
Saturday, September 10th. 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE The Question of The Frontier With Panama Yes Sir Better Taste IS WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT CIGARRILLOS An VION more «Yes Sir More Value This matter is again serious ly engaging the attention of our Diplomats both here and in the neighbouring Republic.
HD It will be remembered that during the last regime of don Ricardo Jimenez the subject was energetically brought up by the Panamanians, and clashes even occurred between the Coastal Guards of the two countries. As a result of these, certain proposals were advanced for making changes in the boundarios as had been reco mmended, and accepted by both governments on the arbi Iration of Chiel Justice Hughes of the United States.
According to these proposals, the Executive of Panama advanced a new boundary line whereby Costa Rica would ce de the Sixaola River to that country, coming up eleven kilometers or about seven miles along our coast toward Limon, while Panama would give Cos ta Rica an equal amount of inland rocky mountain lands.
This proposal caused a great tumult and after much discussions, in which this Journal joi ned in the opposition, it was thrown out and the matter left as before.
The question is once and under discussion, with the sug gestion by Panama that Costa Rica cede the Sixaola River, and place the boundary line up four kilometers of our coast to Gandoca, in return for which we would be given much inland territory. On the instigation of our Secretary of Fo reign Affairs, our Executive is what they say about the prizes Council has partially, acceded to this new proposal, and the matter left for the decision of Congress. Much public opposition is, however, again being evinced and some very pointed articles have appeared in the daily papers pro and con.
Costa Rican Officials are of course very peacefully disposon the whole, but why should should we dispense with should we dispense with very valuable coast line territory for unseless mountain lands. Can our Statesmen not see that the Papamanians are aiming to get within easy range and sight of to throw a disacknowledgment the Port of Limon? If they are in the face of that nation?
PRISONERS UNDERTAKE HIGHER STUDIES WAR ON ANTS so much in want of our eastern Would it not have a semblan coast why not offer to cede us ce of slighting their integrity. If there be a place where it are allowed to pursue their stu We note that the Municitheir western coast line up to and in case there were another must be admitted the lower, dies in their cells. These are pal Board of the Canton of Puerto Armuelles?
clash would we be able to strata of its community are also permitted to receive letters Poas has resolved to wage a We are all to a certain ex again appeal to them for their keenly interested in intellectual from correspondence colleges tense warfare against the tent under the tutelage of the mediation?
pursuits that place is certanly and to attend the prison school. little workers called WEE United States, and after the town of Pretoria in South clash of arms had occurred in The Sixdola River is One prisoner, undergoing a WLE ANTS.
the Africa 27 years sentence for murder, It is hojed our Municipalty the former dispute, the Chief only navigable waterway ownAccording to a recent press is actually studing mining en will follow suit and assist Justice of that country was ed by Costa Rica in this part while others doing the farmers in fighting the sent as Arbitrator. He, fixed of the Republic, and the terri report it is said the prisoners in gineering, the Sixaola River and the other tory along its banks among the the town Central Jail are very shorter terms are working for ravages caused by these des They interior and Pacific points as most fertile; although don Teo much interested in higher edu degrees in economics, commer tructive little pests.
destroy the Yuca, Yams, our boundary. This was ack doro Picado thinks they are of cation, so after they complete ce and arts.
their normal prison labour they Beans and other crops, as nowledged by all concerned no importance. Should the well as the fruit trees the why therefore now endeavour proposal be accepted, what are to become of the many promimay come across, and the nent farmers who have for years also make holes in the roadsettled in the affected area, if See the Latest in ways which are most danthey do not desire to become gerous to traffie.
Panamanian citizens? Would FANCY PALM BEACH LINEN they be forced to sacrifice their If the farmers were supe COMERCIANTE holdings and make another SUITINGS, lied with the necessar por más de 20 años start elsewhere? Where would Establecido en la Provincia acids, they will willingl Vende al detal, Vinos y LL we place our Aviation Port, as at JACK ORANE SUCS. Limón.
carry out the work under cores extronjeros y del país, also our Police and Customs the guidance of an expert MISCELANEA Olices to efficiently protect in matters Hormigueros, for abarrotes en general.
QUALITIES, PATTERNS PRICES our frontier requirements?
there is no gainsaying the stablecimiento esquina These are matters requiring fact that these Ants are a Norte del Mercado. the most serious consideration to please you!
source of great danger Entre and we await the sound judg our agricultural interests.
ment of our Legislators, Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. CASH COUPONS. CERTIFICATES FOR THE CONTEST OF OCTOBER 2nd.
a Edgar Young


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