
Dr. Medal Jr.
er of EYES and refreshes irritated eyes CRICKET NUEVO DEPOSITO MADERAS DE GUAPILES To the lovers of the good 50 varas al Sur del Correo.
old game, it is very refreshing to see its prestige is being kept up by the country El famoso laurel negro y barcino en cualquier Clubs, the Townies being unTakes the pleasure of informing his esteemed clientel cantidad. Precios más bajos de plaza.
able to operate.
that he has removed his Dental Clinic to the apartments Re the Cup offered by His Excellency the British previously occupied by Dr. Badilla, between the Consulate al MiPASE VER SE CONVENCERA. nister, four Clubs were list of the United States of America and the British Pharmacy ed through the influence and energy of the Veteran Cricketer, Mr. Sutton, but at THE LATE CARDINAL HAYNES LAID AT REST the last moment two backed REPORTED LEASE OF ISLAND BY FRANCE down leaving the contest to In a mighty pageant of sor. bet of health On his return, only the Unity of Matina and WORRIES JAPAN row and majesty, the Catholic he spent a short time in prayer the Progressive of PacuariChurch is reported to have gi in a Grotto of Our Lady of to.
The reported lease to Fran Indo Chinese port of Haipven its last service the Pontifi Lourdes, had his dinner, read ce of the strategic Island of ong and conveyed by canal cal Mass of Requiem. to the several chapters of the Gospels late Patrick Cardinal Haynes. to those who were with him The Board arranged that Hainan, situate in the vicini to Hanoi where they are dis the the contest should be decid ty of French IndoChina as a tributed for interior on the 10th instant. He was and then retired for the night. ed by the two best out of reward for the loan of. Should these reports prove then laid at rest in a crypt is below the High Altar His Secretary accompanied him three games. Two matches 150, 000, 000 francs to the Chi correct, Japan would. it St. Patrick Cathedral New to the door of his humble apart have been played, one at Ma nese government is said to said be taking the necessa York, beside the remains of ment, where the Cardinal said tina an done at Pacuarito, be causing much worry to ry, steps.
other Princes of the Church, his usual Good Night in the and As both were won by the Japanese Foreign OffiThe world famed Cardinal, most pleasing manner. There the Matina Combination, they ice, who would have celebrated the are supposed to have been his will have the honour of sipIs has also been reported, 71st. anniversary of his birth last words, for as he did not ping champagne from the though flatly denied by Fran RELIEVE during the month of November appear the following morning Trophy, as winners of the ce, that a narrow guage raii TIRED next, is stated to have paid a for his usual Mass, his Secreta first lap.
way is being constructed bet visit on the 3rd, instant, to the ry entered his room and found ween Nanning in the provin St. Joseph Summer Institution him dead.
The Unity scored 81 runs! ce of Kwangao, and the Inhe had founded in the vicinity The Cardinal is believed to in the first game with the, do China Frontier with Chi of New York in the interests of have died about two hours after Progressive making 55. In nese labour and French equip Murine soothes the poor children of that city he had retired.
the second match played at ment, engineers and cash and He was then apparently in the Pacuarito, Unity put up 57 that much arms and muniUre daily EYES and 73, while the Homesters tions are being landed at the AN INTERNATIONAL PROPOSAL THAT were only able to reply with 58 in their first inning and ENGLAND OVERWHELMS AUSTRALIA IN FIFTH FAILED The State Department at reunder France, England, Italy CRICKET TEST Washington, has just and Germany would promise Although the All England to be the highest recorded in disclosed how France rejected Washington not to resort to war Combination won the fifth Test history, while Leonard Germany proposal, made against each other without a ple and last of the series of Hutton, the Yorkshire Youth 1922. that European Powere bircite. Mr. Charles Hughes, Oricket Tests by the ower of 22 years of age, who maagree to take a popular vote the then Secretary of State, whelming margin of three de 364 runs, established the before resorting to war. Hud decided to submit the idea first wickets and 597 runs, the greatest individual total dur it been adopted, the scheine to the French; as he thought it would have operated for a pe would be unwise to approach Besides easing functional Australians are returning to ing the 65 years the compepains of menstruation, Car the Antipodes with the my tition has been taking place riod of thirty years, and would the other governments if France dui aids in building up the thical Ashes. for at least with the Australians, it consequently be effective at this did not treat the matter seriouswhole system by helping one more season, as the outsurpasses Bradman record time ly, France objected the women to get more energy come of the tournament gi crowd of around 30. 000 The mallure of the proposal ground that her Constitution and strength was announced at the time, but gave to the Senate the duty of from their food.
ves three games drawn and spectators witnessed the clos one won by each side.
no information was given of the declaring war, hence it would ing stages of the match.
details Going first to the wickets, It is now known that require a change of her Constifor Women th Englishmen Germany suggested that the Unit tution before she could accept compiled Personalidad y the remarkable score of 903 ed States initiate conversations the proposal. The matter thereregarding an agreement whe, fore died.
runs up to the fall of their Cultura Mental seventh wicket when they pronounced declaration In Fernando del Barco their response, the Aussies Revista Mensuel were only able to put together 201 runs in their first inn Dirección: ABOGADO ing and the still smaller quan Apartado postal 2302 Oficina. Limón tity of 123 in their follow on Habana, Cuba, the rejuvenating Frente almacén Peña Sues. This most unusual perfor hormono proparation Apartado 446 manse by the Antipodeans Suscripción anual: FOR WOMEN is said to have resulted from Tres pesos according to Dr Rich Weiss.
the three days strenuous solicitud servimos un Ask for our illustratout boots San José play they experienced Ejemplar muestra o Frente Botica Francesa the field while England was UN SALE IN ALL DRUGSTORES cualquier lugar Apartado 626 Tel. 4420 at the tickets.
20090000008. Joseoeee. os England score is stated Hoga su remesa por giro postal o bancario o la orden.
FOR YOUR beeste an Cardui on of prematurely aged, use on What of our.
Anuncie en La Voz del which merits your Confidence, The Botica Alemana Atlántico PURCHASE YOUR MEDICINES FROM PAGE submitted it to Congress to test posal, yet our Foreign Minister the opinions of our RepresentaIN DRUG STORE is quite anxious to make the tives, but there seem to be algift as an asurance of frionds so much opposition among them hip and good neigbourly propen to the proposition.
sities. He also strongly recom We all love Pesce, though mended a similar attitude to there are those who will call the Executive Council and they, for Peace at any cost, not SO acting on the suggestion, have much from a pacific inclinaLic. Paul Kleefeld. Prop.
tion as from the fear of dying it called tipon to face a foe by force of arms. There is, howeAUSTRIHRAST ver, a limit to everything: it cognized by the agreements sig. Arbitraters on our behalf since would be an ignoble act. to ce ned by Messrs. Anderson and we should have turned down COMERCIANTE de the inheritance of future se Porras, how are we going to both France and the United por más de 20 años nerations without first obtain guarantee that in the future, States?
Establecido en la Provinola ing the sentiments of the coun after we should have trampled In our opinion, it is better Vende al detal. Vinos y try populace. IE Panama de the Hughes arbitration cores extronjeros y del pais, under to stick, even at the point of MISCELANEA cires to abrogate the Treaties foot, that Panama will not the bayonet, to the Award of abarrotes en geneinl.
which have existed for half asgain fail us, and should she Chief Justice Hughes, as we Jstablecimiento esquina generation and were awarded wish to secure another strip of may then be able to interest Norte del Mercado, by President Loubet of France, our coast. line up to as far as the United States as our ArbiEntre by the White arbitration, by possibly Port Limon, to whom trafors whenever the necessity the Hughes decisions, and re would we be able to apply as might arise.
Edgar Young LUIS WA CHONG GUACIMO y GUAPILES tranjeros y del pais Tienda bien situada Abarrotes en general Precios sin competencia Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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