
THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE he RE 1: is because we have been so appointed to pain why it is difficult to get into the new rhythm of joy.
Scarcely can we believe that Joy awaits us and the fulfilment of a more abundant life, But os sufferng was needed to bring us into a state Devoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone of self awareness, so is Joy needed to bring us into the Editor English Section: C. NATION much higher state of God awareness. Because suffering brought us to ourselves, made us conscious of our incomYear pleteness, we call it evil; but without battling against Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday September 17th. 1933 No. 212 great odds to bring out the great qualities of the soul, we could not have been prepared to endure the higher vibrations of Joy which still await us. See good in everyWIRELESS NEWS THE INTERNATIONAL UNREST thing MERCER PERPIGNAN, France. At After all that has been said any and every emergency. Rusleast seventeen persons were by the German Chancellor dur sia, her ally, has stated her reaknown to have died in a fire ing these latter days, it was diness, with the appruval of INDEPENDENCE DAY which burned the coaches of a thought by those unacquainted Roumania, to rush her thousands railroad train on the outskirts with his psychology, that a into Checoslovakia at a moof Germona, Spain, after a col state of war would already have ment notice, while following Thursday last, the 15th of September, marked the lision with a gasoline laden been declared. All he has said the lead of others, she is giving 117th Anniversay of the day on which Costa Rica severed truck Many of the victims died and done is, however, but a part demostration of her naval poher connections with Spain and assumed the status of while fighting to escape the of the tactics generally wer in the Baltic Sea and the Sovereign State.
adopts with the view of getting Far East that which he desires. He was, We need not mention the many and varied setbacks and In consequence of the revolutransformations she has had to suffer and undergo as a voung of course, known to be much tionary outbreak by the Sudeten NEW YORK. The got ern put out because certain deputies minority in various districts, innation; though thanks to the blessings of the Supreme Ruler, ment has sent two Attorneys of his minority party in Cheka volving the lose of many lives, the sane judgments of her sons and daughters, and the and a federal Agent abroad in were not handled with silk glo it is felt that President Benes wisdom and integrity of her Administrators, she has risen to an attempt to obtain testimonyves by the police, so the belief and his Advisers will not agree a position of civilization hardly equalled by any of the other from a key witness in the na came about that the incident to further concessions as appeCentral American Republics who obtained their freedom tion most widespread spy in would be seized as an excuse ars to be the desire on the part from the yoke of servitude to the Spanish Monarchy at the vestigation since the world war. for the start of the long threaten of Britain and France This same time. This outstanding qualification is evidenced by The Commission will seek to ed clash. It was also generally feeling has been greatly strengquestion Dr. Ignatz Griebl, a expected that his speech, at the thened by the unprecedented the progressive methods adopted by her advisers for the former Army Medical Reclosing of the Nuremberg ce and altogether unexpected flight cultural and other lines of advancement of their fellow nationals, as also by the numerous works of solid improvement serve Officer who is under in remones, would have contain of the Premier Chamberlain to dictment on the open charges, ed a definite pronouncement Germany to personally consult scattered throunghout the country. Heaven grant that she but has fled the country. Johan either for Peace or War; but with Hitler.
may continue to maintain the prestige of her Flag with that na Hofmann, former Hairdres apart from some vehement utte The latest advices disclose same honour so traditional of her people, so that her sons ser on the Liner Europa, is also rances regarding the determi that the British Premier has oband daughters may, with heads lifted high, proclaim they under indictment and will, a nation of his people to defend tained the consent of Hitler to have been able to uphold the dignity of her institutions in long with three others, go on their brother minorities in su delay further warlike activities trial on the 4th October.
rrounding countries, and to pending consideration by Franthe same ambitious manner as they would in warfare.
uphold the integrity of the ce and themselves of a new plan In the yeors to come, may the like glorious prestige Nazi party against the Democra for solving the Sudeten proattend our beloved country influence among the other tic world, he said nothing defi meet the German Chancellor in peoples of the world as it is at present, so that all may on KONGKONG Chinese nite of his military intention. severe tension which has existed each succeeding 15th day of September exclaim in Spirit Delegation to negotiate for an Premier Mussolini, too, was five days time As a conseand in Truth. Viva Costa Rica; Viva Patria Libre.
American commodity Loan was expected to make a definite de quence of this disclosure, the said to he aboard a Pan. Ame cision for war alongside his blem. Chamberlain is to again rican Clipper which arrived German Ally, but he still pers throughout Europe during the WHAT OF OUR BOUNDARY QUESTION?
last Thursday in San Francis ists, from all we can gather, in last two or three days has been co. The Delegation might at the hope he will be able to greatly relieved NotwithstandThere appears to be somet of inaccessible interior land. tempt, it was reported, to ob avoid an active participation ing these efforts for a peaceful hing strange regarding this This proposition came, of cour tain a direct loan as well as a Japan, on the othe hand, has, settlement of the difficulties, the matter. We hear very little se, from Officials of Panama commodity one to bolster Chiness to march wiht the Dictators Checoeslovakian government to about it from the Panamenian department of Foreign Affairs, nese exchange against dwind we observe, breadcast her readi is taking every precaution side of the River; yet we find but no pressure has been pla ling reserves.
should England, France and Rus dominate the subversive activithe Peace loving Guardians of ced on it as they must, first sio live up to their agreements ties of its opponents and to resCosta Rican interests willing to and foremost, see it is an un BRUSSELS. Belgian with the Cheks.
tore law and order throughout discard the decision arrived at friendly suggestion, and an ficers on leave began reporting the troubled areas. The arrest by the Ambassadors of Arbitra insult to American integrity back to their re pective comIn the meantime France has of the Sudeten Leader Konrad tion Commissions, and give the We observe, too, by the foreign mands on the 14th under emer mobilized over 2, 000, 000 men Henlein has been ordered but call for he fled across the border into neighbouring Republic a fine Press, that certain Panamanian gency orders. The Authorities and has issued the strip of Altantie Coastline Deputies are opposed to the pro said the call was part of the another two millions. She has Germany before execution of in exchange for a useless tract To Page 11 preparations to prevent viola also placed her air and naval the decree could be effected.
tion of Belgian territory in caforces in complete readiness for se of war Y OFHAMBURG AMERIKA LINIE UNITED FRUIT COMPANY SERVICIO DE VAPORES JERUSALEM. Jubilant Arab reaction was observed re garding Hitler reference to Paldstine and increased resistance to the government. Hitler is reported to have asserted at Nuremberg that the Poor Arabs are defenseless and left in the lurch. An Arab spokesman stated. Now we are not without friends in Europe. Our ultimate success as a nation lies in the hands of Hitler and Mussolini, not in Britain and France.
Salidas semanales de Limón para Nueva York con escala en Cristóbal Habana.
Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón Llevando café para todos los puertos Europeos y Americanos VAPORES SALIDAS GUATEMALA: MS. CORDILLERA. 20 de Setiembre EUROPA: MS. CORDILLERA 25 de Setiembre VERAGUA CHIRIQUI TALAMANCA Septiembre 18 Septiembre 25 Octubre HAPAG LLOYD SHANGHAI Sangủinary fighting raged along the entire mid China front on the 14th.
as Chinese troops stubbornly re pul ed japanese attempt to break through defenses on both barks of the Yangtze. River.
The severest battles were near Teian, Kiukiang. Nanchang railroad point, where the Japanese offensive has long been sta lemated, and also at Fukinsh.
where the Chinese blocked the invader advance toward the vital Peiping. Hankow Railroad.
Agentes para Limón y Puntarenas.
Para otros informes dirijase a las oficinas de la 13 UNITED FRUIT COMPANY sa los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica TELEFONO 156 AVENIDA CENTRAL. TELEFONO 2086 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    EnglandFranceGermanyHitlerMussoliniNazismSpainSubversiveWorld War

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