
PAGE 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, September 17th. 1938.
An Automobile Without Clutch or Gears See the Latest in Restaurante. Siquirres a THE DR. MAX PERALTA MIXTURE Dedication of a New HO TH Line FANCY PALM BEACH LINEN Cambridge. An automobile without gears or clutch El tren de pasajeros de Limón o San José se detiene er SUITINGS, which may revolutionize Siquirros 20 minutos, para que los pasajeros puedan alworld transport was demons morzar cómodamente. Compre su tiquete en el tren para at JACK ORANE SUCS. Limón. trated recently before the que sea atendido a la llegada. El precio es 2. 50.
British Association of ScienRestaurant queda a la derecha de la Estación. Cantina QUALITIES, PATTERNS PRICES ce.
Cigarros y cigarrillos. Se hablo inglés.
Professor Frederick Lea SULLIVAN formerly of Sheffield Univto please you!
ersity who presented the paper said the new method of INEFFICIENT POLICE AUTHORITY AT power transmission could Ball Games Played in Our Streets also be applied to airplanes, DOCE MILLAS ships and railway trains.
For several months now, the Market Square. She was stunIs was understood that an What is happening at Doce desirable citizen, or one boys of this city have been en ned by the blow which was English company is being for Millas? From the complaints should be detained, and a joying themselves, with the lung at short range, and had med to promote the inven reaching us, there seem to being subjected to the acquiescence of the Police, by it hit her on one of her eyes, tion. Lea said that the rear bea fiend residing there, who, essary investigation, retu indulging in the games of Base he would have assuredly lost less car in which a centrifi threatens the lives of aged ed, if the rumours be is and Football on our streets. It it, and certain difficulties cal pump replaces the geardefenseless women, who pili correct, to the place whej is, however, time that our new would have followed for the box and clutch will use less fers the cultivations of the he came?
Comandante put a check on the Municipalty.
gasoline and will also increa struggling settlers, who robs As the local rural ро practice, as it it becoming We now call the attention of se tire mileage. He asserted the cultivators of their coco are incapable of acting, it du great nuisance to pedestrians. ue Authorities an understood complaints concerned to that it would increase accel nuts and sell them to On Wednesday last a young the danger, so that the matter eration in all forms of motor alleged trafficker. When the being lodged with the Gene their cwn ernor with a view of a woman was severely hit on her may be attended to and the pre transport. Lea credits Com farmers go into head, by a regula, size baseball, sent inconveniences to our pe mendatore Piero Salerni, an cultivations to gather their investigation being ordes at one of the corners of the destrians eliminated.
engineer now living in En coconuts, it is said, he chases in connection with the he gland with the invention. them with machetes, sticks ow activities and past and stones, and on compla tory. We are sure that as ints of such conduct being as this has been done, ju HO made to the Juez de Paz no ce will be meted out to notice is taken of the matter concerned.
has obtained its rapid and great popularity by hav Religious Edifice The Agent of Police resides ing cured an immense number of persons who sufat Moin too far away to On Sunday the 9th of Octobe of effective service, and fered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These now gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from ber, the chapel situate on the the rural police is much too Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON hill at the western approach to weak kneed to make an arrsuch complaints as the city, and belonging to the est.
COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, Penticostal Union Baptist Socie ABOGADO GO LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, ty, to which reference was maThis evildoer appears to BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION de in these columns some week have treked from across the y NOTARIO PI BLICO ago, will be dedicated and ope Border under peculiar cirned to the use of members by cumstances; and it is alleged Oficina: Altos Past MOST DISORDERLY CONDUCT its Pastor Mr. Davis. he boasts of having passed a Several speakers from the number of years in one of cual Ingianna BY. VOICE IN THE DARK town and surrounding localities the prisons of a neighbouring are expected enliven the oc Republic. Is such a being a very disgraceful incid the influence of Father Alcasion.
ent took place at the Black cohol, and they consequently Star Line Hall in this city precipitated a most unexpecPANAMANIAN OFFICIAL SENTENCED FO 00 at around 10. 30 Friday night ted entertainment of the fisSept 9th.
when a voting tic art. It grew so uproarious MURDER Ger contest suddenly came to AVISO that the Police, the ComanAccording to the Panama muel Small, who also og a close.
dante being present, had to Se avisa por este medio nian Press, Samuel Schwartz. pied the postion of his Sel It is not a very easy task take part. One of the candia nuestras lectoras que who held the important pos tary, entered the Munic to explain the whole thing, dates, during this period of en la Pension Costa Rica, ition of Municipal Treasurer office, during the month but a few remarks regard excitement, left the Hall for se reciben toda clase de for the district of Bastimen October last year, on a ing the incident will, be the purpose of inhaling a luntrabajos de costura, estos in the Province of Bocas cial visit and requested lieve, be quite sufficient. grul of fresh air and on her Mr. Mitchell, President of return the Judges would not pecialidad en trajes padel Toro, was recently sent wartz to submint his bo ra damas y reparación enced to twenty years impri for inspection, a row ens the Association Limon accept her votes. The decide camisas.
sonment at hard labour for and terminated abrup Branch, and one Professor sión went in favour of Miss the murder of Abraham when Schwartz drew his Brathwaite, proposed a vot Gertrude Hamm (Mrs. CrowSmall, who served as Alcalde and shot the Alcalde ing contest for the benefit ther. Her votes totalled in the same locality while he was endeavour of don know who, and no 6, 087 ing the decent ones for all It is said an old feud of a to flee the office. His Sec minated five candidates for What is wrong with the are judged alike. When mem personal nature existed bet tary was seriously woung the position of Queen in black Race of people in this bers of the white Race refer ween both men; so when the the coming Carnival on the community, why they cannot the degrading acts of the Alcalde and his brother Sa The trial of the murde 15th. Instant. Some few conduct themselves in a pro Blacks, they do not make took place in Panama days previous to the 9th. one per manner where er they any ustincuon the Hall of Liberty that rowdy He will serve his sente of the candidates withdrew are allowed to go?
good ones, suffer with the ism is not much in evidence in the penal settlement from the contest for reasons It seems to me the Black bad. How can self. respect and necessitating the inter Coiba, and at its close he unknow to the public. The Star Line building has deve in Negroes take part in the vention of the Police. to remain subject to spet remaining four were the Mis loped a very obnoxious rep affairs of this Organization Can the Officials of the pre police vigilance for an ses Ines Westney, Sadie Gard utation, and doubt if the unuer such an administra sent administration not pre tional period of eight yet ner, Daughter Brown and City Authorities will extend tion?
serve orde and decorum? The sentence of the co Gertrude Hamm Mrs. any more permissions for the There was an immense ga If there be no respect for also stipulates he is, for Crowther. On the night in holding of public entertain thering of the mighty Negro them, why do they not res reason whatever, to be a question Mr. Mitchell infor ments there by coloured per Race on this night, to which ign and give over to those wed any reduction of the med the audience there wo sons. From time to time the the new Comandante, Colo who can command same. Ha nalty. This is stated to be uld be no more voting after blackman of Limon creates nel Briceño, and other gen ve they no self respect? If maximum punishment 10. 30. There were unfortu much trouble for himself tlemen vere invited and had th do not exhibit, any. vided for criminals by nately, some hooligans pres and his fellowmen, and it is the courtesy to attend. What how can they expect to com penal code of the Republik ent who could not control generally those of the infer a display of blackguardism mend it?
their conduct on account of ior class who are humilliat before a Chief of Police not a week old in the city! What an impression to afford him Is it any wonder the better element of our Negro people keep away from such a Hall of ill fame? Other OrganizaMATINA y 24 MILLAS tions and Clubs, conducted the rejuvenating by members of the same Rahormono preparation their functions at Los más surtidos Establecimientos de FOR MEN, tha Arrasty Theatre, the St.
Mark and the St. Anthony LICORES, TIENDA ABARROTES according to Dr. Rich Weiss Hals without such unsavoury Ask for our illusrated booklet Háganos una visita.
scenes, but there is never an ON SALE IN ALL DRUGSTORES inportant gathering at this Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
and 30 or HOP LEE LUNG yf enfeebled by age.
Virilinets use ce, have


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