
a we vey, PAGE THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, September 17th. 1938.
Britain Childbirth Deaths Decrease LONDON Within the tential strength in modern Fábrica de Hielo VICENTE DE LA PENA next few weeks Germany submarines is only fifty ninew submarine fleet will be ne, he declared.
COSTA RICA SODA SIQUIRRES numeric:fly greater than En mi finca PASCUA ofrezco terreno para sembrar Br. tain s, according to Lieut Britain has thirty eight bananos. Lotes no menores de 10 hectáreas Comdr. Kenneth Edwards, modern submarines in servunder naval correspondent for the ce, eighteen WATCK FACTORY consSunday Times truction and three projecLANDS IN LOTS OF NOT LESS THAN 10 HECTAREAS Germany, Lieutenant Ed Ited The British Navy, how y Refrescos wards said. has a potential ever, has fourteen old subCan be had on my Form PASCUA. feet of sixty eight submar marines, mostly relies of the for the planting of Bananas.
LIMON nes 37 completed and thir World War, which are used ty one under construction for training purposes.
or projected. Britain poFLORIDA ICE AND Reich Submarine Fleet Larger Than Britain LONDON. More moth On the other side of the Effort To Establish New Auto. Speed Record ers than ever before are sur picture, deaths from tuberFARM Co.
viving childbirth in England culosis are slightly above One Jenkins, resident of raised to 345. 49 miles per hour and Wales, while deaths a. the low record of 1936. An Salt Lake City, is re recently by Captain Eyston of LA FLORIDA mong children below one increase of pneumonia cases ported to be constructing a rac London.
Jenkins says he desires, first year old are only slightly is partly the result of the ing automobile capable of devFábrica de Hielo higher than the low record severe outbreak of influen eloping a speed of from 375 to of all, to break all the distance of 1935. These facts emerge za earlier this year.
400 miles an hour with which speed records up to and includ. Venta de Leche from the annual report of Walter Elliot, the Minist.
he hopes to establish a new re ing the twenty four hour run, the Ministry of Health. er of Health, says he is not in readiness for a run over the of his racer into a large: frame, cord. The car is expected to be then he would switch the hull y Maderas which shows a maternal yet satisfied because Bonneville Salt Flats by the add another supercharged enmortality rate of per have not yet finished clearmiddle of the present month. gine, and shoot for four hun1. 000 births and an infan ing the slums, we have not tile mortality rate of 58 per yet abolished drercrowdThe record, held by English dred miles per hour.
prisonment for embezzlem1. 000 births, compared to ing, not even of the grosmen for nearly ten years, was ent. He was President, High 59 in 1936 and 57 in 1935.
Chancellor ser kind, and we have not and SecretaryEven better records are vet provided adequate hous GALLERY OF CROOKS General, all in one of an Orpredicted by the Ministry ing in the countryside.
ganization to take Negroes This is the Headline of any masks are so perfect he says. to some Promised experts when results of the We cannot afford to lose Land.
article appearing in the Bri that often all the resources he was supposed to be founnational health campaign every year nearly 000 take effect. An improve mothers and tish Magazine John Bull of his investigators, are tes aing. More than 100. 000 more than the ment is expected, for exam 35. 000 children under the of the 20 th August, and inted in long and patient delv was raised. He is now ple, as a result of the fact age of 1, his report adds which is seen the photoge ing to lay bare the real id selfstyled President of a mothat fully qualified midwi We cannot view with com aphs of Messrs. Marcus Garantity of the promoters, mavement named The Univerves are being made availa placency an annual death Heavsman and Richard Will active after years of ups and sociation. the English HeadDonallon. Donald ny of the craftiest being still sal Negro Improvement Asble for attendance on all roll of nearly 30. 000 mothers, irrespective downs of sons from tuberculosis and oughby.
quarters of which are in BeThe article is a review by The Chief of these far fa aumont Crescent, West Kenmeans.
nearly 70. 000 from cancer.
Sir Wyndham Childs, Chief med detectors of crime, goes sington, London. He is appetp:of Scotland Yard Detec on to give the tricky mani aling here for three hundred GREAT NEGRO CONFERENCE tives, wherein looking beh pulations of the twelve men million dollars to save the ind the scenes, he tells of the with their incriminations be Race and place it on a firm vicious circle of twelve un fore the Courts of Justice. Asnationalistie basis.
to be held at the just men, of whose presence the others are not known to in England he desries to rid us of this country, only As one of the many. Mr.
Limon Liberty Hall the British public.
remarks regard Editor, who have suffered in OCTOBER 1st 2nd.
ing Mr. Marcus Garvey; Ithis deal. feel am doing Sir Wyndham tells us that consider them of much inte a service by sending you theAll Sections of the Lines are asked to communicate crooks move around in a vi rest to many of us.
se remarks by one of the higwith Miss Westney, Secy. of the Associacious circle and own a large He says. Yet another re hest criminal investigators of tion for full particulars.
wardrobe of disguises, so that turn date adventurer is Mar the World.
All are also asked to prepare and send Representabut very few of the general cus Garvey, a persuasive Ne Yours truly, tivas. These include public realize the same old gro. Some years ago he was hands cunninggly concealed sentenced to five years imAn Ex FOLLOWER FRATERNAL AND OTHER SOCIETIES.
behind most of the new enRemember SUNDAY and MONDAY terprises Some of their Royal Commission to visit Br. West Indies OCTOBER 1st and 2nd.
JOSE ACHION NG As one of the results of ine; and Dame Rachel CrowJ.
Comerciante Detallista the strikes and labour troudy, who was Chief of Social Licores, Abarrotes, Cristale bles which recently took pla Questions and Opium Traffic ria, Articulos de Ferretería y ce in British Guiana and so Section of the League of Na THE ANTI. MALARIA FIGHT Eléctricos; todo se encuentra me of the West Indian Is tions 1919 to 1931, and Memen este establecimiento.
Rain is a great boon to the lenic culture, are both attribu PRECIOS DE SITUACION lands, the authorities in Lon ber of the Royal Commission Greeks, but sometimes, of LIMON from ted to malaria.
don have appointed a Royal on Private Manufacture the months of June to August, Commission to enquire into Arms 1935 1936.
Hippocrates, whose works are it becomes a nuisance. During of immense importance in methe economic and social con In is expected the Commi Recently, this season it is very bad for dicine, described malaria as an mission of the League of Na posts of the British Empire. during the second week the Malaria Com ditions existing in these out ssion will sail from London of the crops, and, besides, the num ill that has a paralysing influentions pointed out in one of its the ber of malaria cases increases coming month and wili ce on humanity. During his ti reports devoted to The therabe The Commission will visit Barbados, Jamaica, Lee.
As a consequence of this, there me one was powerless to deal peutics of malaria. thta it con headed by Lord Moyne a forward Islands, Windward Isis a shortage of flour and a with the malady, whereas now sidered the short quinine treat mer Minister of Agriculture lands Trinidad, Tobago. Bri greatly increased demand for an excellent remedy is avail ment (15 20 grains per day dur with Sir Edward Stubbs an tish Honduras and British quinine. These two products are able. Many centuries were to ing to days) was the best ex Guvernor of Jamaica indispensable to the Greeks and go by after the fall of the Gre and most economical for ma vice president.
as Guiana.
The other both must be purchased abroad. cian Empire before the useful laria. For Prophylaxis, the Com eight members are all well Without bread the Greek pe properties cinchona bark mission recommends rishes, but without quinine he were discovered, quite by chan dose of six grains of quinine interest: two are ladies. Dr Shew Increase biso dies. It is not surprising ce. Now, the raw bark is scar during the whole malaira sea Mary Blacklock, of the Cothat the downfall of the hege cely used. As a medicine for In Greece, the short quini lonial Advisory Medical Com According to the informamony of Ancient Greece, and malaria, only quinine, extracted ne treatment has been employed mittee and an authority tion recently released by the the end of the grandeur of Hell from the bark, is used.
ria Monthly. Tropical Medicine and Hygie government, we note it is ated the population of the Republic totalled 606, 581 souis on the sutn. June last.
Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back This was an increase of 8, 273 de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: persons over the known totEste recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before the 31st. December dentro de los primeros 10 días 1937.
the 10th of the month.
The Province of San Jose de cada mes.
Be so good as to comply with this request and do not shewed the greatest increase Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which with 2, 728 and Limon the de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
smallest with only 182 during the six months period.
The actual number of the in habitants in these provinces MUNUN are given as 200, 064 and 35. 877 respectively.
repeat his of a daily known in matters of public Country Populace on al on COMPANIA ELECTRICA DE LIMON Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibnotecas

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