
PAGE THE ATLANTIC VOICI SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th. 1938TIENDA MIL COLORES ordene sus Eskimos Prefer Children to Western Comforts mental unions are even vet performed with this sole obMany people go to Alaska, kimo philosophic outlook on ject in view in isolated disto get rich and not a few of life is on a higher level, histricts of the fundra Babies them succeed. few years of vision, not being affected by are riches comparable to nohard work often achieves a the encumbrence of modern thing. Both parents agree in life grub stake. People re luxuries. Material comforts this estimate of life.
Even SUCURSAL. LIMON. AP. 578 turn to the United States eve are in one category, children health and sickness are minor ry year with their pockets in another. He would not considerations in the producloaded with gold. Despite, think of weighing them in tion of life. It is life itself, life however the fact that thous the same scale. He rightly as expressed in babies that CABALLERO GENTLEMEN: ands have made and are mak judges that physical couve counts. The idea of thwarting birth or conception does not ing fortunes in Alaska, thenience is, after all, a certain If you desire to be properly native remains poor. His po phase of life, and at times ia enter into the woman sense Ud. que gusta vestir bien le dressed, we offer you an 1of vision. She would feel ITOverty consists, not in abject escapable; but a baby, why, ofrecemos un incomparable comparable lot of want for the necessities of that is life itself! The desire thing but sadness to be simsurtido en CASIMIRES INlife, but rather in the priva for children has been a bit ply a wife and not a mother GLESES que acabamos de re ENGLISH TWEEDS tions of the luxuries and con ruthless in times past. ba Babies, therefore, abound in cibir. Contamos con los estiveniences of it. The average rren wife would be abandon Alaska.
los más modernos y a precios just received.
Eskimo eats well, he has to ed in favour of a woman who que nadie nos iguala.
We give the most modern if he is to resist the cold. The could bare children. Experi (From a page of The World Visite nuestro almacés Style at Prices which cannot food he takes from the counSays. London)
portunamente y be equalley.
try is rich in fats and oil. vec00 6coccec. co. trabajos para NOCHE BUEPay us an early visit and strictly native diet is more esNA y las FIESTAS CIVICAS order your work for Nocas saitial than warm clothing, LA MIXTURA DEL DR. MAX PERALTA de la capital, para que nosoBUENA and the SAN JOSE The Eskimo may lack the ha conquistado rápidamente la gran popularidad de que tros podamos darle buen cumCIVIC FIESTAS. We desire material comforts of life, but hoy goze, por haber curado multitud de personas que plimiento y dejarlo satisfeto please you in every res. he is rich in children. As the padecion del higado y del estómagor las cuales agradecho.
necessary element of riches cidas le recomiendon de corazón a sus amistades que is its ability to provide pleasufren de afecciones tales como: sure, so do the Eskimo father Enrique Yankelewitz, Proprietor and mother consider themsel Estreñimiento, mal aliento, dolor de cabeza, ves eminently wealthy if Roden, Cutter their igloo is filled with boune inapetencia, desarreglos del cutis, mareos, ecosces ing 0000000babies.
biliosidad, malo digestión.
Among many Whites, the Activities a Paramount Success standard of civilization is reck oned in terms of material pos WORKING FOR HUMANITY SAKE Dear Mr. Editor: It is time to also stop the sessions, and if children inWhat an enormous field of, ed, while 112, 832 students are must again encroach on nefarious work of leading terfere with a predetermin beneficial labour is being un enrolled in its 2, 135 schools.
your generosity, for space the people astray a peopleed standard of living they are in your much appreciated who are aware of the fact simply dispensed with entire dertaken by the Seventh Day The Organization also owns Adventist Denomination!
Weekly, to say just a bit re that past administrationsly or are timed according to 13 publishing houses from garding the success of the are responsible for the dis the pocket. book. In other We observe by a small ma which there is issued gospel Universal Negro Improve orders now manifested, and words, if the coming of a child gazine issued by this religious and health literature in 194 ment Association here in who can choose for themsel would eliminate, for example, Organization entitled the In languages.
ves the path along which to the use of an automobile or gathering, that it operates in It is delightful to know the The Psalmist tells us, if travel.
the living in a select neigh 378 localities uses 160 largua wonderful amount of wood God be for us, none can be Stand still and see the sal bourhood, the child does not ges, oral and written, emplo this Society does to suffering against us; This has been vation of Our Lord, were come. The advent of children yes the services of 26, 553 evan humanity, and it certaily nurses and would be well if some of the manifest in the Carnival car the words of Joshua. Let is, therefore, made dependent gelists, doctors, vied off by us here on the us then watch and see the on the material prosperity of teachers. One hundred and six numerous other religious de15th. Instant, which all salvation of our people. Tho the couple involved. The Es ty three sanitariums, hospi nominations would follow this tals, dispensaries and treat humane example.
must agree was one of these who have not made good ment rooms are also maintain greatest history making oc should not hinder others casions for our coloured peo from doing so. The salvation Lic. DANIEL ZELEDON ple.
of one of the least is the sal ROME AND THE MALARIA EPIDEMIC Contrary to the vile, jea vation of all. The slogan for Rome, which for centuries, cinchona powder not been dis lous, malicious, and wicked, the Conference to be staged ABOGADO was the centre of South Eu covered at this time when notions of those who make in our Liberty Hall on Sunropean civilization, was de dreadful outbreaks of malaria themselves enemies: contra day and Monday, October y NOTARIO PL BLICO vastated several times by cpi were taking place, the surry to the false reports circu 2nd. and 3rd, is LET US demies. During the fifteenth roundings of Rome would unlated continuously in an ef CLOSE RANKS. This will sixteenth and Oficina: Altos Pasfort to deceive and turn the not be a mere gathering of transseventeenth coubtedly have been centuries, malaria, influenza, formed into a desert still mominds of our people from those of the Association, but cual Ingianna and the plague cruelly rag re frightful and dangerous the only Organization pre a general conference of all ed there and were followed than the Sahara. The greater pared to assist them for interested in themselves by famine. Ignace de Loyola, part of the Campagna is now their social, political, eco and their Race. It is not for Camillus de Lellis, Joseph de cultivated and fertile and on nomic and educational bet the purpose of discussing See they sre sinking: Oh, Calasanza, the protagonists of the site of ancient civilizations terment, the Association has the Association, but all the hasten a way, the Counter. Reformation flourishing factories and enclimbed to the top and de problems vitally connected Throw out our life line and their followers, did much terprises have sprung up.
monstrated what an organi with the national improve and save them today. restrict the ravages of It must therefore be borne zed group of our growing ment of the Race as a whothese scourges.
in mind that this transformageneration can do. With le.
Let all who are interested Malaria, emanating from the tion was possible thanks to such a display, which It can be done, it must be and willing to participate, Pontine Marshes, was always quinine, the medicine extractregard as only the smoke, done. Our young ones are the Churches, the Fraternal the most dreaded maalady inled from cinchona bark and the fire is yet to come. crying out for help. We are Bodies, the Benevolent So Rome. The name malaria cor which is still being used must advice those who hearing the macedonian cry cieties. private individuals, mes from mal aria. bad air throughout the world as the are trying to discredit the from our Boys and Girls, put selfishness aside and and the water, the mars most reliable remedy for maAssociation and its present therefore their mothers and communicate with the Li hes, the fogs, and the atmos laria. The Malaria CommisAdministration, as appears fathers can no longer keep mon office. Remember this pheric changes were, at this sion of the League of Nations in your last issue re the vot aloof.
Conference is not for the period, considered the causes. recommends for prophylaxis, ing contest, that it would be Let us throw out our line of but the Our with us. Thanks, however, to the intro a daily dose of six grans of best to stop wasting their life, Sunday and Monday time trying to tell our peo Into this world dark sea Oc duction into Europe, of the quinine during the whole matober 2nd. and 3rd.
cinchona bark, the Roman larial season, and for treatple about the things they Our sons and daughters are are better acquainted with.
Campagna was saved from ut ment a daily dose of from 15 drifting away, Mitchell. ter ruin. Had the effects of te 20 grains for from five to seven days. From the Malaria Monthly Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso of Amsterdam. We beg to call your ottention to our remork at the back de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before BOOTH dentro de los primeros 10 días the 10th of the month.
de cada mes.
BEST Be so good as to comply with this request and do no BAKED Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, o step which BERLIN de tener que cortar su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
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