
PAGE 01120 THE ATLANTIC VOICI SATURDAY, AUGUST 27th. 1938a in on cease SALOMON CHIN Although Malaria was much was soon after established that Change of Diplomats REGARDING BURIAL SCHEME MATTERS PERU ANCIENT CIVILIZATION Sofia Sceks British Loan The Editor, ne of the other Societies around Discovery of dwelling pla of rock apparently cut from Sofia, Bulgaria King Boris, it The Atlantic Voice.
us have ever had to handle ces, temples, pottery and me the mountain sides. The Racis reported, is going to Italy claims which necessitated dealys tal work of an ancient civi uavs also built tombs of rock where he will join his wife and Recent issues of your highly or suspensions taking place. lization in Peru was reported slabs, fashioned into boxes, children and then go to Paris appreciated Weekly have given We who have given so many by Dr. Wendell Bennett, How the rock was cut and and London. It is declared that us some very interesting read years of unselfish labour for the assistant curator in the anth transported from the quarries in the British capital he will ing regarding the activities of relief of the sufferings of our ropology department of the to the village site is unknown. discuss the prospects for the Burial Scheme Associations les fortunate fellow beings, can American Museum of Natur Many of the sunken houses 10, 000, 000 loan to Bulgaria.
operating in our midst; and last not help feeling much pain and al History extended two stories below Although Franco British efout, rather significantly it might sorrow that, despite all our huDr. Bennett recently retur the surface and contained forts to gain ground economiSaturday impression brought manitarian activxities there ned from a six month arche ve or six rooms on each floor cally and financially in Bulgabe observed, the asurance that should still be evidence of that ological expedition into Nor with narrow passageways ria meet an angry reception in two of these Societies were in combination determined to do thern Peru. He was accom leading from one floor to an the German press, Bulgari no wise connected with the dissatisfaction alleged or the insolus injury, because we are con panied by Mrs. Bennett. The other and from room to room. economic circles are extremely fident, Mr. Editor, they labour site of the ruins he uncove Two temples, each having pleased. They hold that it vency previously insinuated. As but in vain, that their greatest red is near the town of Hua three stories above the ground would be to the country benea consequence, do hope it will sueces, their only reward, will raz in the upper part of the and rising to thirty feet in it to curtall the present barter be possible for the necessary be complete failure; that Santa River valley at an alti height, were discovered. Sto relations with Germany.
by space to be accorded me, in your statues Former Foreign Minister. Athcoming issue, for these few re thinking thoughts of hate they tude of 10. 000 feet, between ne puma heads and the White and the Black representing human figures anase Buroff goes to France as marks the interest of the but drag themselves dowa to a Cordilleras.
degrading level. Can we, there also were found.
the Bulgarian Minister. He is third or remaning Association.
fore, even at this late hour, ap. tombs, such as pottery, cop rubterranean From the evidence in the In the ancient village ten a supporter of the thesis that peal to what may yet remain passegeways Bulgaria should take a WestAmong the claims latterly were ern orientation economically, per pins and discs, and arrow with single openings made this Sociaty, there of their Christian charity, their heads of flint and obsidian. unearthed. Pottery found at were three for Grants occasion humane fellowship. to this people of the Racuay ci the ends of the tunnels shoe dby the Deaths of Dependents. such unworthy, unprofitable activilization predate one branch wed they were used as dweAs these are supposed to have vities and turn their attention to of the Tiahuanaco civiliza lling places.
died abroad, or outside the ju gent and undivided action?
tion and the Inca civilization. Dr. and Mrs. Bennett also risdiction of Costa Rica, the apWe, of the Costa Rica Burial According to Mean method, visited the famous ruins Wee. Le plications had to be held in abe Scheme, may not boast the the Recuay ruins would date Chavin. Collections made by the yance pending the presentation hings which so appeal to around 500 Dr. Bennett at Huaraz will ESTRADA of the prescribed documents du material desires of others, but Dr. Bennett found whole be classified and later placed Precios Economics ly authenticated. It is hard for we posses the undying recollec villages containing as many on exhibition in the museme to believe, Mr. Editor, that tion of the fact that when our as fifty subterranean houses, Iums foreign hall.
Artículos del País because of this display of cau funds, the result of years of la roofed with tremendous slabs tion and wholehearted interest bour, were wiped out by the fai Abarrotes y Licores on the part of the Officers con lure of the Keith Banking InsLA IBERIA cerned, the Society is being so titution, we were only able to THE ANTI. MALARIA FIGHT defamed. If, at the time of their steer clear of that insolvency, presentation, the claims had now so cruelly suggested, by been liquidated, and it was la that same loyalty, that same more widespread in former Talbot Arcanum was a prepater on discovered they had not faithfulness of purpose for times, there are still vast stret ration of Cinchona Bark, which been aceompanied, or support which our Officers are Mr. John Kurleston Leche now ches of territory where it rages. became a popular remedy in ed, by the documents required being blamed.
is now the new Minister for Toward the close of the 17th consequence.
by the Rules and Regulations Britain Cinchona Bark has now fallen ments of Guatemala, Nicarabefore the As it is impossible for any in century, one Robert Talbot obgovernof the Association, a msure, dividual or group to fool all tained great success by the cures into disuse, as in the year 1820 first, Mr, Editor, to openly and this Community, all the time, so means of a you would have been one of the the people, particularly those of he was fortunate in securing by Pelletier and Caventou isolat. gua, El Salvador and Honduras, in lieu of John Henry preparation ho ed its most active propertyunflinchingly condemn such acis it impossible to please them: designated Arcanum. King Quinine which has since then Stopford Birch, who has retion, as it is known you are tired strongly of it is only therefore by follow Charles 11 of England, whom become the specific remedy for the opinion that Mr. Leche has been occupy every one charged with the dis ing your lead, and dispensing he cured of a fever, conferred treating and preventing malaing a similar position at BarHe then ria.
posal of the funds of a Society the greatest good for the grea a knighthood on him.
celona, Spain such as this, should always ex test number can we hoje to pur went to France where he ac As a preventive measure, the ercise the greatest care, not onsue that progress which has quired great fame by curing the Malaria Commission of the Lealy for the protection of the gen been our greatest recommenda Dauphin, the son of Louis XIV. gue of Nations recommends the eral body of members but in toa throughout the years of our and many other distinguished taking of a daily dose of six the social interests of our com existence.
personages, such as the Duke of grains of Quinine during the In concluding am munity. We are really surprised almost Burgundy, the Duke of Anjou, entire fever season; and a daily LUIS WA CHONG at the big noise which has ta tempted, Mr. Editor, to quote the Count of Berry and Madame dose of from 15 to 20 grains durken place and is yet being heard our renowned Yankee famous de Coligny. Louis XIV ordered ing a period of from five to seGUACIMO y GUAPILES in certain directions. Are we composition. Nega dont li the medicant to be purchased ven days as a treatment of the from Talbot, and Louise of Or malady. No after treatment is being forced or compelled leans, Queen of Spain, appoint required; any relapse should be tranjeros y del pais meet incompletely or improper Cery faithfully yours, ly presented claims? And Why?
ed him her private doctor.
Tiendo bien situada Peter Blackman.
It treated in the same way.
Abarrotes en general Are we to understand that no Promoter Association.
MORE SUCCESS FROM RABBIT SERUM Precios sin competencia SPY AND SABOTAGE SYSTEMS IN UNITED STATES CHICAGO. Further bene. wake up pretty soon.
ooooooooo Two Chicago brothers who sabotage machine in the co fits in treating lobar pneumo ported in the Journal of the AThe report says that the inwere for months associated untry.
nia with rabbit serum, rather rcrican Medical Association.
with German Organizations It was also disclosed that than with horse serum, are re: The report, prepared by Drs. tolerance of many persons to horse serums had been a serious in the United States have re the Organization was in cloElmer Loughlin, Richard hardicep in their treatment.
ported an alleged nationwide se association with Italian posed of German citizens li Bennett and Samuel Spitz of Their intolerance did not howev ring for spying and sabota Blackshirt and American ving in the United States, Brooklyn, discloses that of sixty extend to the rabbit ge Silvershirt Fascist Organiza was operating under orders nine patients treated with the John Metcalfe, a Commit tions, an dall were actively from Germany. The Volks rabbit serum only five died. In rom. In addition, they add, the entire dosage of serum can be tee Investigator, spent six engaged in the spreading of bund Leader, Fritz Hieberl the five fatal cases serum treat given at one time, with the dis months in the German Ame propaganda against democra ing, was quoted saying ments were not administered un appearance of poison symptoms rican Bund and worked as cy. there is too much freedom til more that ninety hours after produced by the pneumonia aid to Bund leader Fritz It was further reported by in this country. National So the onset of the disease. No pas germs invariably following.
Huhn. He asserted that the one of the brothers that ancial is the only form of tien who reated fairly The article states that many purpose of the Bund was to organization. know as the government worth having promptly with the serum died, of the serums administered to build a spy network and al Deutche Volksbund, and com People, in this country, will the doctors say.
young children as preventives of other diseases have caused complications when the pneumo Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back nir horse serum was used. The de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: rebbit serum was unatended by Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before complications, Experiments with the rabbit dentro de los primeros 10 días the 10th of the month.
serum were started in the early de cada mes.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Spring of 1937 at the hospital Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which of the Rockefeller Institute for de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
Medical Research and seven other New York hospitals by Drs. Horsfall Jr. Kenneth Goodner, MacLeord and Harris.
toke er seas was COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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