
Meditations on.
nd de out by its use. The Japs and the Russians seem to be consoliNUEVO DEPOSITO MADERAS DE GUAPILES dating their position along the Manchukuan frontier.
50 varas al Sur del Correo.
All Europe anxiously await the decisions reached by HitMATINA y 24 MILLAS El famoso laurel negro y barcino en cualquier ler Henlein, the Sudeten Leader, and their Military Advisers cantidad. Precios más bajos de plaza.
at the conference held last Thur Los más surtidos Establecimientos de day, as it is now more LICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES than ever felt that on these PASE VER SE CONVENCERA. depend Peace or War. While the Háganos una visita.
rs, most profound silence is being diobserved it is believed in most diplomatic circles that Hitler will advise the acceptation of Frem Pag.
now having things their own the new plans proposed by the navy and air forces are being way in Spain. The Republican Runciman Commission rather e feverishly brought up to their forces are rallying admirably then risk a clash of arms in From Pag.
highest efficiency est unsuspected by the apparent help of some which there is the growing be abiding citizens. The most frivolous incidents are stytimes by the outside world.
one; and although Franco is lief he would not be sure of the used to procure the acquital of a criminal who had taken France too is rather wide awa personally directing operations assistence of either Italy. Poon himself the commitment of the most gruesome homicide.
ke: she is having her manoeuv on the Ebro front all his plans land or Hungry, as against the Under present day conditions there is no guarantee for the res in the vicinity of her Ger have been so far frustrated, and declared and full alliance of man and Swiss borders. The mo the railway having beer) out England, France, Russia and preservation of one life. man who robs his neighbour of torized army commenced opera at Alborchon, his men are come Checoslovakia, the most trivial thing, due perhaps to hunger or dire want, tions on the 30th. ultimo ana detely isolated at Cabeza e.
is hounded down, persecuted and regarded as the most abу some 30. 000 men are said to be Buey. He is consequently plaject creature on earth, while he who commits the most under rigid orders iry Besanced in a very difficult situation.
AFTER otrocious act of depriving another of his existence is louded cours much to the annoyance The situation in the Far East DAY IN THE and considerered a hero, o valiente and worry of Hitler.
is also affording the Chinese SUN England is also now much much cricouragement. The We cannot blame the Judges of the Courts, for the adalive with respect to the situa vances of the Japs have been low provides an encouragement for the crime. The Legis1 tion, and the recent speech of held in abeyance and as an offTIRED EYES lature is of fault, and it is to be hoped the Executive Ofthe Chancellor, Sir John Simon, set they have been using gas, URINE ficers of the government will, in harmony with our Legison behalf of the Premier, makes protest from the Chinese dislotive Representatives, see the necessity of amending the it clearly known that she will close that at Kiangsi two regiEYES low by adopting the Mosaic principle of an Eye for on Eye.
fight alongside of France if the ments were practically wiped Cheks are molested. This has on Eye.
produced some amount of conHal furion in central Europe. President Roosevelt and Se.
TO THE MEMORY OF WHERE ARE THE From Page cretary Hull have been in con realise what a blessed assuran. Beans or Corn in the plane of ce it is to weekly receive that ference, and after the latter con Bananas!
bit of blue paper which enables sulted the heads of the Europe Of course Mr. has never us to call at the Bank each SaMonday last being the one Anent the blocution Contment of State the decision was weekly means for the existence fidence of its being the rieansary of the birth of Costa Rica thony Society to which maand reached that the situation is of himeelf, hie dependents the most serious since the world employees; if he had, he would for the maintenance of his many ria, the day was fittingly and we are forced to ask, are the or of bolstering up ones manhoud noted Patriot, Juan Santa Ma ny prizes are attached where, war. Diplomats in all the af.
obligations fected centres have instructions from most enthusiastically celebrated Elocutionists: Away Yes, it is certainly a blessed in his natal town. Alajuela. In a few young ladies on whom to constantly report on the siassurance, and to those whom addition to the several memo we can fix our eyes, there the great, unfailing. Boston Although in sympathy with Fruit Company has educated into life will be further commemo ong the nobler sex.
rials already in existence, his seem to be no aspirarits om1 the Nazis, Mussolini would not this line of thought for nigh on rated by a Plaque bearing the like to see a European war pro Have the young men of fifty years, there seem nothing inscription Here was born Juan the community no ambition?
voked by the German Minoriby which the Banana can be Santa Maria on the 29th. August We do not see any practisties in Checoslovakia.
substituted Mr. Chittenden Stalin says nothing, but wat 1831. which was placed in powing for the great event. Have must, therefore, not be surprised sition during a very impressive they never been roused when a huge aqueal takes place by ches the situation, particularly Cardui helps to relieve on his attempt to discipline us tatives of all the local authori urses ver ceremony attended by represen hearing the different discothe approach of the German Dic functional pains of menthe Radio to try into planting Beans, Rice etc. tator to the Soviet Frontier, struation; and, in cases ties.
as substitutes for the Banana.
at competiton?
Everything points to the fact of malnutrition, it aids We are glad that confidence To express one thoughts that war is imminent in Europe in building up the whole has once more been restored by ir a clear, lucid, entrancing and the only way of escape is system by helping womthe renewal of contracts, and secaptivating manner is a a backdown by Hitler from his en to get more energy BISHOPS EVANGELIZE the larger weekly exportations.
cret to a successful career.
bellicose attitude in the expanfrom their food We trust matters will so conti Come out and shew your tasion of German territory in the nue for a long, long period. The lent, and gain recognition smaller sovereign States of Eas.
Province needs the help.
Our recently consecrated Bis as one of our great orators.
tern Europe. But a call of his hops are certainly displaying Time is going, let the Admibluff at this time would mean the true missionary spirit in the nistration of the Society hear The Salvation Army carrying on of the work attach from you.
financially distressed and is ed to their high and holy offices.
spending her resources in the ges in Japan It is learnt, with much re His Lordship Bishop Sanabria manufacture of war material. Typhonn blowing after gret, that Major Perry and of Alajuela has been constantly regions of his Vicariate He To cease these activities without the rate of 75 miles an hour his most industrious wife, on the move, over hill and dale, only returned here Thursday, a blow being given would pro is reported to have struck who are in charge of this on the western side of the coun a week ago, from the last of duce much unemployment which Tokyo and the surrounding Station of the Salvation Ar try, seeking out his people his self desired mission which would be a serious risk at the districts early last Thursday my, will be leaving very soon seatterred through out his ex had kept him away for several present stage of the game, hen It was the worst experien for Jamaica.
tensive diocesej while our Vicar weeks: and at his Mass last ce his only course is to make ced during the past thirty The Major has endeared Apostolic. Monseñor Odendahl, Sunday his discourse on the need a strike, if even it be a losing years, and has left a vast am himself to all and sundry has, like the humble Missionary of Charity among us was most one. The world however wat ount of destruction in its wa in the Community. He is a he is, been going on horseback impressive An enormous gaches, and his isdom will be ke. Several hundred persons most earnest and pleasant and foot, throu jun thering of the faithful listened to displayed in a day or tuo. were injured and many kill companion, a very hard wor gles and swamp lands, evangeliz his exhortations with rupt attenFranco and Mussolini are not led.
ker an greatly mh mh mm ing the dwellers in the far away tion.
his sphere of labour. To meet Mayor Perry is to feel one is 60 cuocesosove. 000ONDOLO in the company of a sincere COMPRE LOTERIA NACIONAL friend; his health, however, will not afford Limon the Con el orgullo de que hace un bien porque ayude el pleasure of retaining his as Pospitel de San Juan de Dios y al Asilo Chapui, en don sociations.
de hay sufrimientos y dolor que aliviar, y porque usted Takes the pleasure of informing his esteemed clientel The ATLANTIC VOICE ta sabe que de las que se expenden en el país es lo mejor that he hos removed his Dental Clinic to the apartments ke the privilege of express por las siguientes deducciones: ing to Major Perry our regret Lo Loteria Nacional, da al público 167 premios, previously occupied by Dr. Badilla, between the Consulate that he has to leave us, but la que más se importa sólo da 074 premios. Con nuessincerely wish him and his tra Loterio saca usted más dinero gastando menos; con of the United States of America and the British Pharmacy much happiness in a more 00 puede sacarse 10. 500 y en cambio con la ctro, congenial clime.
con 00 apenas se saca 5. 000. de coco Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio Costa Rica tuation.
CARDUI his downfall, for Germany is Heavy Typhoon Damaon Dr. Medal Jr.


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