
of enfeebled by age.
use Virilinets ше na Restaurante. Siquirres me See the Latest in (VIENE de la Pág. 1). ción. como la empresa no FANCY PALM BEACH LINEN rendia los gastos, pues lo ind. cado era abandonar la the rejuvenating SUITINGS, empresa.
hormone preparation Ahora bien, al conminarFOR MEN, at JACK ORANE SUCS. Limón. la la municipalidad para amording to Dr Rich Weiss quitar unos postes que no Ask for our illustrated baki QUALITIES, PATTERNS PRICES estaban en buen estado e inON SALE IN ALL DRUGSTORES dicarle que de no cumplir con las indicaciones que se to please you!
le hacían, deberia quitar sus La Quinina y los métodos modernos usados en la lu lineas, si bien la municipal dad ha obrado concha contra el Paludismo forme a sus derechos y obliU. MAY CHANGE NEUTRALITY LAW gaciones de representante La conquista del aire, que tan dando lugar, según los informet WASHINGTON. Whi ing embargos only against de los empresarios.
to ha ido desa rollándose du de numerosos médicos, a una ci le the world worries regard aggressor countries. habra quien quiera em rante estos últimos tiempos, nos fra terrifica de enfermedades ing the ugly possibilities of barcarse en el establecimien ha acostumbrado a ver utilizar mortales las más de las veces the European situation, talk At present if the Presi to de una nueva planta e los aviones para los más extra nada se desdeña cuando se true has been heard here of a dent finds that war exists léctrica? Aqui esta el quid nos transportes. Pero muy poco ta de obtener eficaces resulta movement to make drastic he has no choice but to ap de la cuestión. Porque si es común, en verdad, resulta la uti dos en la lucha entablada con changes in the United Sta ply the embargo to both si cierto que el origen del mal lización hecha de los aviones, tra ellos.
tes Neutrality Act.
des. Even before McRey estuvo en instalar una plan ultimamente, pues se los ha hei Ciertas especies de peces, co Chairman Sam McReynolds spoke there has been ta de mayor capac dad de cho servir para transportar pe nocidos como los mejores des nolds of the Foreign Af widespread and in some in la que se necesitaba, con lo ces por millones.
tructores de los mosquitos, son fan Committee predicted stances emi official indica cual está dicho que había El sistema de transporte, po reunidos en grandes recipientes that many members of the tions that the next session mayores gastos y mayor in co corriente, obedecia a fines de metal ligero, cargados eri next Congress would favor of Congress would see that versión, también hay que to particulares, muy importantes aviones especialmente construi.
revisions under which arms the law is opened to some mar en cuenta que las entra por cierto. Se trataba de trans dos al efecto y transportados a embargos could be applied kind of an amendment.
das son limitadas. Es lo que portar por avión peces destina las regiones regadas por el imonly against aggressor The Chairman of the Se ocurre en la generalidad de dos a luchar contra una de las portante rio africano llamada tions.
las nate Foreign Relations Com poblaciones menores, especies de la creación que re Congo.
McReyuolds made plain mittee said recently that he donde los que toman un nú sulta más peligrosa para el mun La campaña emprendida asi that he was not offering any expected administration re mero de bombillos de con do el anofeles, el agente tras para la destrucción de los mos.
los misor de la malaria.
such suggestion or expres commendations for amend sideración son pocso; quitos es verdaderamente impor sing any opinion about what ments. There have been pro más quieren uno o dos, con Multiplicándose como se mul tante. Los referidos peces testi should be done but so ma posals that the President be lo cual la ganancia se difi tiplica esa especie peligrosa de monian de ello a lo largo de las ny people in this country given a broad descretion to culta más.
insectos de manera catastrófica, aguas del Congo. Los aparatos aympathize with the Chine deal or a minute to minute destinados al transporte de los se in the conflict against basis with foreign situations peces son conocidos con el nom Japan that there is already which threaten the peace of bre de aviones expresos para some sentiment for impos the United States.
peces y escuadrillas completas han hecho ya varias veces el viaje.
El tren de pasajeros de Limón a San José se detiene en Es ese un medio realmente Regarding the Announced Conference Siquirres 20 minutos, para que los pasajeros puedan aleficaz, sin duda alguna, PR morzar cómodamente. Compre su tiquete en el tren para luchar contra el paludismo. Pe Dear Mr. Editor:able to display all the idiosyr. que sea atendido a la llegada. El precio es 50. EI ro hay otro que lo completa de crasies of his nature, we who Restaurant queda a la derecha de la Estación. Cantina, manera perfecta. Se trata del Pleace allow space in are able to think for ourselves Cigarros y cigarrillos. Se habla inglés.
remedio específico de la mala, your very valuable Journal to can hardly be expected to apP. SULLIVAN ria: la quinina. Tomada a la do express a thought or two in preciate the idea of his springsis diaria de 400 miligramos de connection with the proposed ing this conference on the puquinina, como preventivo, tal Conference, at last agreed to by blic at this time, and particu One thing is certain, Mitch Ningún marido se interesa como lo recomienda la Comisión the President of the Limon Dilarly when he says that neither ell time has expired long ago, grandemente por conocer a la contra el Paludismo, de la So sion of the Association. disputes nor annoyances will be and he will not be permitted familia de su mujer. menos ciedad de Naciones, completa de After so long a time of constant tolerated. As there are sure to to continue. No one who is real que sea rica.
manera lógica el método de lu.
Weseeching, both by those in ard be exposures and consequently intelligent and honestly discha, el cual va desarrollándose out the Society, during which disputes, one had therefore bet posed will consent to be further El hombre perfecto es ge cada día más, para bien de la period Mr. Mitchell has been ter keep away.
directed and instructed by him. neralmente una perfecta imper humanidad.
Only when the Division secures fección.
a proper leader will it obtain the educational, moral and fiLAWMAKERS WEARY OF POLITICS nancial assistance of those who are always willing to give of WASHINGTON. The House and Senate members their resources for the benefit old political adage often ap most of them practically cert of those less fortunate.
plied to members of the na tain of re election, have anTHE VOGUE TAILORS Those acquainted with Presi tional Legislature. thatnounced they will not run dent Mitchell must have suffer few die and none resign again or have resigned or Rogers ed from a fit of laughter or ex is receiving a buffeting this have announced the intenperienced much disgust after year.
tion to resign before the pre reading his article and notice in More than half a dozen sent terms end.
your recent issue; for, although Senator James Hamilton many of us cannot in any way Lewis of Illinois, Democra: Buy Your Suits on Easy be elevated by being connected tic Senate whip, is the latest with this Division of the Asso as leaders, men devoid of vin to take the latter course.
Payment Plan ciation under present conditions, dictive, despotic, or malicious Earlier in the year Senator yet as members of the Race we characteristics. Would that we Frederic Steiwer, Repufeel the urge to express disap had more of the See Our Lines of type of Mr. blican. of Oregon, quit in proval of its leadership and gui Roper, as the public would then the middle of his term. SeTweeds, Serges, Palm dance. It is not possible for un be again inclined to throw in nator Frederick Hale. Repu natural forcefulness to triumph their resources and co operate. blican, of Maine, has TIBeach, Linens and over educational and material Thanks, Mr. Editor, for the nounced he will not run aDrills.
disabilities. Honest, educated, indulgence.
gain, as has Representative patriots of our Race are needed PETGRAVE Snell of New York, minority leader of the House. Re Make your choice.
presentative Pettengill. Democrat, of Indiana, and two any amount from VICENTE DE LA PEÑA North Carolina House member colón upwards. We make ers, all three ranked very SIQUIRRES strong in their districts, also del your suit to your entire En mi finca PASCUA ofrezco terreno para sembrar have declined to run again.
bananos. Lotes no menores de 10 hectáreas Veteran Washington obsatisfaction.
servers cannot recall such mass desertions of the pleaLANDS IN LOTS OF NOT LESS THAN 10 HECTAREAS sures and power of politics in many years, and general. La ly for no apparent reasons Can be had on my Farm PASCUA. except that the men in questa for the planting of Bananas. on have tired of politica life.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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