
1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK God is Love. Love is the fulfilling of the Low. When we realize the nature of Divine Love, and see that we Devoted to the interests of the people of r: 11. Zne IS are the object of its care, all fear flees amay and we will Editor English Section: C. NATION rest in God Peace. Perfect Love casteth out Fear.
Year Limon, Costa Rica, Sturday S: n5er rd. 1933 No. 210 10 MEDITATIONS ON LIFE VALUE WIRELESS NEWS THE EUROPEAN WAR RAPIDLY APPROACHES Never has there occurred in this Republic a tragedy BUDAPEST. Premier Every new move on the part simply unheard of. During the the result of evil thought, that so touched the hearts of Bela Imredi says Hungary of the different nations points past few days Hitler has been the entire populace as the gruesome murdering of Doctor agreement for Non Aggres most significantly to the early personally inspecting the er Moreno Caños, Doctor Echandi Lohmann and Mr. Maynard. sion Pacts with the Little roaring of cannon in all parts ficiency of his fortifications The crime is a most abominable one, and cannot but Entente States. Checoeslo of Europe.
along the French and Swiss fron Lcall forth the deepest anguish of soul and the greatest invakia, Rumania and Yugoes Hitler mobilization of mo tiers. He goes from fortification dignation toward the wicked perpetrator who has deprived lavia, would not be conside re than a million of Germany to fortification but his movethe country of one of its most humane, loving and charita red effective untel Checos best sons is an indication that ments are guarded with the utong lovakia solves her minority he intends, if possible to have most secrecy. He has notified da ble sons. As it is, however, our constant. watchword. that problems to Hungary satis his own way in the Checoeslo the families of the youth: now there is never an evil without its corresponding amount of faction.
vakia dispute. Pre ident Benes under service, and whose time good we cannot but consider this burden, though a cruel of the Cheks is however a de wil expire on the 30th. instant, e blow which con hordly be borne without a tremendous shock Horthy, The Hungarian Re termined man; he declares he that they will not be released gent.
of pain, as a warning to the public conscience of Costa Rica.
would not like to see his coun until the 30th of October or On seriously meditating on the origin of this heinous try become like Belgium during Efter. The middle class populathe last war, but never will it tion are ſeveri hly awaiting the e crime, it will be admitted that the fraility of the homicidal prove another Auftria, il Hitler return from London of the Briteche lows are boun dto react. Why the unerring decree of the great PHILADELPHIA. Rebu desires Checoslovakia he will tish Ambassador who will take entre lows are bound to react. Why unerring decree of the great ked for ridiculous manage have to take it by force of arms. the last word to Hitler of Brialte Crea. or. Whosoever sheds man blood by mon shall ment of the Philadelphia Co Hitler is eagerly preparing tain intentions re the misunmble his blood be shed should be abrogated in these coununty Prison, Warden William for war; News recently released, derstanding in Checoslovakia.
La Mills blamed subordinates tries is yet to be unraveled. Up to now life really has no from the great Nazi Republic, The German people really do for the Baking to death of for says it is imposible value in this country.
the not want war, but the pres; and If it had, Beltran Cortes Carvajal four convicts in sweat box world to conjecture the wonder the government, by means of would not have had the opportunity of committing the atro punishment cells. He named ful preparation which goes on the radio, are deceiving them cious deed for which he is again arraigned for the crime of Guard Sergaent James Hart there for the dra murder. He took the life of an Agent of Police, in cold long expected regarding the actual treatment as responsible for turning on clash. The amassing of men of the Germans in the Chek Sta blood, simply because thot zealous officer acted in the exethe killing heat, and said Deand arms, and the storage oftes. In the meantime the army, puty Warden Frank Graven, cution of his duty. But such is the law that it permits a To Page 11.
uplo knowing of conditions, should provisions of every kind, known criminal to enjoy the privileges of a most honoured have ordered the steam shut citizen; perchance, because, it is considered that one live off in the battery of radiatman is worth a thousand dead ones.
ors that lined a corridor of THE BANANA INDUSTRY the Klondike isolation buFue We cannot conceive that there exists in any other ilding where the men were With the greatest satisfaction ſoil to foster ideas of a fatal blow country such a laxity in the appreciation of the privileges of confined.
it is observed the United Fruit being about to be given our inhuman life. Here is a man who cruelly takes the life of Company is endeavouring to au stry coupled as it was we keep the fires burning in so far the fact that we had been advis al o fellow citizen os casually as if it had been his to dispose as the fulfilment of the 1930ec to seek other channels of so of; and because to doctor, out of human sympathy, submits SHANGHAI Spokes and 1934 contracts are concora vestments such as Cattle Rearo plea that this criminal had by the loss of much blood from men for the Japanese Army ed ing, and the cultivation of Graion affected arm, developed a weakened brain, he is set at and Navy state their combin Kt was, of course, well kann ns, Vegetables and other fruit liberty by the Court only to dispose of the very life which ed air forces had executed that it would seem ridiculous to Mr. Chittenden advice was one of the was instrumental in procuring him his liberty. Is this not heaviest aerial conjecture the Company, aban most wholesome in its way: but onslaughts of the Chinese doning this Province, and yet he lost sight of somethinghe a great warning to our legislators to so amend the Law as war, in an effort to wipe out maintain the yoke around its forgot the sudden drop he wonld to permit o murderer being liable to forfeit his life for the Chinese defences about 100 neck in the form of the lease have been dealing the Bananaone which he feels he can so lightly terminate.
miles southeast of Hankow, of an expensive and trouble. man who had all his life been We have experienced the many subterfuges under the attacks were Centered some concern as the Ferrocarril encouraged to think Bananawhich the existing low has been made so flexible as to ocsouth of the Yangtzee River. de Costa Rica wise What a humiliation cord murderers privileges equal to those of peaceful lowThe spokesman said a rain The recent rejections. die to would have been for him to com of bombs had virtually laid the special specifications for a mence the planting of To Page 11 waste the entire countryside. very heavy full fruit dit not To Page bado are er 08 le.
it a Rice, a UNITED FRUIT COMPANY HAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE SERVICIO DE VAPORES ODESSA, Texas. Explosions and fire destroyed the four hundred thousand dollar definery of the Barnsdall Oil Company five miles from here on the 31st. August. Three men were critically injured.
Salidas semenales de Limón para Nueva York con escala en Cristóbal y Habana.
Llevando café para todos los puertos Europeos y Americanos Fróximas salidas de Puerto Liinon VAPORES SALIDAS GUATEMALA: MS. CORDILLERA 20 de Setiembre QUIRIGUA JAMAICA CHIRIQUI Setiembre Setiembre 11 Setiembre 18 EUROPA: MS. CORDILLERA 25 de Setiembre NICE, France. Frencb Farm families evicted from their lands on the Italian side of the border, plodded back into France on the 30th. August with as much of their possessions as they could bring. The exodus from the Italian región, east of the border village of Isola, was in compliance with an Italian ultimatum to abandon the ground on that date, but that they could return to continue harverting their crops through September. The evacuation hit about fifty families who had been living inside the Italian territory.
Authoritative sources indicatHAPAG LLOYD ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS.
Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la UNITED FRUIT COMPANY los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica TELEFONO 3156 AGENCIA COSTA RICA AVENIDA CENTRAL. TELEFONO 2086 To Page 10 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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