
son THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK THE ATLANTIC VOICE enorat going to press the time of ous Hull Asked to Recall Note pital. or yet for renting the mal source of much, revenue The circle of family and neighbourhood duties is the very first field of effort for those who would work for the up ifting of our you. hs. There is no more im.
NE portant field of effort than that committed to the foundDevoted to the interests of the people of the Atlantic Zone ers and guardians of the home. No work entrusted to Editor English Section: C. NATION human beings involves greater or more for reaching results than does the work of fathers and mothers.
Year The well being of society, the propriety of the noLimón, Costa Rica, Saturday September 24 1938 No. 213 re!
tion depend upon home influences.
WHITE An Early and Significant THE CANALIZATION OF THE MOIN. TORTUGUERO THE INTERNATIONAL SITUATION Echo LAGOONS The menace of a general very existoace. Ove: a rail An advice coming from a means of investigating, they will travel by smaller war is again threatening the lions men are reported mobi Pearl, Cape Province, Union the possibilities of the earn launches and River boats for nations of Europe, and it lized and stationed along her of South Africa, discloses the ing capacities in so far as exploring the suggested route would appear as it the posi frontiers, while, under orders fact that the National Party, freight is concerned of the of the canal up the San Juan tion at this time is much mo from the new Ministry, the interested in the political af projected waterway, we find River as far as Los Chiles on re serious than ever.
Sudeten regions have been re fairs of that part of the Brit the Minister of Finance dor the Nicaraguan frontier, when occupied by the native popuish Empire, recently adopted Francisco de Paula Gutierrez, ce they will embark for San Following on the anncunlace.
a resoluung counselling neu along with his Inspector Gen Jose by airplane.
cement that the Czechoslovatrality should Britain become eral, don Joaquin Zavaleta. En This trip is to secure, as we kian governmant had been Special informed circles de involved in war.
gineer don hucado Gutierrez have stated, a statistical know forced, under the severest are that Premier Chamber The resolution is said to and Lic. don Francisco Gutie ledge of the quantum of com pressure from England an lain has submitted several new have suggested a refusal by rres Mangel, have been a merce which may be expectFrance, to agree to the ac and important features in the the Union to be placed at the mong us since Wednesday, ed to pass by way of this Port, centation of the drastic de plan of settlement with the servic of the Empire, as the Limon always has an affec through the Canal, into the mands of the German Chan view of saving the sovereign Party Leader declared En tionate welcome for don Pa Southern regions of Nicaracellor for a settlement of the ty of Czechoslovakia and giv gland is no longer the stronco, for as a very interested gua by way of the San Juan Sudeten dispute, public ma ing satisfaction to the British military Power she has been Limonense, he generally River and Lake Nicaragua.
nifestations of disapproval im public; but it is believed, gan in the past, and could not give brings us something in aid of There is no gainsaying the mediately began in the three lerally, that there is no like South Africa the. rotection our future prosperity. When fact that the possibilities for countries and have now reach lihood of the Nazi Chief con which might be imagined. this is not for the improve freight from those partially ed a stage when it is expect ceding to these modifications ment of our Water Works, or explored regions are ed political happenings of far of his previously stated defor securing us public hos mous, and will be an additio reaching characters may any time occur, except the going to press the position is on the Maritima re. for the governmentto British Premier can, as an out uescribed as on the verge of WASHINGTON. Cor gions better facilities it is for nothing of the large amount come of his second visit to the long looked for outbreak.
Germany, induce Hitler to An advice date athe 23rd. den hur, Secretary of State, the brightening of our hopes of valuable timber such as cemake certain important modi in Paris gives the information has been asked by Benjamn for a roadway via the Ceme dar, laurel, mahogany, pine, fications in his scheme for the that Premier Dadalier has on u. Marsh, executive secreta Itery to Moin and Portete. On etc. which abound on the terultimate elimination of Cze ce again announced that ry of the People Loopy, to this occasion he comes in con ritory adjacent the projected choslovakia SS a sovereign should Germany invade Che recail his nguy ulog. cal nection with the settling of waterway.
As has been already senstate.
coslovakia, France will in and inaccurate note to ale the long discussed question xico.
of the Canal from Moin to tionel, a German Firm has The members of President mediately comply with her Bencs ministry have demit treaty arrangements, this dein a letter to the Secreta the San Juan River on the offered to provide the cash ted office, and a new Cabinet claration will in all proobili ry of State Mr. Marshe said borders of Nicaragua, through and supply the machinery for 01 the Tortuguero Valley. This constructing the Canal, and is has been formed with the war tv produce further complicatat continued pursuit veteran, General Jan Syrovy, tions in the negotiations of the Adm. nistration Mexe project will certainly alíord willing to be repaid by luma ber obtained from these lands.
at its head while still retain Chamberlain.
can poney would br. ng all our commercial interests Millions of ties may also be ing his position of Minister of In view of the bellicose at of Central and South Amer great amount of benefit.
Our genial Secretary of Fi obtained for use on the govWar. It is believed that under titude of Poland and the be ca on our necks, and asseru his guidance, and in view of lief that along with Hungary, ed that the Administration nance left on Thursday for ernment railways, thereby the Soviet Union reiterated she may join Germany in the was becoming a collection Colorado Bar, by the Yacht Keeping thousands of dollars determination to go to her invation of the Chek country, agency 1or the unsavory Stella Maris, with his party within the country.
aid irrespective of the action the Soviet Union has notified cheferrer Hearst looters of which included, in addition to The Atlantic Voice welMexico. He said that, in those already mentioned, don come the visit of our Secreof France and England, the her that she is disposed to of Hacienda and his little Republic may once cancel their non. aggressive contrast to the governmen Rogelio Gutierrez, the Directary more endeavour to overcome Pact.
of this country, the Mexican tor of this Journal, and don group of statisticians, and the evil which threatens her government was doing so Claudio Mora Molina, the wishes them a pleasant and mething for its people inste Sub. Inspector of Finance for successful trip.
ad of to, them.
this Province. From Colorado 159 INTEGRALISTS SENTENCED Break away from the hold over influence of Coolidge RIO DE JANEIRO, Bra. rebels attacked the Navy and Hoover in the State DeTell zil. The Twenty tour hour monsty, Guanabara Pala partment, separate yourself trial of 175 Integralists ce, nome or ine President, lirom the boy scout occupant (Fascists) charged with as some or ne rres dent, and of the Whte House, stop saulting public buildings the Ilhado Governador, une playing the game of the ecoSERVICIO DE VAPORES le and private residences in naval arsenal.
nomie royalists, be yourthe auempted revolt of May rracu. cany the entire Pa self and recall the note to Solidos semanales de Limón poro Nueva York con 11 closed with 159 of the lace guurd revoited and sur Mexico, Mr. Marsh advised crcala en Cristóbal y Habana.
defendants sentenced to pri vun eu une Presidential re the Secretary of State.
son terms, severest of wheh sidence. President Getulio Llevando café para todos los puertos was ten years. Sixteen were as, Mme. Vargas, their Europeos y Americanos acquitted.
Wo daughters and two sons and the President secretaVAPORES SALIDAS The revolt by the Braz ries fought off the attackers NEW LEVIATHAN lian rascists occurred ear, y with machine guns anu pisin the morning of May 11 tois. Berlin dispatch discloCHIRIQUI Septiembre 25 and was effectively suppress multaneous attacks oc ses that Germany is planed a few hours later by goy currea at the TALAMANCA Octubre other two ning to re enter the transerment forces with a casual points, but the attackers atlantic liner competition by QUIRIGUA Octubre ty list of twelve dead and were quickly subdued by the construction of a 90, 000 twenty two wounded. The guverneut forces. ton ship destined to be the voodovod last word in floating palaovcov 30 ces, decisively outclassing, so it is reported, the present ALVARADO y Cía. SUCS.
ocean queens the Queen Agentes pors Limón y Puntarenas.
Mary and the Normandieand even next year Queen Pata otros informes dirijose a las oficinas de lo LIMON, COSTA RICA Elizabth.
UNITED FRUIT COMPANY The vessel is to be built MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS for the Bremen Lloyd at en los bojos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica Bremen, and if Compro cacao present Material de Traavia plans come to a head, the TELEFONO 3156 Servicio de cabotaje a Cahuita y Pto. Viejo keel will be laid some time shipImportación de mercadería en general.
next year. German yards, it is claimed, are clog parced of the feverish exci Reich ambition to get back get with new work, part and tement attendant on the to its old world position.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. UNITED FRUIT COMPANY Guillermo Niehaus Co.


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