
THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th. 1938 CORRECTION vet obdisabies in ven le39010: FOR TASTE AND QUALITY life that ting not CIGARRILLOS 110ther In an interview with the resident of this Division of le Un. versal Negro Improement Association, Mr.
Mitchell, we are given to nderstand that the little iscussion at the election of he Carnival Queen was Teatly exaggerated. There jas really no disgraceful onduct among the youngters as appears by the artile. It was only a political iscussion, with each side Joosting their candidate.
Here and there, of course in the heated zeal for the sucress for the candidates, mall fracas in fisty cuffs oc ured, but were quickly calmed down. Happenings such is these will take place in he best regulated political jontests; but there was noth ng whatever of a nature for Which the Administration hould be humiliated.
In Choose orld AVION LOOK FOR THE CASH COUPONS and We are sorry Mr. Mitchell ind his colleagues in office hould have been caused unleasantness, as they have ertainly been keeping the Camp Fires burning and hiracles cant be expected.
Mr. Mitchell Might be a litere lle und plomatic and at ols.
imes, insultive, which ins ause him to be frequently nisunderstood, but he has Del lone lots of good for the So91 iety. It is hoped the prejuiced critics will cease idul the ring in personalities, and of jer instead such construeti18 te criticisms as will benefit The Society they profess to e lo sincerely love.
We also beg to call atlention to the error in the announcement for the coming Conference. This will lake place on Sunday. 2nd.
and Monday Srd. October instead of the 1st and 2nd.
is previously stated. We shall be glad if all concerna ed will be gu ded according TRY YOUR LUCK with the NUMBERED CERTIFICATES (orange) FOR THE OCTOBER 2ND CONTEST High Value of Some British Pennies GLEANINGS FROM MATINA ETHIOPIAN ACTIVITIES Residents of this town far and near, who could pos Reports coming recently Maskal or The Day of The LONDON Ordinarily The London Mint Strikes a were afforded a most enjoship and the nearby districts sibly do so.
from Djibouti state the rains Cross, which takes place on As this is the first Sep are now falling almost con the 26th, and 27th. instant.
bout 100. 000. 000 pennies a yable time during the re tember don Juan has spent tinuously throughout Ethio It is thought that large nun year, but the quant ties procent Independence Day ce among, we do hope his pia so that the Italians are bers ofthe guerilla warriors duced in 1864, 1922 and lebrations, thanks to the stay will be for a very long unable to utilize their air are under concentration for 1933 were so small that pen kind and thoughtful acts of perod, and that he will ever forces. The mountains are this purpose. Additional nies of those years now rank our Judge, don Juan Mon retain the full resvery long covered with mist and the forts are being erected aas collectors pieces. Abouti 500. 000 were period, and that he will ever land either under water or round the city and the Itastruck in ge.
retain the full respect and too muddy to permit the lan Sian troops re inforced for 1864, 16. 000. 000 in 1922 and only four in 1933.
From the earlier part of appreciation of the entire ding of planes. This has ad its protection.
the week the Agencia was layabiding and well behav ded to the growing difficulOne of the excessively ra very beautifully decorated ed community. Although he ties of the Italians, who fear re 1933 pieces is in the with the country emblems:has been with us for so that as a result of their remint museum, one is in the and in the afternoon of the short a time, our well dispo cent successes in the neight Chest Locked 200 Years British Museum, one is in the 15th, the teacher of the Lit sed judge has already earn bourhood of Addis Ababa, cornestone of the new Lonand ed the sincere respect and the Ethiopian fighters may don tle Hope Day School University and the her scholars gathered there regard of all attempt to occupy the city fourth, unless some lucky co on the special invitation of ABERDEEN, Scotland, itself in time for the cele The mystery of the contents llector has spotted it, is pre don Juan and were regaled sumably somewehere in cir with cakes and other deliIsmael Murray, bration of their great natio of an iron Dutch chest that Correspondent. nal holiday, the Feast of has lain unopened for 200 culation.
cious things, while a much years in Gordon Castle, Foappreciated programme, con chabers, Morayshire, may Fernando del Barco sisting of songs, recitations, soon be solved.
etc. was rendered and danThe chest was sold with eing indulged in. After the other antiques recently to.
ABOGADO close of the children func Duchart, Perth dealer, Oficina. Limón tion at around seven o clck.
MATINA y 24 MILLAS oib who paid 52 for it. Someth Frente almacén Peña Sucs. the grown ups were treated ing rolls around inside when Apartado 446 to a Ball for the remainder Toot the chest is moved.
of the night, it was thorLos más surtidos Establecimientos de It was found in the River oughly enjoyed by every San Jose Spey in 1746, near the spot ABARROTES one. The celebrations closed LICORES, TIENDA Frente Botica Francesa where the Duke of CumberA with another dance on SaHáganos una visita. land army crossed the rivApartado 626 Tel. 4420 turday the 17th. which was er en route to the Battle of attended by every one, from Cullodon.
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