
THE PROBLEM OF OUR BANANA INDUSTRY THE ATLANTIC VOICE Banana Exportation Many are the comments still and fifty cents, whereas on the to be heard relative to the most Pacific side the amount is only serious problem which confronts thirty cents. He points out that our Atlantic Zone. The aban the rejections of the fruit, due donment, by the United Fruit to the determination of the ExDevoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone Company of the continued dev portation Department is most The elopment of the production of unfortunate at this time.
Editor English Section: NATION Bananas in this part of the Re farmers are asked to supply onpublic, Jy very heavy fruit whose addiYear Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday August 27 th 1953 No. 20 Several meetings have taken tional weight cause the trees to place, here and in the Capital. fall and destroy the bunches, or in connection with the matter. make them more liable to be THE MOST AWFUL HOMICIDAL EVENT IN Political Prospects The Chamber of Commerce hos bruised by handling. From the discussed the situation, and the 26th July to the 9th August President of the Republic, along the huge quantity COUNTRY HISTORY of 45, 076 Political activities in conwith his Executive Officers, ha stems of fruit were rejected nection with the next Presive had conferences with the this tends to a dishearteninent The entire country, particu. had teea shot dead, as well as dential Election have started, high Officials of the Company of the farmers and a destruction larly San Jose, was aroused to one of our rising young Medi and the names of Doctor CalOur Municipal Authorities have of their impetus to continue the an unprecedent extent last Tue cos, Doctor Carlos Manuel Echanderon Guardia and don Juan also discussed the subject with care of their ferms, thus prod day night by the commitment of di Lahmann. It was soon after Rafael Arias are being persisthe planters, while public gath ucing abandonment.
the most atrocious premeditatea leaned that a prominent Cana tently mentioned.
erings have occurred all having At the meeting which took killing the Republic has expeljan, Harry Maynard, was also Don Ricardo Jimenez has, the same theme. the disheart place last week at the office of rienced in her one hundred and killed, a young man of good of course, been approached.
éning prospects of the Industry the Municipal Board, many pro seventeen years of national parentage, Egerico Vargas, se but the old veteran has, as in so far as we of this Province positions were made to offset fe, whereby two of the most entriously wounded, and another usual, refused. There is no are concerned. The disapproval the fear of abandonment, among neat and highly respected and lightiy injured on the arm. telling, however, what he by President Cortes of that part them were the requests that beloved member of our Medi According to his statement of Mr. Chittenden memoran the President of the Republic al profession, as also a Cana in the presence of the Pre ident see an may decide to do should he unfavourable aspect dum, in which he denies the in see to the rigid enforcenment dian, a much esteemed memb of the Republic, don Leon Cor facing his country, as he has terpretation placed on his ad of the Agreements of 1930 ander of our Capital social circle, es, who is taking a keen inte. jput it.
vice regarding new plantings in 1934, and that the Canalization lo their lives.
resi to investigate the real cause this Zone, in view of the pre of the Moin. Tortuguero Canal sence of the Sigatoka disease, be at once proceeded with. As Between the hours of eight which led to the perpretation of seem to have added to the un an impetus to this move Mr. Sa and nine of that never to be for the horrible acts, Beltram Corxieties of the people. In his in lomon Esna has offered to cor siten night, news was flashed tes Carvajal, the criminal morandum Mr. Chittenden ad trbiute 200, 000 colones and Mto every corner of the country possible for all this, stated he From Puntarenas vised the Oscar Gutiérrez 100, 000.
had been suffering for planting of Corn.
The that one of the most cultured meny right Beans and other fruits, as well agitations seem therefore to be charitably disposed and learned years with a deformed a sthe development of Cattle bearing fruit, and results are of our Medical him Practitioners arm which incapacitated rearing as a counter against the being carefully watched.
According to the informa: Doutor Ricardo Moreno Caña from proper workmanship. The ravages of the disease. The Prearnt was first injured from a tion which has reached us, sident objected to this, regardfall be ustained in the Heredia don Gilberto Saborio is still ing it as a verification of the al THE SITUATION IN EUROPE market when he was 12 years shipping Bananas from Punt leged intentions of abandonold, and again by a falling tree tarenas to California on his on a farm where he own account.
ment; and from this there has wes From the information now arrange an amicable solution work. On seeing the shortened, On the 23rd of July he is sprung numerous suggestions as reaching us, it appears that notwithstanding the fact that wisted state of the arm, Doctor said to to how such an eventuality may Ongland has at last awakened the government has express Mo eno Cañas, out of sympathy, have shipped 1, 119 be counteracted. Articles appear stems carrying a weight of o the fact that Hitler anded its willingness to incur ad gratuitearly arranged an ope 29. 070 kilos and valued at ing in the daily papers, as well Mussolini are determined to ditional sacrifices and grant ration to have it straightened as speeches made at some of the listurb the peace of Europe, further concessions to all the out. However, after several o 5559. 60 dollars, and on the public meetings, have been most 11. th. of th ecurrent month significant and pointed.
ind, as a consequence, bring minority parties.
perations had taken place, the he sent away 1, 562 stems of about conditions similar to In the article written by Mr. those which were experienc tivities being displayed by Ied. The man alleges he told the The spectacular military ac desiderd results were not obtain 10, 610 kilos.
Francisco de Gutiérrez Jr. and appearing in the Diario de ed twenty odd years ago. In Hitler are regarded on all si Doctor that if he was not pervell informed circles it is said les, more so among diploma fectly sanguire of success he Costa Rica of the 20th. it is he British government has tic authorities, as another ef would not agree to have it done, Appreciation of asserted that the immense exdecided to assume a much fort of the Nazi Regime to in and he was given such an aspense of the new Railway tunPresident Cortes nel being built near Peralta more drastic attitude in its timidate the Checoslovakia is not for the exploitation of the international dealings, and to authorities surance. It would appear that and strengthen in ore or more of the attendan.
Banana Industry of the Atlantic, afford France all the needed their relationship with the op ces, Doctor Echandi Lahmann a but rather of the assistance should a resort io posing factions.
Truly a King is honoured Pacific, there no fruit from this arms become necessary in The serious crisis which a with the failure. The murderer le it is an acknewledged, unsisies, hence his being coupled save in his own country. Whawhich will also connection with the Checos gain threatened France has of the Pacific region is to off lovakia difficulties, which are passed, it is said, and the gov Cafes had confesed to him that public the effigy of the actual also asserted that Dr. Moreno written, law that in this Reset the difference in prices, for supposed to have reached alernment executive officers he had made a mistake in the Ruler is never to be placed on by the contracts of 1930 and very critical stage in view of are making every possible ef, 1934, the planters here get forty Cord Runciman inability to fort to place the country in operation, and so he demanded our Postage Stamps or other complete readiness for any from the Doctor the su mof one values, it is noted that the of thousand colones for being de government Guatemala and every emergency.
The terrible sacrifice of li prived of the ure of the arm. has placed in circulation aves still goes on in Spain, He was, he further said, given bout half a million stamps of where the most sanguinary fi colones on several occasions the value of two cents with phases of the months and the picture of President CorTO PAGE 11 SERVICIO DE VAPORES months of fighting are now tes thereon.
taking place without, it would Solidos semanales de Limón para Nueva York con seem, any very material gains being secured on either side.
escala en Cristóbal y Habona.
at 32 as is zone UNITED FRUIT COMPANY LIMON TRADING COMPANY Llevando café para todos los puertos Europeos y Americanos VAPORES New Tax On Marriages LUMBER YARD SALIDAS TALAMANCA QUIRIGUA JAMAICA Agosto 28 Septiembre Septiembre 11 ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS.
Agentes paro Limón y Puntarenos.
Poro otros informes dirijose a los oficinas de lo UNITED FRUIT COMPANY los bojos del Gran Hotel Costa Rico TELEFONO 3156 For those of our people who prefer having their marriages performed under the terms of the Civil Laws by the Governor of the Province, rather than by the regular appointed Marriage Officers of the Catholic Church, the President of the country has sanetioned a new Tax.
It would be well for our marrying public to get acquainted with this new decree and so avoid possible dif ficulties at a time when they would wish it otherwise.
We have opened a Lumber Yard where we carry in stock a complete assortment of all kinds of Native Lumber. Special sizes to order.
We also have Portland Ceinent, Roofing Nails, Paint, Linseed Oil, Turpentine and all other building materials.
SEND IN YOUR ORDERS LINON TRADING COMPANY Limon Division Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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