
Saturday, September 10th. 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE 11 HOP LEE LUNG 118 men was an Clear. 000. 000 Well Merited Vacation LA MIXTURA DEL DR. MAX PERALTA ha conquistado rápidamente la gran popularidad de que Mr. Georges Chittenhoy goza, por haber curado multitud de personas que den, the General Adminispadecían del higado y del estómago, los cuales agradeMATINA y 24 MILLAS the trator of the affair of cidas le recomiendan de corazón sus amistades que United Fruit Company in sufren de afecciones tales como: tris Division as well as of Estreñimiento, mal aliento, dolor de cabeza, those of the Northern RailLos más surtidos Esto blecimientos de way Company, leaves this LICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES inapetencia, desarreglos del cutis, mareos, poil tomorrow for a well biliosidad, mala digestión Háganos una visita.
earned vacation in the Unicoco ted States and possibly Eumeses rope. He will be accompani The Tortuguero Canal Seems Likely ed by Mrs. Chittenden. Memory Of Dr. Moreno Cañas Being Honoured During the past twelve According to latest advices, cover the cost of the work, months or more Mr. Chitten With the view of memo We shall meet, but we shall a German Banking Firm, the including the two rotative den has had to undergo a rializing the name of Doc miss him; House of Conrad Henrich brodges which it will be ne most rigorous strain of tech tor Ricardo Moreno Cañas, There will be one vacant Donner, have submitted a cessary to construct on the nical work, as a result of considered the greatest Me chair.
proposition to our govern to permit the mo the new contract for the Pa dico of his day in Costa Ri We shall linger to caress ment under which they are vement of the launches cific region and the difficul ca, in the most popular and him, willing to furnish the cash long the waterway, unless as ties which arose regarding satisfactory manner, it has When our duties calls required for the construction is no walleged, the canal does the operations on this side, been decided to erect a pu here: of the Moin. Tortuguero Ca not come lower than 14 mi due to the prevalence of blic monument, the cost of True they tell us wreaths nal. The cost has been esti les.
plant disease.
which will be met by dona of glory mated at around 600. 000 co Should this proposal prosWe take this means of tions from the general po Evermore shall deck his lones, and provided it is a per, the need of the roadway Chittenden оur heartiest pulace of the country. It has brow, greed that all the necessary for this city to Moin, by way wishes for a most pleasant also been decided to place But this soothes the anguish machinery will be purchased of Portete and the Cemetery, time in the land of Promises within the confines of the only in Germany, the firm will will be a vital necessity. It and fulfilments, wtih the San Juan de Dios Hospital, Sweeping o er our heartsadvance this amount. may be stated that the cana hope that Mr. will be San Jose, a tablet support trings now The proposals suggest that lization scheme has already thoroughly re irrigorated ing an enlarged fac Limile the sum advanced for the teen approved by Congress to resume and pursue his of a hand of the Doctor It is usually said that the construction of this most use and one cent of the two cent, manifold labours in our made of Bronze emble good deeds of great ful work, which will create a Export Tax on all Bananas midst.
matic of his wonderful sur are generally buried with new and permanent source of sent out the Republic by way gical ability.
them; this is not, however, prosperity for our city, is to of this Port is earmarked for Political Activities. On the initiative of its the case with our illustrious be refunded in Lumber to be defraying the expenses. As President, Doctor Alexis Ricardo Moreno Cañas, who obtained from the national President Cortes is known From Page guro, the Medic. Facul from his early youth lands adjacent the route of to be personally interested ty has announced that first in everything that was the canal.
in the project, we hope to see has, it in true resorted to his assembly of the Medical noble and virtuous, The matter is now being an early movement for the accustomed refusal, but there Practitioners of the Repuconsidered by the Executive starting of the work.
is one great factor to be taken blic will take place on the Council who are expected to into consideration on this occa 12th of October as a token give an early decision.
KEEP sion. the ambitions of a of respect and affection for German Experts are said YOUR young wife who will, it may the deceased.
to estimate it will take 20, 000 EYES be expected, aspire to the po At the opening of the Ex WOMEN!
tons of the class of lumber sition of Mistress of La Casa traordinary Sessions of Con needed in German Turn dark wenk to meet Presidencia.
gress, last week, a crown of days into sun.
the cost of the canalization.
Laurels was placed in his days. Be strong The sum of 600. 000 colones In as much as Doctor Cal accustomed seat, and after happy. Cardui is the estimate given the govfamous medicinal deron Guardia is of the actual due respects were paid his tonic, helps prevent ernment some years ago by EYES Tuling party, and considered memory, the members visitperiodic discomfort Engineer Sprung, and it the most likely man, we never ed the Cemetery in a bostill considered sufficient to theless anticipate many chan dy where they deposited ges and desertions when the the flowery emblem on his name of the Veteran of Seven tomb. We are reminded of Unification Of Police Forces ty seven summers is officially McCauley announced It is noted that proposals It is noted that our 1st.
are under way to give a Comandante of Police, Col.
OOOOOOOOOO greater amount of efficien Carlos Gonzalez Ramirez, cy and intelligence to our has been relieved of his poOur popular young Police Forees.
LUIS WA CHONG Attor Antonio should have found it sition and that Lieutenant ney at Law, don Antonio Cruz, necessary to so soon relinguish Pan American Fclice Col. Ramon Briceño Fonsehas, we note, resigned from the the important office, we Conference has been arranca of the Artillery Division GUACIMO ged and will be held in our will be taning his place. GUAPILES position of Assistant Magistra pleased to observe that his te of the Supreme Court, capital city. San José. Re The Atlantic Voice exto reason for doing so is because presentative Officials of the tends a hearty welcome to tranjeros y del país which he was somewhat recen of lack of sufficient time, due tly elected by Congress.
different Forces will Tienda bien situada wishes meet Col. Briceño, and to the steady increase of his pri Abarrotes en general While we regret that at this gathering to compa him much success in the judon vate work.
re and discuss facilities and cious manipulations of Precios sin competencia principles for combatting the government service. It crime. There is no training is also hoped that our Exdepot in this country where Comandante will find much eccos. socceeeee Some weeks ago an article ded to the suggestion, hence recruits, on entering the ser that is satisfactory in the vice, can receive the neces new sphere to which it is un ger of The People House signed by Messrs. Farquhar elsewhere in this issue will be sary instructions; hence derstood he will be sent.
leaves us on a three months son, Scharsmidt and Montague seen his call for a meeting of WI man, on being accepted for vacation in his native Isle Ja appeared in these columns, as the Delegates and Well maica.
also a letter by Mr Roper the force, is assigned to pushers of the Organization on Liverpool, suggesting that the the 1st and 2nd days of Ocs blic duty which often rePERSONAL sults in some very Limon Division of the tober.
It was about fifteen years Association summon a Confeunwise and inconvenient acts being The Atlantic Voice wishes ago that Mr. Angus came hecommitted. We expect mu On Tuesday next Mr. Les re and joined the late Mr. rence to be held in this city. all concerned a most peaceful cho good will be Mr. Mitchell, the President of and successful Conference.
derivedlie Angus, our highly apJack Orane the proprietor of the Division has graciously acce from this important Confe preciated townsman and the the well known business esrence.
exceptionally popular Mana tablishment; and throughout the succeeding years he gave it of his best, that notwithstanding the periods of illness which occurred prior NUEVO DEPOSITO MADERAS DE GUAPILES to Mr. Orane regrettable death, he not only carried 50 varas al Sur del Correo.
on but was able to bring it to the forefront of our city commercial houses. He El famoso laurel negro y borcino en cualquier has Next to LA PROVEEDORA certainly earned the rest and New and Complete Assortment of Lumber cantidad. Precios más bajos de plaza.
change he is now about to taMessurements less than feet at ke, and the Atlantic Voice wishes him a most enjoyable PASE VER SE CONVENCERA. 25 per foot time among those from whom he has so long been absent.
and Clear MURINE FOR YOUR is ASK YOUR DRUGGIST CARDUI Lic. Antonio Cruz Resigas Position are NEGRO CONFERENCE a of SO Lumber Deposit SAITA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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