
CIGARRILLOS From Page sent ominous deadlock, a confe sions failed to break the prerence of all the nations direct July interested might be held in mal some neutral spot in Europe.
ca Hendaye. The Spanish go AD vernment reported its troops CUE had captured two fortified hills fed west of Manzanara, imperilling el an iucurgent force in Teruel le Province. An enveloping action resulted in the successful storming of the hills near Puente red de Caraballa, about eight miles ce south of the vital highway from lib Teruel to the sea Renewal of el the government offensive in the Ch Teruel sector, a key to insurgent me attempts to reach Valencia on to the Mediterranean coast, came after two days of resisting inen burgent counter attacks, the set government said.
Oficina: Altos Pascual Ingianna les ell IRAZU TO: za sol 1ai Superior Taste Does It Cash Coupons Contest Certificates de PRISONER TAKES VACATION ре CU It was somewhat interesting su to see a quad of four policemen hastening along the ruilNo way track toward wom last Euesday afternoon and on en est quiring the reason for the out ing, it was learned at one of the prisoners, who had been at work at the quarry on the road liading to the Cemetery, had taken french leave, but it with a promise to return on the following day. The matter was, so of course, reported to the Autfa thorities at the Cuartel and the cq policemen were dispatched to tr frustrate his escapade.
It is said that the man is a ha bit demented. He will, at times po do the most peculiar things, whi le at other times he will be ol most perfectly normal.
tu ТІ BR. PREMIER BROADCASTS AN EXPLANATION THE IDENTIFICATION CARDS WITH PHOTOS EXCURSIONISTS RETURN a RI In his broadcast to the en agreement under conditions From and after today, the Ist, ment, 65. 738 of these IdentifiThe batch of excursionists tire British Empire and the which would ensure good of October, all who are liable cation Cards which have been who left here by the motor world at large on the night of treatment to the populations to carry the prescribed Cards sent to every Gobernacion and ship Bocas del Toro to spend the 28th. September, Prime concerned.
of Identity with their photos Office of Jefe Politico for dis three weeks in the neighbouring Minister Chamberlain, while have done all that one man be attached, may call for them ei tribution Republic of Panama returned calling on all Britishers to can do to compose this quarrther at the Gobernación or the The new. 1937 1938 declarapl lest Tuesday. They passed, we prepare for war, gove utter el. After my visits to Germaoffices of the jefes politicos in tion must now be made so that are assured, a most enjoyable ti ance, inter alia, to the follow ny. realize vividly how Herr Je the different Cantons; but they the government can estimate chamm should remember to carry along who and who have become lia me visiting frnends and rela ing rather important expres Hitler feels he must tives in Almirante, Bocas del sions, indicative we take it, of pion every German whose griea Fifty cents Timbre to be atta ble for payment of Income Tax Toro, Colond and Panama City the official sentiment of Bri vances have not been met beched to each Card.
under the new scale recently The trip was conducted by Mr. tain.
fore this. He told me privaThe Record Office has receiv placed in force.
Luther Henri in the absence of tely, and he repeatedly it pued from the Direct Tax Depart Said he If we have to fight lblicly, that the settlement of Mr Neslon, who could not it must be on larger issues the Sude en German question get away due to a preasure of than sympathy for Checoeslo will be the end of Germany work.
vakia. However much one may territorial claims in Europe.
THE RENTAL OF THE MILLA MARITIMA LANDS company of forty eight sympathise with a small nori pleasure seekers from Colon While this speech was being tion, we can not, in all circums keenly listened to in all parts and the other ports also came le the has apparently not yet official on the Launch, they tances, undertake to involve remain of the Empire, King George attention of the Minister of Hally notified his subordinates with us until Monday. We wish ply on that account. He, ho the nation in a state of emerthe whole British Empire sim and his Privy Council decreed cienda to the matter of the the various changes, hence the them a very pleasant time.
confused new rates advertised as paya occupiers are rather wever, continued If were gency because of the threa.
a ble by the convinced that any nation hod occupiers of the and are unwilling to settle their tened war lands of the Milla Maritima. accounts until the matter is de fact that there has been made up its mind to dominate no the world by fears of force, Some months ago a definite finitely cleared up.
Cacao crop.
should feel that it must be repronouncement was made The announcement was BOOTH also We learn that the Finance De sisted. con well understand garding the scale or pentals) made that all who paid their partment has been awaiting the reasone why the Chek gowhich would have considera. 1937 indebtedness would enjoy the acceptance by Congress of vernment has felt unable to LEST bly reduced these charges ac the new privilegios. There was the new system of Direct Taxa accept the terms which have BAKED BERLIN cording to the class of cultiva consequently a rush made to tion, as decided on by the Ex been put forward by the GerF BREAD tion on the respective holdings pay; but there are those who pert, Dr. Rencoret Bravo. It BUNS but it is noted that the Admil fear they may one day be call is therefore hoped that the year lieve that after all the talks man memorandum, yet beDISCUITS CAKES nistrator of these lands, is stilled upon to pay the full amount, back rents will be pardoned as by Herr Hitler, if only time charging after the former rates for 1938. This will be a hard their non payment is no fault will allow, it ought to be posTHE PEOPLE BAKERY Don Paco Gutirrez, our Minister task for many in view of the of the occupiers.
Isible to reach a settlement by 0, Box 179 Limon Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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