
PANCRESALETS acc. to Dr. Richard Weiss The Botica Alemana the only activated efficacious are given of peculiar operatDIABETES mellitus cocone. 000 Regülar reduction of sugar excretion 3mproved tolerance for carbohydrates No undesirable after effects a a PAGE THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 3rd. 1938 பபபபபபப IN ABYSSINIA Blessing for Humanity PURCHASE YOUR MEDICINES The guerrilla warfare being carried on by the AbysIN DRUG STORE sinians in the unhappy country seem to be causing the Italians the loss of many livwhich merits your Confidence, es and much war material.
From time to time reports peroral treatment for ions, such as the swapping of captured Italians for war Lic. Paul Kleefeld. Prop.
material, as also the surrendering of Italian Officers and men in wholesale numbers only to be traded for so maWOMAN CTRUCK BY MOTOR CAR DIES ny rifles, machine guns, etc. wave of starvation ap While Train Inspector John as this one could have been seen pears to be rendering the li son was travelling on his motor a quarter of a mile away, she ves of the Italian soldiers car, last Monday between LI could have been allowed most unbearable, so should mon and Moin, a poor woman sufficient time to get oft the threatened European war was also travelling on foot from the bridge. It is alleged, we actually break out, the fate Moin Junction to the Moin vil understand that the woman of the Fascists in this Afric lage to make some purchases was under the influence of ON SALE IN ALL DRUGSTORES an Empire would seem most The car overtook her toward liquor, but that would not precarious the end of the Bridge and knoc make the situation less pain.
WITCHCRAFT IN THE CAPITAL ked her off. She was picked up ful, as then the car should haby Mr. Johnson and brought to ve been brought to a dead stop Quite recently there was dis On being examined by the Rhodes Birthplace the hospital where she died asend the woman put out of the covered in the very heart of San Judge of the investigating Court, a result, it is under tood, of the way. Seguridad de vida ante Jose house of ill fame the man, in whose possession the Now a Museum a injuries she received when she todo. is the doctrine of railwhere all sorts of tricks lead things were found, declared the Cecil RI des birthplace got in contact with the iron sup roading and its full significaning. apparently at times. to photographs had been placed in at Bishop Stortford, about ports of the bridge before falce should not be imposed on pe.
unimaginable crimes were com the wardrobe by his wife who thirty miles from London, ling to the ground.
tty employees only.
mitted house of witchcraft was an occultis and was long has been opened as a perma It was a real surprise to hear with all its evil consequences dead As behind every seeming evil nent Rhodes Museum, furn of this mishap, as Mr. Johnson Hundreds of photographs of peo He knew nothing about them ished in the style of the time is regarded as one of the most amount of good, it is to be hoped there is the corresponding ple in all walks of life were He said he earned his livelihood of his birth (1853) and filled careful motorists. In addition to this accident will serve as found Some were of those in as a merchant, but admits giving with personal relics collected Mr. Sheehy Mr. Taylor, Mr.
prominent pesitions; some of our advices, at times, regarding the from all over South les on to some of our motorists Africa Rivers, the Line In pector, he It would be well if Mr. Sheehy Judges and Police Officers, while future life, for which he receivand England never fails to slow down on ap would give these a lecture on others were of ladies of the ed payment. He is charged with highest social rank. Many of committing the offence of De toric documents which figu larly those who seem in difficul Photographic copies of his proaching a pedestrian, particu: the need of care being exercised these pictures were recovered ceiving Public Credulity.
along a roadway which must red in the great imperialist ties in getting out of the track be used by pedestrians and ani.
from the Agency of Police by It is certainly time for our life have been made by the bed. The majority of the gentle mals under burden. However the proper owners. It said that authorities to see to the capone of a lady of note had been turing of the numerous traff government archivist of Sou men who control these motor iniserable life may be for some taken to the place by a relative icckers on the Credulity of the thern Rhodesia and now OC cars are generally regardless of of us, we can not easily give it with whom she had not been easy going ones of this com cupy most of one room at the the value of life. The Track is up, nor can we quite relish that museum.
Another room is theirs and thats all there is to it the other fellow should for the on vers good terms, she too got munity devoted to a comprehensive They go by a poor fellow it back on rake of his pleasure, extinguish library of South African horseback or with an animal the part in what would seem books. Manuscripts, letters, under burden, in a narrow books and picture are on dis swampy part of the roadway, an untimely clash.
VICENTE DE LA PEÑA play throughout the old hou at the rate of from thirty to se. The most intimate of the forty miles an hour; just as SIQUIRRES personal relics is the tunic of an army of murderers were beEn mi finca PASCUA ofrezco terreno para sembrar the uniform in which Rhodes hind them.
bananos. Lotes no menores de 10 hectáreas inspected the troops in KimWee. Le berley shortly before it was It is particularly unfortunate besieged by the Boers in that Mr. Johnson should have ESTRADA LANDS IN LOTS OF NOT LESS THAN 10 HECTAREAS 1899.
got into this trouble, but there Precios Economics does seem to have been an er Artículos del País Can be had on my Farm PASCUA. that of the Netherlands East ror of judgment. stupid aged for the planting of Bananas.
Irdies, put 50. 000 at the woman going over a bridge is Abarrotes y Licores disposal of China for the apt to get florried on the ap.
LA IBERIA purchase of quinine; and one proach of a car or train, and THE ANTI. MALARIA FIGHT can imagine the gratefulness More than a year has gone, fighting powers in the middle delegate Wellington Koo for MURDERER MYSTERIOUSLY SHOT the Chinese by since, in the Far East, a of the tumult of war. That expressed by this spontaneous readiness to Barranquilla, Colombia.
conflict burst out, the settle doe of both countries is the died on the spot. An irate are confrontedmob then threatened to lynch ment of which has developed epidemic disease haunting the help. Holland sent its prés The Police to the extent of a great war. land and adding to the gene number of Chinese ladies or three persons, and the woun ied him off to jail. Just ent straight to China. great with the baffling murder of Duarte, but the police hurrEvery day the news of the ral destruction Stealthier as ganized street collections in ding of ten others, by a sin he entered the prison, a shot front is cabled to all corners than the dangers from the of the world, every day air and the trenches is the New York in support of the gle high powered bullet fired was fired from among the and hundreds of people fall vic danger of malaria searching cause Three countries offer from the gun of a mysterious mob, the bullet struck tims to the violent solution of for victims, and finding them which the country needs so ed China quinine, the quinine assassin.
instantly killed Duarte, then, this conflict between Japan in great numbers. Therefore badly in this struggle for the passing through a door, killOne of the victims wes Da ed two prisoners and wounand China.
the gifts of the Der Salvation of its subjects. The niel Duarte, who had but a ded ten others who were gaNot to this disaster, how mark, and the Netherlands to fact that even Japan did not short time before shot, in cold thered in the yard.
ever. do we want to pay at China for fighting this mala object to these gifts is proof Llood, a policeman who had The extraordinary tention in the columns of the ria danger, gifts meant for that the malaria fight in the prevented him from killing of the bullet baffled the popower Malaria Monthly. Rather buying quinine, deserve full Far East is as important to his wife in a fit of jealousy. lice. It is the belief it was do we desire to dwell. for a attention and appreciation.
the Japanese as it is to the The policeman broke into fired at close range by one of moment, on the invisible op The government of the Chinese. From the Malaria Duarte room and was met the persons who had threatponent lying in wait for both Nethelands, together with Monthly for August. by a bullet from his gun. Heened to lynch the murderer. 08. Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: LUIS WA CHONG Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before dentro de los primeros 10 días the 10th of the month.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do not Lo rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which tranjeros y del país de tener que costar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
Tienda bien situada Abarrotes en general SALOMON CHIN COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Precios sin competencio INTI


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