
PAGE THE ATLANTIC VOICI SATURDAY, OCTOBER Ist. 1950 TIENDA MIL COLORES La peligrosa enfermedad PALUDISMO QUINOPLASMINA SOUDG80000 8888 el triunfante remedio oooo in THE TRUE VALUE OF MAN When a Christian begins to make money, God either gains a fortune or loses a man! While Jesus taught that Life eonsists not in the abundance of SUCURSAL. LIMON. AP. 578 man possession, He knew most of us would be tempted to think otherwise, Indeed CABALLERO: GENTLEMEN: the question What is a man worth? gets as answer If you desire to be properly which generally indicates Ud, que gusta vestir bien le dressed, we offer you an that not the moral, spiritual ofrecemos un incomparable comparable lot of nor educational value of the surtido en CASIMIRES IN man is in the mind, but his GLESES que acabamos de reENGLISH TWEEDS money. or property vacibir. Contamos con los estilue.
los más modernos y a precios just received que nadie nos iguala.
We give the inost modern Knowing then the value Visite nuestro almacén 0Style at Prices which cannot which man would place on portunamente y ordene sus be equalley.
material resources, it is not per means of living and ma one with holds his possesions trabajos para NOCHE BUEPay us an early visit and strange that Jesus faught intaining his family.
from the cause of God and NA y las FIESTAS CIVICAS order your work for NOCHE that the average man attiThis fact hinges on the humanty, he is with holding de la capital, para que nosoBUENA and the SAN JOSE tude toward the Kingdom of truth that money is liquid himself from that Kingdom.
tros podamos darle buen cumCIVIC FIESTAS. We desire God could be discovered by personality, and that when plimiento y dejarlo satisfe to picase you in every res.
his attitude toward his procho.
perty. As a fact, one can tell a man interest in anything THE BEST THINGS OF THIS WORLD by the manner in which he Enrique Yankelewitz, Proprietor puts his money in it.
The Best Law. The Golden Telegraphy Flashing a ray Rule. The best Education of sunhsine into Roden, Cutler a gloomy If a man can always reg Seif Knowledge. The best Phi. heart. The best Biography, OOOODENDO: ard his mney as a blessing or losophy contented mind. That life which writes CỦAgift of God, therefore belong the best War a War against RITY in the biggest letters.
ITEMS OF INTEREST ing to God, he is apt to keep one weakness. The best The The best mathematics That the Kingdom of God first inology pure and benefici which doubles the most joys, The settlers on the lands, favour of the Doctors. One his mind. Thus the Trust of ent life. The best medicine and divides the most sorrows.
of the Pococi Agricultural half of this sum will be apColony who have been in oc plicable for such accidents money was regarded by Je Cheerfulnes and temperance. The best navigation. Steersus as the first test of ste The best music. The laughing clear of the lacerating cupation for periods of not as may happen to any of less than five years and have them, and the other half will wardship; for He said to the ter of an innocent child. The rocks of personal contention unjust Steward, if you have best sciense Extracting sun The best diplomacy. Effeccomplied with their obligat cover cases of deaths.
not been faithful in the unr shine from a cloudy day. The ting a treaty of peace with ions regartling the cultivation ighteous mammon, who will best art Washington conscience Painting a smile one own ons regarding the cultivation The announceof the lands, etc. are about, ment discloses that Senator ur trust? of if you were not the best Journalism. Prin a bridge of Faith commit the true riches to yo on the brow of child hood. best engineering Building over the we understand, to be finally apportioned their respective McKellar has given noti faithful in that which is an ting the true and beautiful River of Death.
lots. More than 100 persons ce of his intention to pres other who shall give you on memory tablet. The best are said to be interested ent a Bill before next year or trust you with that which Congress to authorize the will be your own? It is indethis decision, which should construction of the Nicaragua ed a sad fact that very few act as an impetus to those Canal. The amount of the ap passions are tronger than the who may have been some propriation to cover the cost love of money. And it is only what behind in the fulfilment 000 dollars with the sum of when this passion is mastered BILLIOUSNESS OR INDIGESTION of the things required under 200, 000, 000 dollars made ay by the Love of Him who sa COSTIVENESS, FOUL BREATH, HEADACHES, the law which specially gov ailable to commence LOSS OF APPETITE, SKIN ERUPTIONS, NAUSEA, tisfieth our mouths with goconserns this venture of the gov truction.
ods, are men ready to be of has obtained its rapid and great popularity by hav.
real value in the stewardship of God. Money is an uring cured an immense number of persons who suffered from LIVER and STOMACH complaints. These Having regard to recent The cultivators of the Gua gent necessity. but only in happenings, and the dangers nacaste regions being satis so far as to supply man now gratfully recommend it to all who suffer from to which, it is felt, the mem fied they will have such complaints as be a suffi wants in whatever may bers of the Medical staff of cient crop of Rice to meet his station in life. not to be the San Juan de Dios are ex the normal demands of the horded away and deprive posed, the Junta de Protec country during the remaind those who take a pleasure in cion Social, who control the er of the year, the governm doing his bidding, of the proaffairs of the Institution, ha ent has been requested to ceThe short quinine treatment!
ve contracted with the Ban ase their importations. These which represents a new deparco Nacional de Seguros for cultivators also estimate hav Francisco Fonseca Ch. ture in malaria therapy, was an Insurance Policy of the ing a much larger crop of detected in a purely empirivalue of 200. 000 colones in Corn than that of the previ LAWYER NOTARY cal way, and its practical use Abarrotes y Licores of the work is to be 1, 000, 000 ous season.
PUBLIC was proved by applying it, ex LA IBF. RIA Office: perimentally, for years. It has ESTRADA PARACHUTIST SETS RECORD, ing the ripcord, but he miss Adjoining to the City been applied with success for NIGHT DROP ed the air field and searchers Public Library a long time already by, inter Precios Economics. LONDON. Leaping from spent on hour before finding alia, the Government MediENGLISH SPOKEN o plane over the Royal Air him, uninjured, on Salisbury cal Services of the NetherlaArtículos del País Force field at Netheravon, Plain.
FORMER JUDGE OF THE nds East Indies and of Greece Wiltshire, shortly after midLIMON DISTRICT COURT Wee. Le This treatment is of the niaht Gwynne Jones, 28 year Daytime drops have been utmost importance, specially old Welsh parachutist, esto longer than those mode at Stevens record jump of for plantations maiorial incopocitoted for a few doys blished what is held to be a night.
24, 412 feet made et McCook countries, for by means of the only. The truth of this stote world record night drop. Bert White, American para Field, Ohio, in 1922.
20, 000 feet.
chute jumper small expenditure of o doily ment has been proved in the claimed the new world record was dose of 15 20 grains of quiplantation hospitals of SumoWith a flashlight illumina world record for o 25, 000 foot claimed by Koitonoff, a nine sulphate during to 7tra where the short quinine ting his wotch he planned a leap in 1930 in which he was leading Soviet parachutist, in doys, labourers are soon iree treatment has been applied fall of 1, 800 feet before pull attempting to break Coptcin 1937 for a leap of 32, 150 fect. from fever and thus they are It has been proved by the Malaria Station at Petrica Nos permitimos llamar su atención a la nota al dorso We beg to call your attention to our remark at the back Bulgaria, thot patients treated de su recibo que dice: of receipt which reads: during 4 days with a daily Este recibo debe pagarse en la oficina This bill must be paid at our office before dose of 15 grains of quinine, dentro de los primeros 10 días the 10th of the month.
children proportionately, did de cada mes.
not show more relapses thon Be so good as to comply with this request and do not those treated by the former Le rogamos recordar esta cláusula y evitarnos la pena oblige us to suspend our service, a step which prolonged process. New attade tener que corter su servicio.
we would much regret to take.
cks can, to a great extent, he ascribed to re intection and erroneously regarded as o relapse (From The Malario MonMUNGU HAFTUNGGAH HO MONTSUMANUALIFIED MINIMUM thly Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
THE DR. MAX PERALTA MIXTURE Quinine for Malaria SALOMON CHIN for years.


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