
THE ATLANTIC VOICE Europe Relieved of War Threat WIRELESS NEWS to a THE THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Spiritual experience or illuminations come to mony without being sought after; but in every case those who are so illumed are those who have proven themselves sincere in purpose ond capable of responding. Such illuDevored 10 the interests of the people of the Ar antic Zone minations do not, however, take away one free will. All Editor English Section: C. NATION thot happens is, thot God withdraws the veil of darkness, laying open to the prepared, some of the Glories of Heaven Year Limón, Costa Rica, Saturday October 1st. 1933 No. 214 These things happen, of the right time, to those who oer ready to appreciate them.
mummum. THE PREFERENCE ACCORDED THE PACIFIC FARMER Moscow. Soviet leaders At the early hour of 30ritory she has been all along recived the announcement that yesterday morning, the now his laine, and the evacuation the heads of the British, GerSome weeks ago there was a great hue and cry when it toric conference at Munich, Ger by the Checoeslovakian forces man, French and Italian govern was thought the United Fruit Company was displaying premany, came to a close with the is to commence immediately and ments would meet at Munich signing of an agreement by the be completed by the 10th. ins with kepticism and great reference inher activities on the Pacific Coast to the detrirepre entatives of the tour great tant. An international Comment of the Atlantic Zone. We are wondering if the govserve. The Soviet position bas.
Powers of Britain, Germany, mission will be named to de consistently been that Prime Mi ernment does not feel it is giving the Pacific side of the France and Italy, which not on termin the full extent of the nister Chamberlain policy of country a preference in all things, and sometimes we are Jy settles completely the dir territory which will be affected attempting bargain with led to think it might be due to the presence of the large ficulties betwein Checoslova under the aggeement.
Chancellor Hitler can only rekia percentage of foreigners on this side by whom all the imand Germany, which had The Agreement also provides sult in encouraging him to inthreatened to throw Europe in that the cleims submitted by creare his demands.
provements in our commercial and agricultural lines were to another conflagration of a Poland and Hungary on behalf instituted.
far more serious character than of their minorities shall be setShanghai. The Italian Crui It is noted, by lost Saturday issue of Lo Tribuna. that of 1914, but which, it is al ued by the Cheks within the ser Montecuccoli and the des.
thot more than 150, 000 colones have been distributed, leged, might in all probability space of three months, if not, troyer Lepanto sailed suddencmong the formers of the Santa Cruz district of Gucnolead to the elimination of other the four Powers will again ly for an undi clo ed destinainternational differences which meet and solve the problem coste by the National Bank of the Republic, as loans, to tion on the 28th. The gunboat have been a source of danger to The German Chancellor has Carlotto is the only Italian war asist them in their cultivation of Rice, Corn and Beons as the general peace of the old Con accepted the offer of Sir Freship remaining here.
well as for Cattle reoring purposes. No help, however, has tinent.
deric Mauriee, President of the teen afforded the small cultivators on this side, particu.
British Legion to organize London. The British Air lorly around Limon, for furthering and improving their ocUnder this present important force of 50. 000 men to main Ministry sent fighting planes agreement, which has since tain peece and order in the Su into the air at strategic points tivities in cattle rearing or the cultivation of Bancnos, been accepted by the Chek godeten territory while the se arCorn or Cacao.
vernment, Germany is to be gi rengements are being carried South coasts on the 29th. The over London and the East and We know of a farmer, the owner of a property, who end ven a portion of the Sudeten ter into effect. ob.
Ministry said the flights are.
eovoured to obtain a loan of 2, 500 colones from the Nafor training purposes only.
tionol Bank in keeping with its professed desire to oid agri OUR BOUNDARY LIMITS WITH PANAMA culture, but no interest wos exhibited in his solicitude.
Geneva Foreign CommiThere was also another, the proprietor of over 40 hectos ar Maxim Litvinoff propos reas of Cocoo in production, who desired o credit of 500 Very few of the populace interior. The matter then ed a mighty three Power mili on this side of the country sis: tary demonstration to insure to prepare his crop, but his application was turned down.
said are aware how near we are went to Congress where int peace. This plan, to hai There are others who have been similarly treated.
to the possibilites of an armense discussions arose bet ve been suggested to London This Bank professes, as a government institution, to be ed clash with the neighbour ween some of our leading and Paris by the Russian Diinterested in the advancement or our agricultural pursuits, ing Republic of Panama, in historians and other promi plomat, would call for a display ond hos stated its willingness to deal with all Cocoo far.
consequence of her demands nent patriots as to the reas of British French and Russian po mers on a co operative basis for the disposal of their crops; for a settlement of the long ons for altering the arbitra naval, army and air force pending Boundary dispute. but if no advances are allowed the growers for improving tion decisions. As a consequ wers as the only possible anTwo delineations have been ence for this, all Parliamen wer to Hitler threats.
their plantations and preparing the crops, whot quality pro made and resnerted. The fint tary discussions were suspenduct can be expected and of what use is the offered co is the criginal boundary bet desd from the 26th to the operation to the farmer?
ween Colombia Osa 29th. September to afford the Washington, President Rica, to which Panama another There are merchants around us who make advances, WO Deputies the opportunity of Roosevelt, has made in cash and merchandise, to trustworthy growers; and even uld naturally like to adhere, visiting the locus in quo and drantic appeal for peace in as it gives her more territo obtaining a personal estimate Europe. Addressing it to Hitler though the prices they pay for the product may be low, ry and greater facilities; but of the values of the territor alone, he said. present nethere is nevertheless evidence of a desire to help the small this was repudiated by Cos ies involved. Fourteen of the gotiations still stand open, they mon in bringing his crop to os near perfection as possible.
ta Rica when Panamá camese gentlemmen arrived in can be continued it you will gi In view, therefore, of the Bank unwillingness to assist, it into existence as a Sovereign this city on Monday last on Ive the word Mr. Roosevelt TO PAGE 11 State. dispute and clash of suggested that if direct discus arms ensued, and on the mat zupx TO PAGE 11 TO PAGE ter being referred to arbitration, the contending parties accepted Chief Justice White of the United States as the one most suited to decide the quarrel. By means of the daSERVICIO DE VAPORES ta supplied him by the Engineers of both nations, the Chief Justice fixed a bounSolidos semanales de Limón para Nueva York con dary and this was accepted 61 escala en Cristóbal y Habana.
and agreed to by Costa Rica and Panama. Ever and anon, Levondo cofé poro todos los puertos however, innovations have Próximas salidas de Puerto Limón titlla Europeos y Americonos occurred by the PanamaniVAPORES SALIDAS ans, and producing, at times, clashes with the frontier auPara GUATEMALA: thorities, particularly towTALAMANCA Octubre ard the Pacific side.
MN CARIBIA 18 de Octubre QUIRIGUA Octubre Panamá Minister of Foreign Affars some time recen JAMAICA Octubre 16 Paro EUROPA: tly submitted a proposal to this country Minister, Sr.
MN. CARIBIA 23 de Octubre Zúñiga Montúfar, for a final settlement of the annoying ALVARADO y Cie. SUCS.
question. This was presented to President Leon Cortes and Agentes poia Limón y Puntarenos, his. Cabinet, who agreed to a Poro otros informes dirijase o las oficinas de lo new delineation which would AGENCIA COSTA RICA give to Panama the Sixaola, UNITED FRUIT COMPANY River and the adjacent terrAVENIDA CENTRAL itory to as far up the coast los bajos del Gran Hotel Costa Rica TELEFONO 2086 as Gandoca, while Costa Rica would receive, in exchange, TELEFONO 315. certain lands in the mid west Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.

    FranceGermanyHitlerItalyLeón CortésPresidentes de Costa RicaSoviet

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