
PAGE 10 THE ATLANTIC VOICE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18. 1938 If enfeebled by age.
Visilinets use LOTERIA NACIONAL Guillermo Niehaus Co.
are LONDON IS SCENE OF GOLD RUSH By THOMAS HAMILTON vading armies, many persons There is gold to be had in Running to cover os pea with liquid assets hove joined the world largest market for sants, with their few posses the gold rush that has almost the metal, and funk money sions on their backs, flee in made London a new Klondike. has accounted for most of the 40, 000, 000 worth bought the rejuvenating hormone preparation since the threat of war became serious at the end of July.
FOR MEN, Gold only rival among the caording to Dr Rich Weiss eternal verities at least for Ask for our illustrated booklet ADQUIERA PRONTO SU BILLETE GANE Europe is the dollar. For, if ON SALE IN ALL DRUGSTORES the United States, with 3, 000 miles of ocean guarding it 35. 000 from its nearest foe, is not safe people in London reason, La LOTERIA NACIONAL puede enriquecerlo!
nothing is. But gold and the dollar are not real rivals, for Compre su billete y espere una fortuna. the United States Treasury stands ready to pay all comers LIMON, COSTA RICA 35 an ounce even if it is only to be buried in the ground MADERAS EXTRANJERAS DEL PAIS at Fort Knox.
Compro cacao Material de Tranvía See the Latest in The London price rose every Servicio de cabotaje a Cahuita y Pto. Viejo day from July 28 when it was 141 5d to the three year reFANCY PALM BEACH LINEN Importación de mercadería en general.
cord of 142s 9d Aug.
SUITINGS, What are the mechanics of this operation? It is well known. Warnings Against Drunkeness at JACK ORANE SUCS. Limón. that there is a gathering at 11 every morning in the offices reference list of warn. and are often drinking by yo QUALITIES, PATTERNS PRICES on St. Swithins Lone of the ing signs whereby the mo urself.
Messrs. Rothschild derate drinker may know Then it is time to watch Sons, gold refiners, who han when he is in danger of drif out!
to please you!
dle all the foreign exchange ting into drunkenness is ma The leaflet recalls that sotransactions of the Bank of de available in a pamphlet on cial drinking has existed du.
England. The question is what temperance just published by ring all of recorded histogols on.
THE CONFERENCE the State Liquor Authority ry.
No one except representati of Albany S: There are people who have ves of the Rothschilds, another all The warning signs inclu been moderate drinkers Tomorrow and Monday will refiner and four bullion brok de some of the most usual re their lives. the pamphlet witness an immense gatheers are ever admitted. But the asons for taking a drink, such continues, and have neither ring of the Coloured Race at JOSE VIVO basic principles on which they as to relieve low spirits or become drunkards, nor appathe spacious Hall of the Unioperate are comparatively sim physical weariness. Anyway, rently suffered any ill effects versal Negro Improvement ple.
Association in this city. ReOfrece su larga práctica here is the Liquor Authority either physical or mental.
With the American price of admonition: But every person who presentatives expected gold at 35 the approximate from every district, along the y experiencia en el cultivo Watch for these warring drinks should keep in mind London price is obtained by that moderate drinkers do signs: Lines, to assist in making the y beneficio de baciendas dividing 35 by the morning re union the greatest since If you drink when you are often become excessive drin dollar rate if the rate is tired to brace up; if you drink kers and that no one is a the change of Headquarters de CACAO.
the London price is or, to escapefrom worry and tro drunkard at the start but from New York to Jamaica.
as the City prefers to express uble: if you drink when you drifts into it gradually, Each accredited Representit, 140s. Actually, however. Do not fool yourself by ative will be the bearer of one must deduct 23 cents from feel blue; if you drink in the the thinking that no matter what propositions tending toward the Treasury price to cover the morning to pep up for the unification of the Race be expected to be referred to cost of shipping, etc. so ac day, if you find that taking the case may be with other by the elimination of disput though with calmness and tually the dollar rate for gold a drink febore lunch or din people, you can always stop es. misunderstandings and serenity, and if the chairm is 34. 77 on ounce. This di ner or at any stated time has drinking whenever you wish.
differences on all issues of vi an be a man of any strength vided by 881 4, the Exchange become such a habit that you The only way to prove that feel uncomfortable tal interest to the Organiza of character, he should without you can stop drinking if you be rate at the time the price was tion. All thoughts of malice, able to encourage arguments fixed, yields 121 or 1425 it: if you find your drinking want to, is to stop, and when 5d.
is no longer social that you these signs warn you of danrancour, revenge or envy that will elucidate the wrong should be discarded. The Pro points adopted in the matters Computations, however, are are thinking more of the ger, it is time to stop.
posers and Presiding Officers complained about, in a spirit not yet over.
This is merely drink than of the sociability should be calm and moderate of pacification rather than dollar parity. If the demand in approaching all questions of tumult, and so lead his for gold is keen a premium is GREAT LAWN FETE placed before them, and give people along the lines of heal charged or a discount if othertheir decisions with equani thy discussion. It is to be ho wise, on the LAWN of the BAPTIST CHURCH Firms attending have MONDAY 10th. OCTOBER 1938 mity thoroughly devoid of ped that an intelligent, im both buying and selling orders.
Promenaders and the Lookers on will Enjoy personal aspirations. Only parcial, fearless, sobre Cha After each firm presents the Inet requirements the day Themselves as usual one thought should be up irman will be selected to guiYANKEE BAND WILL AMUSE ALL permost in the minds of all de these discussions and thus premium or discount is decided.
the integrity and well being render the function a pleasADMISSION. 50 of the Organization.
it must not be imagined that ure rather than another disall this was paper gold. Buyers Mr. Petgrave sweeping re gusting affair.
take for delivery coins or bars marks, in our last issue, are We hope there will be unfortunate at this time, and large gathering of intellect, 430 ounces. Vans not armor that weigh between 350 and Keeping away will not tend and that all matters will be ed cars draw up to the bank to harmonize matters. Howe approached without insults or office of the purchaser and ver, Mr. Mitchell announce or discreditable sarcasms, so unload them like building ment that old disputes will that all may be satisfied and brick. Most eventually go to Takes the pleasure of informing his esteemed clientel not be allowed unfoldment the few hours spent in the the United States and the that he has removed his Dental Clinic to the apartments is as Sir Neville Chamberlain Assembly redound with much proceeds, are invested in Wall says of Herr Hitler. Unre harmony and profit to the Street, but there is plently of previously occupied by Dr. Badilla, between the Consulate asonable. To put it as mildly Organization that true unity actual hoarding. Only recently as we can, at a conference of may thereby be restored and banks in Western England of the United States of America and the British Pharmacy this nature old disputes ten the Society be once more as were asked to enlarge safeding to dismembership, dislo sured the respect of the Com deposit facilities.
yalty and dissatisfaction must munity.
thought the rider and the ani three countries aggregates mal were one single creature. around 54, 000, 000 or one half Regarding the Horse Apart from the wild breeds, of the entire world total. Ger.
VICENTE DE LA PENA it is estimated there are more many occupies the sixth posiLike many of the other do than 107, 000, 000 horses in tion with 3, 700, 000, Brazil SIQUIRRES mesticated animals, the Horse the world. The wild ones are and Poland ranking before her En mi finca PASCUA ofrezco terreno para sembrar did not always exist in all the supposed to be only a few Comparing this most useful bananos. Lotes no menores de 10 hectáreas parts of the world where he is millions at this time. The So animal with the human popunow to be seen, He was, for viet Union is stated to be poslation in various countries, it instance, introduced by man sessed of about one third of is found that in the Argentine LANDS IN LOTS OF NOT LESS THAN 10 HECTAREAS into Australia and horse Mexico; the earth equine population Republic there is one and because of his being so say 34, 000, 000, with the for each human being, one for easily acclimatised he qui United States holding second every two in Iceland and LiCan be had on my Farm PASCUA. ckly settles down. It is said position and the Argentine, tuanio, while in China and for the planting of Bananas.
that on the Axtecs first seeing coming third. The total quan Portugal the proportion is one a horse being ridden, they tity of horses owned by these animal for every 100 persons a Dr. Medal Jr.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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