
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE a When night is at darkest. of Hope, a Faith. And that in the dawn is at hand. Knowing our Valley of Humiliation this, my ve not also believe door is set, opening unto batter that upon the darkness of our things.
days Light will shinenew HAMBLIN Light for man; and instead Devoted to the interests of the people of the of the Arantie Zone Editor English Section: C. NATION Year Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday September 10 1933 No. 211 PETTY LARCENY ON CACAO FARMS The War As We See It In spite of the fact that our Police Officials are pretty WIRELESS NEWS octive in detecting the young rogues who are unwilling to work when offered honest labour, petty praedial larceny Kapsovar, Hungary, Acstill continues, particularly on the Cacao Forms cording to Premier Bela ImThe employees of the United Fruit Company are rather We had been entertain figures a war at this time redi announcement Hungary plans to take a hand in ing the hope that the long would be a most serious discureful when purchasing wet Cacao along the Lines, they threatened European the Checoslovakia. Lovak war aster for both. Hitler knows, note the names of those who offer the product for sale as Minorities dispute in the in ring the present year, if on of the land, sea and air forwould have come about du too, that the preparations well as the location of the farms whence it is said it comes, terests of Hungarian groupsly to rid Ethiopia of the in ces of Britain and France but there are unscrupulous traders in nearly every district governed by Praha. This re justice meted out to her by are as complete and perfect who encourage the marauders. Some of these would be presents an important phase the unwarranted Italian in as they ever can be, and that of a programme for compul vasion. We are.
gentlemen are not possessed of a Cacao tree, yet they however, both nations are standing to construct Dryers and purchase the wet article in opposition sory military training, reconvinced there will be no gether as solidly as Gibralarmament, agrarian reform, to the efforts of the Company and the Drying Factories to and both anti. Semitic and ing all the threats displayed Russia. Faced by such a com such outbreak notwithstand tar, aided by Belgium and save the formers the loss they usually suffer during the anti. Nazi restrictions, by the unprecedented mobi bination and the doubtful heavy rainy seasons. These petty rogues steal the Cacao lizatton of Germany along attitude of Italy, where and take it by night to these traders where they deposit it Washington. Mexico re the front er of France, the would the Nazi Chief find on the barbecues returning the following morning for their fusal to accept Secretary concentration of heavy re himself were he to attempt payment. Generally, the receivers are petty shopkeepers, Hull suggestions, for com inforcements on France the invasions of Checoeslopensating for the expropriat Maginot Line of who establish a business with some two or three hundred fortifica vakia?
ed American owned farm tions and the preparations colones worth of goods a large percentage of which is exlands, led some high govern of Checocslovakia, RusTherefore, we repeat, we changed from time to time, at reduced prices, for the stolen ment officials to pessimisti sia and Britain.
are of the decided opinion Cacao, thus depriving the honest farmers of the fruit of cally regard the future relathat Hitler will prevail on their labours.
tions of the two nations. The Nazi Dictator realizes the German Minority to These aiders and abettors to such rascality are not They expressed the opinion lhe cannot place implicit con come to an amicable settlethat the stalemate would fidence on his Ally Mussoli ment of their Checolovaunknown in the different localities and should be accorded unsettle trade, financial and ni, more so since his latest kian diff culties, and so enpolice attention for the aid they give the Meroreadores business relations; while the declarations. The Italian able him to avoid plunging who go about with kerosine tins, steal the Cacao and deli firm stand taken by Mexico Premier is not to be fooled his people into far greater ver it to these petty shopkeepers for cash after the rate may mean indefinite postpo so easily, he knows he has sufferings and disgrace than of four or five colones per tin, or for a small amount of nement of the time when the no financial or other mate they already have endured United States will resum di rial help to get from Ger by the failure of th eex Kaigoods. Naturally, these villains have no need to work and wont do any.
Some however go the length of offering to rect purchases of Mexican many, who is as economica ser mistakes of 1914.
silver. The practice was drop lly weak as Italy, hence ne gather the Cacao for the farmers, in order to facilitate ped after Mexico seized vast their depredations Oil properties of Great BriThese Receivers of stolen property should be compelltain and the United States last February ed, under the Merodeo low to keep books in which the names of their suppliers of produce must be entered along The candidature of Doctor, the names of other candidates Shanghai. The Chinese Guardia has Calderon with the particulars regarding the forms from which it was that been are mentioned including Military Commanders report launched, and he is regarded as of Lic. don Juan Rafael Arias reaped. This is done in Jamaica and other countries where that Japanese forces had the most favourable and fit houp to a week ago was the police authorities aer also faced with the distressing been defeated on Yangtze man for the Presidency of the President of Congress There problem of praedial larceny. In certain of our districts, o Valley. Fronts in the blooRepublic in 1940. All around is also the Veteran politician, diest fighting of recent special police squad should be instituted, from among the our city posters have been pla, Lic. don Ricardo Jimenez, to months.
ced in the interests of this can whom the honour of a fourth prominent farmers, to aid the Department of justice in Counterattacking westward didate.
erm has bean offered He stamping out such pernicious practices, which we regret to from Juichang, about, 100 mi The time is yet early, and To Page 11 note is on the increse among rising generation, and les southeast of Hankow, the if not checked will cause the honest farmer to get so dis Chinese said their fighters inflicted 4, 000 casualties on the gusted as to eventually abandon his farming activities.
invaders attempting to The Atlantic Voice will do everthing possible to advance toward the Yangtze Ri assist in bringing these evil practices to the attention of ver. second counterattack, our Deputies in Congress and the Executive Council, in southward from Juichang order that the necessary and more rigid amendments may be was stated to have resulted SERVICIO DE VAPORES made to the Low on Merodeo (Praedial Larceny. We in the recapture of Anshan.
shall be glad if farmers will bring every case they discover Key point for a Japanese at Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con tack on Tejan, on the Nanescala en Cristóbal y Habana.
to our notice immediately.
chang Kinkiang railway On the north bank of the YangtLlevando café para todos los puertos ze River, the Chinese said Europeos y Americanos they fought the Japs to VAPORES Blessing for Humanity standstill in a fierce hand to SALIDAS hand encounter at Hwangmei, 20 miles north of Kiukiang, the base of the Japanese JAMAICA Septiembre 11 Yangtze Valley operations 135 VERAGUA Septiembre 18 miles below Hankow.
CHIRIQUI Septiembre 25 Political Activities our UNITED FRUIT COMPANY PANCRESALETS acc. to Dr. Richard Weiss the only activated efficacious American Training peroral treatment for Ship Here DIABETES mellitus Regular reduction of sugar excretion Improved tolerance for carbohydrates no ūndesirable after effects ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS.
Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
The American Training ship, the Destroyer Bush Para otros informes dirijose a las oficinas de la nell, came into port on Wed UNITED FRUIT COMPANY nesday and the marine: have been enjoying them en los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica selves immensely. Their cor duet has been most orderly TELEFONO 315 The previous general drunknessness and numero us fights along the street are the Nation Ambassad respect and admiration of have entirely disappeared prs of Peace, and should the the peoples whom the conON SALE IN ALL DRUGSTORES we gladly note: the boy: refore deport themselves in tact.
being trained to realize they a manner to command the Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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