
38Italy New Intervention In Spain Loan Italy ile and Paris ed that del rico jugo de la piña will for a algaria shd DomiBolgation in Agarian remely NUEVO DEPOSITO MADERAS DE GUAPILES 50 varas al Sur del Correo.
According to information released from London, Italy is raid to be employing a new El famoso laurel negro y borcino en cualquier method of air force intervention in the Spanish warfare.
cantidad. Precios más bajos de plaza.
Bombing planes are alleged to fly from Italy to the Balearic PASE VER SE CONVENCERA.
Island where they load their bombs, fly to Spaon and bomb loyalist cities.
It is believed that the Briti Authorities have called Rome EX MAYOR RE ELECTED special attention to the report, ant have emphasized the decla Dr. Oswald Anderson, who the remainder going to his only ration that they were dameg recently resigned his position as opponent a Mr, Chisholm.
ing to international relations the Mayor of the Corporate Area We might here mention that and jeopardizing the hopedof Kingston and St. Andrew, Dr. Harold Moody, a native of for application of the Italo Bri Jamaica, and a member of the Jaamica, who resides in England tish Accord Corporation Council has been and is President of the League re elected to the latter position of Coloured People in London, by the Suburban voters.
has been invited by the SecreFrancisco Fonseca Ch. As was mentioned in an ear tary of States for the Colonies lier issue of this Journal, Dr. to present his views on the laLAWYER NOTARY Anderson resignation came bour disorders in that West InPUBLIC about in consequence of a mo dian Island. Dr. Moody is said Office: tion of censure by his colleagues to be fully in touch with conon the Council regarding the ditions in that Colony, and is Adjoining to the City Public Library terms of the information he had in possession of all the material cabled to England in connection surrounding the recent labour ENGLISH SPOKEN with certain alleged colour dis troubles. It is expected his crimination on the part of the views are for the benefit of the FORMER JUDGE OF THE government.
members of the Royal CommisLIMON DISTRICT COURT 882 votes were polled, and of sion who will investigate matthese the Doctor obtained 613, ters on the spot.
at bene barte: Athaceas He is that Westly, escogiendo la fruta más madura, sana y exquisita se fabrica el delicioso VINO de PINA ats che for raiu de la FABRICA NACIONAL ry de LICORES RAILWAY TRAVELLERS COMPLAIN Many are the complaints the length of saying he should JOSE VIVO which have reached us regard only be permitted to handle ing the manner the Engineer an engine for the hauling of in charge handles the pas bananas and freight, when he Ofrece su larga práctica senger train on the run bet could, without the likelihood y experiencia en el cultivo ween Siquirres and Guapiles of experiencing any untoward Those of the travelling pub occurrences, indulge in all the y beneficio de haciendas lic, who frequent this section bumping and jerking stunts of the Railway service, com he seem to so much apprede CACAO.
plain loudly of the physical ciate.
and other inconveniences they In calling attention to this continually suffer, in conse matter, it is suggested that quence of the utter disregard our ever considerate Superin employee by another who will this Engineer exhibits for the tendent will, for the better have, at all times, a much ordinary welfare of his pas interests of the Company and greater consideration for the sengers an dthe interest of the greater satisfaction of the safety and general interests the Company. Infact, some go travelling public, replace this of all concerned.
ay 29 PRISONER TRIES TO ESCAPE CACA EMBARCADO EN LIMON JULIO. 1938 The upper part of this city This was so quick and unexFecha Vapor thrown into a state of pected that neither of the sen Embarcador Consignatario Destino Sacos at consternation last Tuestries had time to realize what Julio CARIBIA Ed. Janin Cº Orden Hamburgo 200 Carl. Kitzing Hamburgo y morning. Hundreds of per had happened and before 115 hs were to be seen running they could pick up their recLimon Trading Cº Hamburgo 250 11. mell round about the konings, the bird had flown Gmo. Niehaus C9 Hamburgo 725 Colombia tartel de Policia and Gmo, Niehaus Cº 150 the a hundred yards across the JAMAICA jacent city lots. What had Hospital Plaza in the direcCía. Bananera de Amsterdam 100 ppened was the question tion of Cieneguita. The chase Cía. Bananera de San Francisco 250 10 VERAGUA Gmo, Niehaus cº Orden ery one was asking; no ans now began in earnest. hun Hamburgo 200 er was however forthcom dreds of persons, men women 17 CHIRIQUI Carl. Kitzing Hamburgo 300 Cía. Bananera de g, but the chasing of poli and children. were in hot Mosquero Colombia 625 Cía. Bananera de men in all directions indi pursuit. The Police Nac. Chọ. Colombia 500 car was 20 PHRYGIA Carl. Kitzing Orden ted that a prisoner had es seen dashing toward the Brid Hamburgo 400 Chile ped.
Gmo, Niehaus Cº 200 ge. The crowd was so dense There was the Sentinal at and hot on his heels that the Gmo. Niehaus Cº Hamburgo 310 le entrance to the Cuartel poor seeker after liberty could Limon Trading CO Hamburgo 150 26 CORDILLERA. his rifle at arms; there not escape and was soon diagg Emp. Ban. Aguas Zarcas HD Hamburgo 81 31 QUIRIGUA Carl Kitzing Orden e Vigilante with eyes blazed from under a house where Hamburgo 300 31 QUIRIGUA through the Ticket win he had taken refuge. He will Carl Kitzing Callao 100 Lcoser Hamburgo 143 w; there one half of the surely be given a lesson to pro Gmo. Niehaus Cº Hamburgo 225 borway ajar for the purpose ve that the way of the transGmo, Niehaus Cº Loius Delius C9 Hamburgo parently of letting some one gressor 200 is sometimes a hard it. Then suddenly, in a flash one.
TOTAL 5524 dash for liberty was made.
UFCO. 2275 sacos. HAPAC 3249 sacos, RESUMEN Kilos 14000 8050 17500 50750 10500 6917 17293 14. 000 21000 43231 34585 28000 13800 21700 10500 5670 21000 7000 10010 15750 15000 386256 Lumber Deposit SAITA Hamburgo Colombia Amsterdam San Francisco Chile Perú 3599 1275 100 250 200 100 252930 88316 6917 17293 13800 7000 Ed. Janin Cº Carl Kitzing Cia. Bananera Limon Trading Cº Nihaus C9 Emilio Looser Emp. Ban.
200 1215 1475 400 2010 143 81 14000 85050 102028 28000 140509 10010 5670 Next to LA PROVEEDORA New and Complete Assortment of Lumber Messurements less than feet at 0, 25 per foot 5524 386256 5524 336253 Total sacos embarcados 1º de enero al 31 de julio de 1938: 42. 938.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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