
1938 SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th. 1938 CHE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE 11 sooooooooooo WEDDING BELL GREAT NEGRO CONFERENCE Lumber Deposit SAITA lalu medades as veces se tre resulta ada con men must for apiente onstrui tados el im Camada SALOMON CHIN mose Tres casos. very attractive wedding to be held at the took place last Monday, SepÀ tỉ,. tember 19th. at the Baptist Limon Liberty Hall Church in this city, when OCTOBER 2nd, 3rd.
Next to LA PROVEEDORA Miss Nellie Smith, daughter of Mr and New and Complete Assortment of Lumber Mrs. Thomas All Sections of the Lines are asked to communicate Smith of 24 Millas, joined Messurements less than feet at Mr. Oswaldo Box of San Alwith Miss Westney, Secy, of the Association for full particulars. 25 per foot berta in holy wedlock; the All are also asked to prepare and send Representeceremony was performed by OBED0000eco tives. These include the Rev. Forde.
celebration was over a recThere was an unusually large reaching the Gobernación, Remember SUNDAY and MONDAY a eption was held at the home Informe crowd in the city for these ce halt was made and the Gover of Mrs.
YTJA HOCTOBER 2nd. and 3rd.
Cynthia McDonald una si lebrations, which were, as hi nor presented with a Memorial where the happy pair and og nedos therto, principally among the to which he replied in a very their friends spent a most паннннн children, attending the various neat speech. It a pity the Or enjoyable evening.
schools. More than a thousand chestra did not, at its close, res The ATLANTIC VOICE STRANGE ACT OF SUICIDE of them our future and pond with our National Hymn. extends its congratulations shart women, assisted, and as an ad We also congratulate to the parents of Mr. and Mrs. woman, known by the name of money and never seemed to junct, the Cadet Corp of the the Girl Guides their Bex whon we sincerely wish of Rachel Sutherland, of the dis be troubled in any way, the mo Universal Improvement Asso smart appearance, they certain a long, happy and prosperous trict of Zont brought an end to tive for such an act is rather mes de ciation ployed an importantly acquitted themselves worthy union.
her life in a very original man bewildering, and can only be Bos, son part. They made a very smart of commendation.
ner during the latter part of attributted to, temporary madlast week, 12 ness.
appearance, and President Mit05 en chell is to be complimented for She was one of those who COMPLAINTS REGARDING THE OLD LINE TRAIN organizing such a splendid look baked cakes, patties, etc. which ing body of Youths to take the Many complaints are still be but have been told No. It she sold to the passengers on place of the Boy Scouts of ing made regarding the bump would, therefore, be well if the the trains at Zent. As customayore. They equipped themselves ing and yerking of the passen. Engineer in charge of this train ry, she went to Estrada and pur splendidly and captivated the ger train on the run between will endeavour to locate the chased her supplies, and some Abarrotes y Licores da asl attention of the community. Siquirres and Guapiles. It its cause, or evince more care in time after her return her body LA IBERIA The Associstion also afforded said that those who travel on the moving of his train, thus en was discovered dängling from a impor ESTRADA our citizens another entertain lit are constantly knocked about suring his passengers more com tree. Those who had been search testi Precios Económicas de la ment during the afternoon the by the sudden, abrupt stoppages fort and an elimination of coming for her were attracted to parade of the Carnival King and the violent startings. We plaints which can do no one any the spot by the unusual number aratos Artículos del Pais de los and Queen. We are told, by the have enquired if these happen good, while creating much dis of crows fhuttering arond.
way, the King who had been ings were due to irregular len satisfaction among a large secnon It is said that among the Wee. Le elected was our popular sports gths of the coupling links ortion of our travelling public.
para who fautly springs on the drawbars, things the unfortunate woman pletar man, Mr. Bertie Barrett, bought, on her trip to Estrada, however backed out at the last cos was a piece of rope on which moment not feeling, apparently, Spain Gets 250. 000 Bushels of Wheat she asked a native to make a of sufficient wo. th to occupy Dent so exalted a position. This proIn keeping with their ge, country. There are, it is es noose, she also carefully greascession was certainly well got nerous, humane characte timated, about three millioned the part she intended to use. VIENE de la Pág. 12. together in view of the diffi ristics, the American Nation people on the verge of star After selecting her tree, she diela de culty of securing the ornaments, has made Spain a gift of the vation as a result of the war vested herself of hat, shoes, and mación que se sigue por la Aca del etc. most suitable for such an immense quantity of 250. 000 fare still being waged there. other things which were care gencia Principal de Policía Safully laid aside; then climbing nitaria, son enviados a San Jooccasion. The Queen looked bushels of wheat, which a do The gift is to be distribut into the tree, she apparently ad sé, a la Agencia Principal de most charming accompanied by equals about 60. 000 barrels os de her maids. On the procession of flour. The much needed ed impartially, irrespective justed the greased rope around Salubridad Pública, para su juz commodity will be delivered of the connections which the her neck, the other end having gamiento y reclusión, ya sea iside by the government of the people may have with one been already secured to a en la cárcel o en el pabellón So AFTER United States to the or other of the contending strong branch, and making a de toxicomanos.
Red tado factors.
DAY IN THE Cross Society for distribuleap for earth brought her ca Era necesaria esta campaña log This most charitable act on reer on this side of the Vale to de sanidad local porque el uso SUN tion among the civil populadose Americans a sudden close. 2000 tion of that most afflicted the part of the de esta droga estupefaciente se must be accorded the greatAs Rachel is believed to have está extendiendo entre el pueTIRED EYES est praise.
been possessed of a fair amount blo con una rapidez que hsombra. En meses anteriores el Res guardo Fiscal habia aprendido SIQUIRRES una considerable cantidad de planta en una finca de la Esen trella y luego en pequelas can cer The farms at Siquirres and tidades se ha encontrado en dithe surrounding districts sufthe rejuvenating ferentes lugares de la linea.
ru (VIENE de la Pág. 1)
fered much damage last week hormone proparation No otros aplaudimos con ver ducción.
end from the very strong FOR WOMEN dadero entusiasmo esta campaten winds, bordering on a hurriaccording to Dr Rich Weka ña de salud llevada a cabo con pre Hacienda Virginia cane, which were experienced Ask for our illustrated booklat tanto empeño. Sección de Costa Rica. throughout that section of top 500 hectáreas de cacao en pro the Province. The heavy raON SALE IN ALL DRUGSTORES erat duccion ins which also fell at the saSra. Lupe de Cobos me time, caused a landslide Fábrica de Hielo 100 hectáreas de magnificas tie on the Railroad at 41 Miles aton rras, de las que tiene en pro and interrupted the telephone ducción de cacao 45.
Fermin Regidor service. The Company, howe(VIENE de la Pág. 1)
rio; pero en tratándose de ver, had a sufficient number Sc 70 hectáreas de cacao en pro of workmen rushed to ción, bonanza y the prosperi un secretario de Estado, su серу ducción.
spot, who quickly cleared the dad. Pero es necesario deli labor tiene que ser más poan Todas estas fincas tienen canear un plan de explotación sits. va, más eficiente, si tieobstruction, and avoidea at sas, campamentos, comisariatos, adecuada.
lisclocation of our intercourne un conocimiento personal animales, potreros y líneas de Refrescos Pendiente como está, tam de los problemas de los diу notranvia ce with the interior.
biérs, proyecto de canali ferentes sectores; si trata Además de estos propietarios zación de las lagunas de de estudiar los asuntos y de LIMON Det hay infinidad de pequeños agriTortuguero, otra obra de resolver os conforme a las cultores que tienen parcelas de naplazable realización, el realidades que él mismo ha terreno cultivadas.
porvenir de Limón es muy visto. Los informes no siemEn cuanto a la navegavilidad claro y halagüño.
pre son expresión de la verdel río Sixaola podemos inforHemos de celebrar, pues dad: las deficiencias se ocul mar que la lancha Junior. de que el señor secretario de tan al superior, presentánpropiedad del señor Simón, hace hacienda, con un celo muy dole un panorama LA FLORIDA alegre och. viajes regulares hasta el puente propio de su energía y su aun cuando no sea real.
internacional, entrando por la visión, fuera a darse cuenta Fábrica de Hielo LA VOZ DEL ATLANTIbarra for women who exacta de la situación actual Co tendrá gran placer en Los datos anteriores no neceVenta de Leche are run down and de esa zona y también a dar a sus amigos lectores alcome sitan comentarios. Ellos son el suffer from otear el futuro, en el propio unas de las impresiones aporte a la campaña de defensa periodic terreno.
que traiga el señor Gutiénacional que se ha generalizado Maderas discomfort Mucho hace un funciona rrez Ross a su regreso.
en el país.
rio público desde su escritoEste documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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