which suffered some 10 days ago 4, 319 deaths. Physicians, in a po are a pest but do not carry ma when, while riding into Car med. we fear the searching mind. fal Advisory Board.
Respectfully yours.
sition, to know estimate that notlaria.
tago from his farm residence not having the neeessary knowled more than one. fourth of the cases of malaria are reported to the ny persons, who have had an at his horse and sustained se sociation. We therefore wish to as Due to inefficient treatment ma at Westover. he fell from se may be led to include the St.
Anthony Burial and Sick Aid As The Management Health authorities; and as for treat tack of malaria and made a par rious injuries about his head St. Anthony B. A, Assn.
ment. it is sadly inefficient in tial or apparent recovery, still car and body.
the great number of cases which ry the malarial parasites in their POLAND HAS EYES ON LIBERIA do not come under proper surveil blood and, although they may not of health authorities. have further trouble WEST AFRICA Poland thrice.
Not until the Treaty of tagious or communicable from per tant factors in the spread of mataking a cue from the exam Versailles was signed did son to person. person can get læria. mosquitoes whiſh bite FROM PAGE ple of Germany.
Poland became a political en malaria only through the agency them take along some of the para. series of Colonial Days tity of the firmament of the of the Anopheles, a genus or breed sites to inoculate the persons they cide to take an interest, if it is has been started in the small international community.
of mosquito. Inoculation with the subsequently bite. It requires much accorded just and equitable arcountry When the idea of Polish malaria parasite occurs when one more quinine to sterilize such a rangements.
Newspapers and wireless dreams towards the future is litten by this kind of mosquito human carrier of the parasites other Zones of the country, broadcasts stress the nation lof the Republic of Liberia Malaria may be inoculated in other than to cure a case of malaria. with similar lands but with need for colonies, and nation was mooted, one of the Powayt acqidentally or experimen. If chills and fever occur, it is gen greater transportation difwide demonstrations have lish officials attached to the tally; but the bite of Anophele: erally advisable to take twenty ficulties, can live and prosper been called.
Liberian Civil Service, as an is the only way a person can get grains of quinine a day for from without Bananas, cacao and aba The official press declares Agricultural expert, denied malaria naturally. Low ground five to seven days. This is the dose ca, do not see the reason of the allegations swamp, dampness, freshly turned recommended by physicians who any alarm for the future of the that Poland voice demand vigorously but it was not quite six earth, watermelon, the state of the have had the most experience in Atlantic Zone. If adequate cul ird colonies should be heard by all who possess colonies.
months afterward that certliver, and the purity or impurity the prevention and eradication of tivations be established in eveof the blood have nothing to do malaria. As chills and fever may ry section of the zone, if corn has her eyes on the Black Re sustained the allegations.
It is understood that Poland ain continental newspapers with it. No Anopheles mosquitos, mean some other illness, is is only and other grains are planted on public of Liberia, where she no malaria. Common Culex mos by finding the parasites in the lands suitable for such cultiva. has many of her native men fact that Poland is now seekThere is no denying the quitoes have nothing to do with it. blood of the patient, under the tions, if the Cattle industry be of commerce installed togeth ing colcnial territories in orWhen a Culex mosquito alights ist microscope, can the doctor be cer attended to as it ought, private body is nearly parallel with the tain the patient has malaria. individuals who undertook such er with technicians.
der to prove its right to besurface.
Here the small power is ad come a Colonial When Anopheles activities would be adequately alights its body is almost perpenremunerated for their labours, opting the tactics of BORING Power and that some PoFROM WITHIN the.
as the land, when appropriateles have settled in Liberia This demand, however, is ostentibly to earn a livelihosome powers, for the Union tropical disturbance which who make it the object of their South Africa is taking steps sort of espionage in order to of them are engaged in was moving outwards from for the incorporation in the the Gulf of Mexico the With the greatest respect, etc. Union of the Three Protecto lish authorities regarding the make accurate reports to Poete 15th. instant, is reported to rates, Bechuanaland, Basutol suitability of Liberia as Cohave shifted its course and Sgd. Chittenden.
and and Swaziland.
lony swept inland over the Lake Like all late comers in the Charles district. with a fifty scramble for African territoBesides easing functional mile wind that interrupted te LUIS WA CHONG ry, Poland is now making a pains of menstruation, Car lephone service, snapped trees, sort of noise in order to produi aids in building up the and commited other damages ve its right to govern Africwhole system by helping but left only one injured vic GUACIMO GUAPILES Wee. Le ans.
women to get more energy tim The history of Poland is a ESTRADA and strength Windows in every section tranjeros y del país record of man inhumanity from their food of New Orleans were smashed Tienda bien situada to man. Having suffered siPrecios Economics for Women as the storm reached its full Abarrotes en general multaneously under Maria Artículos del País force around p. Sheds and Theresa of Austria, Frederick other small buildings were Precios sin competencia the Great of Prussia, and Abarrotes y Licores blown down and boats on the Catherine the Great of RusLA IBERIA Lake destroyed sia, Poland was partitioned an dependable way of distinguishing TROPICAL DISTURBANCE y cultivated, always vields se not confined to the European od, whilst apparently a on Cardui SALOMON CHIN. 00 00 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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