
y Maderas CARDUI Dear Mr. Editor: will give the police power to must confess am really prosecute any one found engaFROM PAGE In endeavouring a getaway a man of Parts, as no one ged in or encouraging Pocoma by the Dr. with letters, of re hotly pursued by several of the save the writer could send you nia, was passed at the regular commendation for jobs in which people of the neighbourhood, the the enclosed two news items, so meeting of the East Manchester the use of the injured arm would man Cortes Carvajal next fired different, and from two differ Citizens Association held at not be a necessity. He however at Mr. Harry Maynard who ent parts of God good earth. Porus.
never succeeded, and eventual came out his residence to find Fábrica de Hielo The one relates to Pocomaly consulted a prominent lawyer out what was the cause of the nia as carried on in Jamaica Our esteemed Correspondent Lis don oJaquin Fernandez commotion, the shot took effect y Refrescos 98 by the superstitious. The other seem to be rather surprised to Montufar, to institute a suit for in the forehaed of Mr. Maytaken from Horse and hea that this cult is still exhi daratges against Dr. Cañas but nard and he died soon after.
LIMON Hound and refers to Brigadier biting its jumping propensities this professional refused to do shortly after this, and while he General Poore who died in Jamaica, hence his sending so. It was then, he declared, that was still running and firing at aged 74, at Bournemouth, En us the above clipping. There is he decided to get squared with random, he was held by Egerigland. In the year 1899, he aver a very strong rumour here that the Doctor. He purchased the re cu Varga. a young man of 18 aged 91 in first class cricket the famous Alti has been sent volver and called at the Doe years, whom he wounded in the (making 304 for Hampshire to prison in that Island as a tor re idence after imbiding a left lung so that he now lies in against Somerset. He was one consequence of his persistence few drinks of Anis Imperial, of the finest swordsmen in the in the practice of the cult. We not with the intention of com shot caught Mr. Rodolfo Quiros a precarious condition; another LA FLORIDA British Army, a first class Polo are however without a confir mitting murder, but of shooting on his arm when he too tried to player, as also first class at matio nof this.
him in one leg to let him feel detain him. Mr. Alberto Quiros, Fábrica de Hielo Lawn Tennis. In a single frrt Due to an unavoidable cirsomething similar to what he the brother of don Rodolfo, was night, in the month of June cumstance, we regret the article Venta de Leche 1899, he played in the winnin: of Brigadier General Poore can house, he had no recollection of the last cartridge in his revolwas suffering. But once in the next attacked but fortunately Team of the Inter Regimental not appear until next week.
what happened nor could Polo Tournament, won the bestver failed to ignite, he was thus he remember goint to Doctor detained, secured, and taken to man atarms mounted event and Schandi which he did actually the Cuartel. On learning of the scored three consecutive cenHampshire.
after murdering Dr. Cañas. He cold blooded manner in which The Loss Of Good Mani Yours, insisted on seeing Dr. Echandi Dr. Cañas had lost his life, the professionally in spite of the pecple made an attempt to reAubrey SPYER We are truly sorry to state chauffer pr estations, and no cue the man from the Police to that Mr. Graham, the sooner than the Doctor came Lynch him but reinforcements Chief Storekeeper of the Nor out, he fired two chots, one of were summoned and shots fired thern Railway Company, has which hit him in the forehead in the cir before the multitude passed on to the Great BeyPEOPLE ENGAGED IN PO.
for women who and the other in the throat. He could be dispersed. The grea ond.
COMANIA SHOULD BE are run down and feil dead in his garden. ROSECUTED test indignation was displayed Mr. Graham came here suffer from by the people at the atrocious from Honduras and made periodic resolution, asking the govdiscomfort act of one whom Dr. Cañas had himself most agreeable to all and ernment to enaet laws which Brevities From Near been instrumental in liberating whom he contacted in from ten years penal servitude out of the Company service and Far in San Lucas for killing the His health had been failing Agent of Police at San Rafael for some time, and the end JAMAICA LOSES PROMINENT SON de Heredia came last Monday.
Due, it was said to a pres Dr. Cañas did this by sending a tion, of which he was the Vi sure of duties, Hr. Turnbull, of Appeal, praying that Jamaicas residing here who ce president at the time of his the United Fruit Co. Vice memorial to the Supreme Court extended to the widow and the Our sincerest condolence is personally were ccquainted death.
President, was unable to get ying that the sentence of the children of so good with Mr. Dunbar Theophilus At the meeting of the Board back here in connection with serience of the lower Court be May his Soul find Rest.
a man.
Wint, or have a knowledge of following this sad event, the the question of the Banana In modified as the man had lost his activities in the interest of members placed on record dustry of the Atlantic Zone, much by the fracture of his the education of the general their deep sense of the loss hence Mr. Chittenden had to populace of his Island home the Island had sustained. In make the flight to Honduras. litated the state of his brain. As arm, which had seriously debi RELIEVE will deeply regret to hear that ter alia, the resolution which He returned the same day.
TIRED his death took place some was passed, stated that more a consequence if this very ge weeks ago.
than any other man, probably nerous act, the High Court reduced the sentence to one year The reecased though of hum of his generation Mr. Wint ap special campaign has a and so enabled him to secure bre parentage rose to be one precipated the needs of elemen of Jamaica most prominent tary education, and had lived gain commenced against the his freedom for rewarding his sale here of Panama Lottery benefactor in the manner he has Murine soothes son. Starting his life work as to see many of the things for Tickets. It is declared that so done, and caused Costa Rica to irritated eyes.
and refreshes an Elementary School Teacher which he laboured carried inand me of the sellers of our Na lose one of her outstanding pro Use it daily EYES in the government Educatio to effect. His knowledge nal Department, he subsequen experjance were greatly rell. tional Tickets are the princi fessionals and truehearted pahis pal vendors of the foreign triots.
tly became a Manager of ed en by the Board, and of San Jose Schools, a ones.
member of the work, more recently, in the Dr. Lucian Beeche performed The Atlantic Voice takes School Board for the western organization of Practical Trai th: autopsies on his late colle this medium of expressing its section of the parish of St. Ann ning in its various forms will, agues, and their funerals were most heartfelt sympathy for all a member of the Island Leit 15 hoped, lay the foundation attended the next forenoon by whe now moarn their denouncement has been untime gislative Assembly, and, since for an increasingly the year 1920, a member of phase of the education of the made of the illegal entry in practically the entire populace ly and irreparable loss to the country of 2, 242 head the Central Board of Educa Island messes.
of Nicaragua cattle. In the month of July alone, 500 steers are stated to have been The Bible Frustrates Plans of kidnappers JAMAICA NEW GOVERNOR smuggled in. The loss of re.
venue amounts to around Sir Arthur Richard, the Colony and take his cath By the New York Times. of the Bank observed it had 80. 000 colones. who succeeds the late of Office.
of a fortnight ago, we note that been written on ordinary note Sir Edward Brandis Denham Sir Arthur goes to Jamaica Doctor Barker and his daughter paper, that the signature was as Governor of Jamaica, was from the Fiji Islands where he were kidnapped in China and perfect as also the private seal the sum of 15, 000 dollars de of the Doctor, but noticing the Oswald Interiano and Bar expected to have arrived in hep been Commander in Chier that Island on the 19th instant and High manded for their ransom.
Commissioner for The apparent code words he consult bara Gross have been marwhen he would be Doctor was told if this sum was ed his Bible and formaerly the Western Pacific since 1936.
found that ried in an airplane soaring at not forthcoming within a period Psalm 59 2 said Save me a distance of 20. 000 feet above received by the Officer Amin He is accompanied by his wi of about twenty four hours, his from bloody men, while Joshua the Pacific Ocean. The priest, istering the government and fe and his aide de camp. Capdaughter would be outraged and 10 6 stated Come quickly the judge, the witnesses and ter principal authorities of tain Jeffs.
killed in his presence, and his and save me.
the newspapermen, all went life taken afterwards.
Realizing immediately that up with them.
The Doctor prayed and con the Doctor was in trouble the sulted his Bible all that night Manager communicated his sus Para comprar medicinas se necesita in his confinement, and event picions to the Police Departamen ually decided on a plan. He de of the International Zone, and Joe Louis is stated to have Confianza.
cided he would, in the morning, placing the money in a bag he earned the not insignificant give a cheque on the Peiping sealed it and handed it to the sum of 1, 339, 787 dollars off La confianza suya la merece la Bank for the amount of the men under the shadowing of his pair of gloves during the Ransom. He did so, it was ac the representatives of the Law. past four years.
BOTICA ALEMANA cepted, and the criminals left The men were followed, the to have it cashed. However, un gang located, two being capturdel der his signature the Doctor had ed and four shot. The money the efficacy and inspired wiswritten the words, Psalm 50 was also recovered, and the Doc dom of this wonderful Book of LIC. PAUL KLEEFELD 2, Joshua 10 6. When the che tor and his daughter liberated. Books when correctly interque was presented the Manager This is but another proof of preted.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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