
SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 3rd. 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE COSTA RICA LARGEST SELLING CIGARRILLOS CIGARETTE DUE TO ITS RICH TOBACCO FLAVOR IRAZU te If ce IRAZU. Cash Coupons Tickets for the Lottery Contests of OUR COCONUT INDUSTRY THE QUESTION OF OUR FRONTIER WITH HAVE SMILE PANAMA As we have pointed out in ves continue to be depleted Teacher. Is Trousers previous issues, there can be by diseases without any inAs has been previously an is no indication yet as to who singular or plural?
observed hundreds of our vestigation being made by nounced, there is a proposal let will capitulate. The PanamaCoconut trees either dead or our government authorities. ween the Chief Executive Of nians seem, on the other hand, Harold. Singular at the in a dying condition witho Some time ago Mr. ficer of Panama and this coun quite satisfied with the propo top and plural at the bottom.
ut any investigation being ma Findlay endeavoured to secu try, for the settlement of this sal. de by the officers of the Na re a concession from our Le long pending matter, by means tional Agricultural Depart gislative Body for bringing of a give and take principle ment, to detect the cause and into the country an up to Ufer this proposed arrangeSee the Latest in apply the necessary preven date plant for the manufac ment Costa Rica will tase up tatives or cure.
ture of deodorized Oil and on the line of demarcation set, The importance of the Co for the exploitation of the determined, and accepted by FANCY PALM BEACH LINEN conut industry in tropical co Coir industry, as well es eve both disputants in the verdict SUITINGS, untries is well established. ry other utility obtainable given in the arbitration finThere are about ten distinct from the plant and its fruit. dings of Chief Justice Hughes uses to which the products This would certainly have gi The at JACK ORANE SUCS. Limón.
Sixaola River and four derivable from this plant, ven encouragement to the kilometers of coast line, up may be put; and yet our go growth, protection and dev toward Puerto Viejo, would be QUALITIES, PATTERNS PRICES vernment seem to pay no elopment of the industry, given to Panama in exchange attention to the gradual de but sufficient interest was for an equal consideration to please you!
cline of our groves, as the re not given the proposal by territory along the inland borsuli of the chapulin ravages, the Agricultural Departm ders. This agreement hinges of the leaf rot and leaf bite dise ent, hence it was not favou course, on its obtaining ratifiases, etc. The Secretary of rably received and the aban cation by the Representatives BODY OR GIRL 60 YEARS DEAD IN GOOD Agriculture, don Ricardo Pa donment of our groves con of the populace in Congress.
PRESERVATION checo Lara, seem to place no tinues.
value on the existence of the We now observe that two Many prominent statisticians this are however opposed to plant as an industry, Can we Mexican Chemists are According to the stroy which discovered, and a casket salega comin the man, obtaining the permission not solicit his attention in this ing here to investigate the departure from the Justice Hug comes from Madison State of Wisconsin, of the relatives, removed the hes Findings and the ceding wise?
possibility of Vegetable Oils For several weeks past the of which the coconut comes of any portion of the Caribbean the remains of a girl who died casket with its contents to the re have been a series of arti first. What shall we do when Coast line to Panama in ex sixty old years ago were re basement of bis home, where it cently discovered in a slate had since laid.
cles regarding the growth, the greater part of our trees change for inaccesible territoof perfect preservation. The As the body was not embalmdon care and uses of this most have been destroyed by disry in mid country. Lic.
useful plant and yet our gro eases and insect ravages. and Luis Anderson, General Jorge uly, it is said, about the pink, at the time of the girl death, blond hair still curved nature ed, the art not being practised no replanting is being carri volio. and other prominent ci firm cheeks, while the shroud much superstitution is said to ed out? It takes ten years to tizens do not, in the least, ap. was yet fresh and white have arisen Some persons dedevelop a profitable bearing prove the proposal and The girl was a daughter of a clare her beauty has been pretree. We shall then all stand suggetion has been made that Baptist Missionary was served because of the saintly with hands on our heads and rather than throw a slight in hnown to have been exceeding life she led. Others Enerest COMERCIANTE cry Que lástima, que hemos the face of the Hughes Arbi ly devout. She died in the year that the preservation is the repor más de 20 años permitido el decaimiento de tration Commission a plebiscite 1873 and her body was placed sult of the casket being so careEstablecido en la Provincia una industria tan beneficio should be taken; thus securing in a casket and deposited in the fully constructed, it had become Vende al detal, Vinos y Lsa. Adiós cocos y pipas con el a knowledge of the feelings of family vault, where it remain hermetically sealed Others, cores extrunjeros y del pais, agua bendita también. Mean the people prior to Congressed up to six years ago when, on again, are of the belief that she MISCELANEA abarrotes en general.
while, a little soap, some handling the subject.
account of the vault requiring had succumbed to so high 5stablecimiento esquina bluestone, lime and one or two The controversy goes on una some repairs, it remov Sever that it had dehydrated Norte del Mercado. other ingredients could be bated between the President o ed along with the other cas the body sufficiently to allow Entro used as a wash to check the the country, his Advisers, and kets. It was then that the ex indefinite preservation.
disease in the heart leaves. the opposing factors, and there traordinary preservation the Edgar Young and was was Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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