
SATURDAY, September 17th. 1938.
THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE Amor. The Baptists LC Tomorrow (Sunday) the Rev.
William Forde will celebrate Er the usual Sunday School An niversary Services, and on the following evening the regular entertainment con isting of songs, recitations, dialogues, dis courses, etc. will be staged, when the accustomed large and enthusiastie audience is anticipa ted.
Light an MECHANICS HALL DEDICATED CIGARRILLOS SELEGANTES The new Hall of the Loyal Hope Lodge was dedicated to Mechanism on the 15th instant District Grand Master, Barrett, and his Secretary, Pest District Grand Master, Na tion, attended. They were ably assisted by Past District Grand Masters Nelson and 5. Goulbourne, as well as by ther members of hign rank which made the function one if high order such as Mechaem enjoins.
The Hall was filled to its utnost, and a very pleasant and nstructive evening was enjoted by the Brotherhood.
ELEGANTES For True Smoking Pleasure. Cash Coupons Certificates for the tes red currrors vas October 2nd nes nar se tad par Panama Orders New Official Map pie pur We note it is stated that ve he Panamanian Authorities do ome time ago arranged for he printing, in Italy, of que ew official map of the Re public, in order to correct the contained in the exis ling ones. The work is alrea Contest of dy being carried out, but in view of the belief, that thière are prospect of an early settle eso ment of the border differengar jäces with this country, the ma ter has been ordered delayd so that these expected new changes may be also in luded We think the work will be realized in the near Co OFFICIALS HERE ON VISIT directions for its cure and may lavell be continued, as it is ve future, at least not as at pre prevention.
Among our recent visitors ge of the Experimental Stasiey unlikely the expectations sent represented.
The ALTANTIC VOICE we are particularly pleased tion in Tela, is also with extends a hearty welcome to ecce to meet Mr. Hatch, who them. He is no doubt inves all with the sincere hope they MEXICAN PRESS ATTACK once occupied the important tigating whether we really will, on departing take with hos MEXICO CITY. The vio all previous cooperation by him position of Assistant to the have the Sigatoka scourge them the pk ntest memoGeneral Manager of this Divi with us, and if so to give Iries of Costa Rica.
sarent press attacks against the forgotten.
blnited States which started re The newspaper Excelsior notion, and who throughout his ently, have been amplified by only attacks him but accuses stay displayed the most am11 newspapers.
him of bad faith, declaring that liable disposition to all. He is FATAL ACCIDENT AT CEMETERY to the ViceHeretofore, the Good Neigh Mr. Hull attacks at every point now Assistant On Friday of last week a train which was already in or policy had permitted the without giving the slightest in President of the Fruit Department.
man, named Hyman, was ba motion, except Hyman who lexican Government to indica dication of tolerance.
dly crushed by a railway had the misfortune of gettto the Mexian people that The entire world may under Mr. Hatch was particular engine at the cemetery. ing one of his legs under the had the backing of President stand. the paper says, that ly affable to the write of Barber Young, of this city, wheels of the car and it was different oosevelt in its policies and the despite the slogans this note, and so it is with died and his remains were so badly crushed that he died ontrolled press printed eulo United States policy remains the keenest pleasure we note taken for interment. Several shirtly after in the hospital.
ies about the Washington regi basically the same. It is based his presence even though it friends, among them Hyrnan, He was laid alongside his se.
might be for only a few short lingered around the grave friend on Saturday.
But now that Cordell Hull, Even the union paper, Popu days.
longer than was necessary, The cause of this unfortuna lecretary of State, has foundlar, which realizes fully the Mr. Rowe, Chief of the and on hearing the Engineer te accident is attributed, it is necessary to insi upon reci danger of the government if it Engineering Department and sounding his whisitle for a said, to the amount of alcoprocation, the front curtains sud refuses the United States propo Mr. Barnett, his Assis retur to the city, they holic refreshment indulged lenly have been removed and als for arbitration, says that tant, are also here to inspect all ran out the cemetery and in at such ceremonies.
Washington is showing no dis the several construction succeeded in getting on thel position to do anything but sli works. now under way. Mr.
ccc. dosude. de coeconocesacco de from under previous decla Wilson Popener who has char JOSE VIVO rations, and that Mr. Hull specifically refused the mere diplo matic negotiations President Ofrece su larga pràctica Lazaro Cardenas proposed. Novedades declare that United ADQUIERA PRONTO SU BILLETE GANE y experiencia en el cultivo The newspaper then attempts States diplomatic bungling is to divorce the United States responsible for the need of sen y beneficio de haciendas proletariat from Mr. Hull ding terrifie notes to Mexi 35. 000 action and declares: co and insist that United States de CACAO. Our firm friend is the diplomats misled president Car La LOTERIA NACIONAL puede enriquecerlo! and the American proleta denas into an extremist course riat and that the responsibility is Compre su billete y espere una fortuno.
Both the Excelsior and thel with the United States.
CD mer LOTERIA NACIONAL Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

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