
PAGE 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 3rd. 1938 SAITA Depósito de Maderas TIENDA MIL COLORES is overcomes WIRELESS NEWS From Page ed the French governnent was seeking indemnity for the dispossessed families SUCURSAL. LIMON. AP. 578 Contiguo. LA PROVEEDORA Nuevo surtido completo de MADERA CAIRO. The United StaMIRE!
Tamaños menores de pies a 0. 25 el pie tes formally and finally renounced extra territorial res porque importamos di We are competitors, rigts enjoyed in Egjipt for rectamente de Inglaterra.
because we import dimore than a century on the Nosotros somos competidoROOSEVELT TRIP REGARDED AS MORE 30th, August. The Mirect from England.
nister to Cairo deposited with THAN FISHING EXCURSION the Foreign Minister the insMIRE!
trument of ratification of the SANTIAGO, Chile. Gal this continent. On the other Montreux Convention abolishsastres.
We are supreme, bevarino Gallardo, a writer on hand, should a similar arranging special foreign rights in Somos superiores, porque cause we have the best international affairs, publish ement be made with the Ame Egypt.
tenemos los mejores es an article expressing the rican Government the idea journey men tailors.
opinion that President Roos would not awaken much crit evelt visit to the Galapagos icism.
Islands off the coast of Ecua It must not be forgotten, Comerciante Detallista dor on the cruiser Houston is the writer says, that in case Licores, Abarrotes, Cristale Vestidos de casimir inglés Suits from 95. 00, ria, Artículos de Ferretería y desde 95. 00.
something more than a mere of war belligerent nations Eléctricos; todo se encuentra incident in the course of a look after their own interests Aceptamos pagos semana upwards. 00 weekly en este establecimiento.
pleasure trip, and therefore, without consideration of the PRECIOS DE SITUACION les desde 00 payments.
cannot be overlooked by the rights of neutrals.
LIMON public in this hemisphere.
Under the jurisdiction of Enrique Yankelewitz, Proprietor He states these islands, with Ecuador, tection to the common interan area of 7, 435 square kilomthe Republic of Roden, Cutter eters, are of great strategic which is without adequate ests of the American nations, importance in guarding the naval forces, should a conflict it is maintained.
Althoug the prevailing opiPacific gateway to the Pana arise involving a foreign mema Canal and any idea of nace these territories would nion in Ecuador during the CHANGE OF LOCATION FOR IMPORTANT establishing a naval base here lack necessary protection. At last few years has been aganot without precedent present they have become a inst negotiating a transfer of INSTITUTIONS SUGGESTED the islands to a foreign powBack in 1910, it is said, the temptation to Japan.
American Government turnIf a deal were arranged er, the time has arrived when In view, we understand, of It is the hope of those tak ed down an offer for a lease with the United States the the problem should be faced the difficulties created by the ing an interest in the propa of the islands.
Galapagos Islands counld be in a practical rather than a frequent escapes of harde sal that the Coco Island wil Ten years later, a British transferred and become a new sentimental manner, the writ ned and dangerous crimin be selected in lieu of any o concern is said to have made and powerful element of pro er says.
als from San Lucas, another the other available Islands an offer for possession of the and more determined attempt as by converting it into a pe islands for the exploitation of is being made to have the nal settlement, the much de Guano, but the Government EXPROPRIATIONS IN THE ATMOSPHERE country penal settlement bated subject of its occup of Ecuador refused to contransferred either to the Cococy will be permanetly settl to convey the product of the e sider it.
The present is undoubtedly a Island or another in the Gulfed, the authorities in charg mines to foreign markets.
The writer says that the time when Might of Nicoya. similar condition exists in afforded better means for th Shou strategic value of the Gala Right.
the Oil mining dictricts of the the proposal secure safeguarding of the prison pagos territory grows as dev Despite the protests by the the approval of the Executiveers and with the much large Republic of Venezuela.
elopments in the Far East State Departments of Britain Here in Costa Rica the govern and the necessary legislative quantity of cultivable land extend into a wider field of and the United States, we obserment has proposed the expro authorization, the Lepers now to more adequately carry oul action. He maintains that ve that the properties of all the priation of the properties of the Las Mercedes on the mainl at their disrosal, enable then housed in the Institution of the present day requirement although, theoretically, any foreign owned Oil Mining Com Electric Tramway. Light and is at liberty to sell or transfer propriated to the use of the go these investments is stated to South American Government panies in Mexico have been ex Power Companies. The value of and, will be removed to San of the Institution Lucas.
islands in the Pacific Ocean vernment without adequate com be over twenty. million coloto Japan or Russia, for ex pensations being made, and nes as chewn by books, ro speample, any such negotiation that seven Italian Oil Tank cial valuation has however yet would not be well received on Steamers have been purchased been made, but the tramitations for taking over are under way. has obtained its rapid and great popularity by havThere seem be little respec: ing cured an immense number of persons who suffor that which is right in these fered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These days of the survival of the stron now gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from gest; one very existence is such complaints as most un table in any part of COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, the world.
THE VOGUE TAILORS LOSS OF APPÉTITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, Italy grabbed hold of Abyssinia, and the world looked on BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION Rogers with much adoo but with no real action. Germany took hold of Austria without any protests LAGUARDIA OUTLAWED FROM NEW being made. Somebody got Pa Buy Your Suits on Easy ITALIAN RACE nama away from Colombia and all was quieted. Japan is now ROME. The Fascinst news Mr. La Guardia is partly of Payment Plan seizing as much of China as paper Tevere applied the Italian and partly of Jewish she can and the Powers sey not Fascist racist doctrine to Ma origin.
yor Fiorello La Guardia of Replying to another Rome See Our Lines of There is no saying what rei New York by saying he had newspaper, Il Piccolo, which zures and expropriations we Tweeds, Serges, Palm no right to belong to our recently characterized M: La may hear of next. It would seem race. Guardia as the popular ItaBeach, Linens and as if one will soon be only able lo American Mayor of New Drills.
to live by placing himself cons York. Il Tevere said: tantly behind a gun, for the tourist passports, good for protection of his rights and li only six months, but remai Popular La Guardia? With Make your choice. Pay fe.
out doubt. At the time of Each refugee will be asked sanctions, in fact, he won any amount from one to present within 120 days a large and wellmerited popu report of his means Brazil colón upwards. We make of sup larity by delivering a series of port. Eeach case will be chec infamous speeches against your suit to your entire Checks all Refugees ked by investigators for the Italy, seeking, mongrel that commission.
he is, to take advantage of his satisfaction.
Many of the refugees could origin (geographical, but not Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. not be returned to the Euro ethnological, because he does The commission appointed by pean countries from which not belong to our race) to President Getulio Vargas to they receive from the Japa bring pressure on Italians of decide the fate of 4, 808 re reasons so they probably will New York and open an abyss fugees from European coun be placed under police super between them and Fascist or tries soon will begin its stu vision until a better formula Iganizations.
dy of those who arrived on can be found.
THE DR. MAX PERALTA MIXTURE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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