
PAGE THE ATLANTIC VOICE Saturday, September 10th. 1935 LONDON SHORT OF NURSES VICENTE DE LA PENA LONDON. Certain London looked on as a voeation, has COSTA RICA SODA hospitals have been forced to been neglected by social SIQUIRRES limit the admission of infec conform to an etiquete which En mi finca PASCUA ofrezco terreno para sembrar tious cases owing to a short The young nurse has to WATCK FACTORY bananos. Lotes no menores de 10 hectáreas age of nurses. The number of conform to an tiquette which women entering the nursing would be considered ridiculprofession has become fewer ous even in the army or the Fábrica de Hielo LANDS IN LOTS OF NOT LESS THAN 10 HECTAREAS every year since the war, and navy, and to submit to the of those who do enter it 50 kind of discipline which rul Refrescos Can be had on my Farm PASCUA. per cent now leave without ed the Victorian home. She is for the planting of Bananas.
completing their training expected to stand at attenLIMON London is thus faced with a tion with hands behind the serious menace to the lives back when addressed by the and health of its NARCOTICS SOLD OPENLY IN NANKING citizens matron or sister, and she may FLORIDA ICE AND unless it is prepared to im not overtake a superior who Shanghai.
prove conditions and rates of happens to be walking ahead Nanking, which working under military pro pay in a profession which, of her. She has to say where FARM Co.
suffered so atrociously from tection, and these men orga because it has always been she is going and what she is burning. looting and rapine nize gangs at night, which going to do on her evenings after the Japanese captured rob and loot without meditar MALTA GETS NEW LA FLORIDA off, and ask permission to the city, is now being afflic interference. The Chinese poreceive visitors in her room ted with peddlers of narcotics lice, not permitted to carry Fábrica de Hielo wro work openly under the arms, are helpless.
CONSTITUTION during her free time.
The hours of duty are long Venta de Leche protection of the Japanese Opium pipes and lamps are LONDON. After nearly and concentrated. hundred Army, according to confid sold openly at stalls on all five years of crown colony and seventy hoursa fortnigth y Maderas ential reports sent by foreig the main streets and a degree government, Malta is to re which works out at eleven and ners still living in the former of license exists, which Nan ceive a Constitution.
a half hours a day for six days capitai.
king never knew under Chi The new Constitution will a week, is by no means unOpium is sold openly for nese administration. In fact, provide for an association of common. In addition, the rates been referred to as a dumb, around 20 Mexican dollars many of Nanking main islanders in a Council of of pay are low and the food unorganized, unconscious and en ounce, which is less than streets today are like the Malta. a Legislature of eight and the accommodations poor. eppalkingly effective strike 34. Heroin, for a pure ounce, streets in the Japanese Con official members and two un In the circumstances, the on the part of young Englishcommands a price of 244 Me cession at Tientsin, where official members nominated shortage of nurses, which has women, is not surprising.
zican dollars, the equivalent opium and its derivatives ha by the government and ten of about 45 an ounce. But ve been peddled openly for elected members.
this narcotic is mixed with many years.
cheap flour and sold to the Chinese currency still cirIn excludes priests and GREAT NEGRO CONFERENCE nobles from Parliament, poor in small packets at 5culates in Nanking and is and 10 cents each prices accepted everywhere except which is a departure from to be held at the respectively less than or at the telegraph office, rail all previous constitutions. The gents in United States mo way station and at a few Ja Governor will be empowerLimon Liberty Hall ed to restrict discussions on Dey panese shops. The general raThe leaders of the narcotic te is 04 to the Japanese yen, defense, and the language OCTOBER 1st 2nd.
Bangs are in possession of of which ever larger quanti question, which has caused the All Sections of the Lines are asked to communicate arms, which, it is charged, ties are being forced into cir so mucho dissention in with Miss Westney, Secy, of the Associathey fled for political other culation by the Japanese mi island, will not come within the council scope.
rese military. Many of the litary.
tion for full particulars.
drug distributors are Chinese.
Lord Strickland, former All are also asked to prepare and send RepresentaGovernor of Malta and comtives. These include bative leader of the ConstituFRATERNAL AND OTHER SOCIETIES.
JAPAN SACRIFICES TO CONTINUE WAR tionalist party, described the proposals as a skillful comRemember SUNDAY and MONDAY TOKYO, Japan has rea. vernment has asked match promise and just within the OCTOBER 1st. and 2nd.
ched the point where the manufacturers to reduce the limits of the definition of reJ.
Length of a match stick and lenght of the stick by 029 presentative government.
the skin of a rat represent Shortening of the matchportant economic factors stick, it is estimated, would sh continuing the war with save 000. 000 ven a year, China.
enough to keep the army goSo do tootpaste adn tinfoil, ing in China, at current spen The Berlin Press state that vestigations made by the police toy balloons and chocolate dong rates, for about Wee. Le the Island of Heligoland, in authorities, it is disclosed that cars, freckle cream and cavi hour and vive minutes.
the North Sea, will soon be an criminal records exist against er, bathing suits and chew Major commodities, such ESTRADA important submarine base. The ne sister and three brothers of ang gum, book bindings and as metals, oil, wool, cotton, Cortes: Precios Economics Island fortifications were or the murderer Beltran teacup decorations, golf balls leather and chemicals, long is dered demolished by the Ver and that one of the latter and patent medicine and a ago fell under the rationing Artículos del Pais ralles Peace Treaty, but since connected with no less than se thousand and one other things system or were marked for the Nazi regime it has been hea venteen of these records.
which might seem far remo removal from the market.
Abarrotes y Licores vily re fortified.
ved from the sinews of The private citizen may buy LA IBERIA It is understood that the only two gallons of gasoline As it is reported there is no World Welterweight ChamJapan is not a nation of a day ready sale in view for the pion, Henry Armstrong, has raw products. The materials More recently the govern loud and critical voice was 800, 000 cases of prepared Tun contracted te defend his title that go into these things ment removed all raw cotton heard. Baron General Sadaony Fish now in stock with in a contest with Ceferino Gar must be imported, paid for and cotton cloth from dom Araki, veteran of all Japan their representatives in Califorcia, the Filipino, who holds abroad. The nation has em estic use. Iron is scarcer than modern wars, said: nia, the Pacific Refrigerating the second ranking place barked on a vast program of gold. It is hard now to buy The nation seems to be Company have decided to sus this class. The match will take retrenchment. Not even bloc an iron frying pan; a month carrying its sacrifices to ex pend their Puntarenas fishing place sometime this month in Eaded Germany of the World from now it will be impossi tremes. quick victory is and refrigerating operations un Los Angeles. Armstrong has War could have been so tigh ble.
contrary to the real trend of til around the close of the year been guaranteed 60, 000 dollars tly laced as Japan is today. Patriotic publicity tells the affairs. The public go for the fight, It is a deliberate policy of people to wear wooden clogs without leather shoes for a Albino Cortes Carvajal, scarcity.
instead of leather shoes. Sin while, but it can wear clogs As a token of her sincere Chemists in the Ministry ce rubber is so valuable, for twenty or thirty years, brother of the arch murderer, appreciation of the generosity of Agriculture are tanning there are no more toy bal the period over which, if ne has been placed under arrest extended her by the Directors at skins in their search for loons and fewer golf balls. cessary. we are determined in Alajuela on certain sesions of the Junta de Proteccion So leather substitute. The go In the midst of all this one to fight.
charges. As a result of the in cial. since the tragic death of her husband, the widow Dr. Carlos Manuel Echandi has Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back made the Library of the San de Dios hospital a presen of de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: all the books owned by her late Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before husband on medicine and sur dentro de los primeros 10 días the 10th of the month.
de cada mes.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do not JOSE ACHION NG Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which Conkereiante Detallista de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
Licores, Abarrotes, Cristale ria, Articulos de Ferreteria Eléctricos; todo se encuentra en este estableeimiento.
PRECIOS DE SITUACION LIMON 50197 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Brevities From All Parts SALOMON CHIN one in can a of COMPAÑIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON


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