
PAGE 10 Saturday, September 10th. 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE Nestle Milk Cº Operating in Panama Restaurante. Siquirres TIENDA MIL COLORES a an their Campbell Dr. Medal Jr. couple of months ago we mentioned that the Nes El tren de pasajeros de Limón o San José se detiene en tle Anglo Swiss Milk Compa Siquirres 20 minutos, para que los pasajeros puedan alSUCURSAL. LIMON. AP. 578 ny were, by means of their morzar cómodamente. Compre su tiquete en el tren para Susidiary the Compania Paque sea atendido a la llegada. El precio es 2. 50. El nameña de Alimentos Lac Restaurant queda a la derecho de la Estación. Cantino, MIRE!
teos arranging to esta Cigarros y cigarrillos. Se habla inglés.
Nosotros somos competido We are competitors, blish a large plant of Nata for SULLIVAN the manufacture of the varires porque importomos di because we import dious milk products for which rectamente de Inglaterro. rect from England. they are so famed.
We are now informed that MIRE!
We not the plant has been operating that Mr. Aure proceed carefully and undsince the latter part of last lio Castro has, by his decla er control toward such sastres.
We are supreme, bemonth, and is reveiving rations, absolved Mr. John one, when it happens that Somos superiores, cause we have the best porque son of all blame in connec at the last moment the paraverage daily supply of tenemos los mejores tion with the death of the ty, whose attention may ha journey men tailors. 300 litros of milk.
Producers are said to be unfortunate woman, Grace ve been attracted elsewheMIRE!
highly satisfied with re, makes a wrong turn, and As was stated in our pre instead of moving arrangements for the dispoaway, Suits from 95. 00, sal of their milk, and from vious issue, Mr. Johnson is turns into the roadway.
Vestidos de cosimir inglés indeed a most careful mo Hence a collision, which no desde 95. 00.
the enthusiasm being displaupwards. 00 weekly yed, it is expected that with torist, but at times one opin power on earth could have Aceptamos pagos semanaion regarding the immedia avoided.
the the commencement of payments.
les desde 1. 00 te actions of a pedestrian is new year the plant daily Judging, as it is said, the erroneous. On supply may reach the viciobserving faulty hearing of the poor some one on the lines or ro woman and the noise of the Enrique Yankelewitz, Proprietor nity of 10. 000 litros.
adway, a motorist will na waves, it is most regrettable turally conclude that Roden, Cutter that the misfortune should have them; only for that which sawill get out the befallen her at the hands of vor of peace and concord, love person and goodwill.
way, and will consequently Mr. Johnson. PLANS CONFERENCE All Fraternal, Benevolent and other Coloured Societies Mr. Editor Several of the Delegates will, are asked to accept this inviit is expected, deliver addres tation and send Delegates.
The Universal Negro im ses.
Every individual Negro provement Association intend On Monday night the 2nd. should make it possible to sounding the call, once more, there will be a parliamentary attend and assist in bringing Tiene el gusto de comunicar a su estimable clientela to the thousands of Negroes sitting of the Conference who about a huge success. Our domiciled in Costa Fica to subjects of the most vital young people are now mak que ha trasladado su clinica dental al antiguo local ocuprepare for their future bet imprtance will be discussed. ing a start, but they want pado por el doctor Badilla, entre el Consulado de Estados terment.
We therefore call on all their fathers and mothers to After a period of declining the Sections along the lines march on with them.
Unidos de Norte América y la botica British Pharmacy.
years; after a series of torture to get together and prepare This coming Conference is scandal and abandonment for this event, whether there to be considered the New he Officers an Members, exists a Division of the As Deal or the Negroes of Cosseeing the threatened preca sociation or not. All who de ta Rica, and just as that in The League Last Opportunity rious condition which the co side improved conditions America was intended to aid loured people here will have should form Committees and the poorer of the land, So Dear Mr. Editor: help against Italy. But, unto face, are impelled to move send Delegates to represent shall this be for the national Kindly afford me the ne less am very much mistafor the unification of the them. Remember we inust strengthening of ourselves.
cessary space in your valua ken, the plea will go largely Race; and being encouraged salve our own destiny, poli Those of us who see the ne ble Journal for these few unheeded, because to take by many on the outside, who tically, commercially, social cessity, and are willing to put lines.
any effective action on his seem to sense the need for a ly, industrially, educational away all the petty differences The League of Nations behalf will mean the precicoming together the Limonly, and even financially. and strifes which made and will have one last opportu pitation of another World Division therefore plans such The time has come when kept us weak, will admit that nity to save itself from utter War.
a meeting, by means of a we should cease our petty this effort needs financial destruction on the 15th. ins The league was really National Conference, to take differences, strifes, malice, backing to make it successful; tant, when Emperor Haile never intended to be anythplace here in Limon, in our hatred and all which tend to we, therefore, appeal to our Selassie will once againsing other than an instruLiberty Hall, on the 1st, and retard our progress and come sympathisers to send whate appear before it to plead his ment of the Allied Powers, 2nd days of October 1938. together for our mutual, gen ver amount they can to the cause. The victim of a vi to maintain the status quo Monster Mass Meeting eral welfare. We also wish it Secretary of the Association, cious international double after the signing of the Verfor the Peace and Goodwill to be borne in mind that the Box 388, Limon, and so cross; deprived of his coun sailles Treaty. This state of of the Conference, and the Conference will have no pla help a just Cause.
try by England, France, and things in world affairs has registering of Delegates, will ce for the housing of dispu Yours for Advancement, their associate nations, who however been greatly chang be staged on Sunday night tes or annoyances. All disputwould neither support him ed by the industrialization October 1st. special musi ing factors should therefore MITCHELL with arms, troops mor mo and militarization of Ruscal programme is now under keep away there will be President Port Limon ney; the little Emperor will sia, the industrial and milipreparation for this meeting, neither time nor place for Division. Nº 300. be making one last plea for tary expansion of Japan, and the flaunting by Italy and Germany of the various pacts and accords to which they were parties.
Mussolini properly timed his conquest of Ethiopia, and has consequently been able to get by with it. The What to become of your youngster if you other great Powers were should die before they are self supporting?
not ready for war, so Ethiopia, whose rape might have othe urnished an excellent excuse for the laGet a Life Insurance Policy unching of hosti itseil, behsi unching of hostilities, became the hapless victim. But war, quick, unannounced HOW?
devastating war, will come within the next 12 months, and Italy, lacking the natural resources to carry on a Through our Office in Limon or San Jos.
modern conflict, will go the way of Ethiopia. Then three years hence, Haile Selassie Banco Nacional de Seguros.
may once more occupy his palace in Addis Ababa.
Yours with thanks, Edwin Horde.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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