
COSTA RICA SODA are of the opinion that her WATCR FACTORY y Refrescos FLORIDA ICE AND FARM Clean and Clear USE MURINE FOR YOUR an is SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1st. 1938 THE ATLANTIC VOICE PAGE 11 THE IMMINENCE OF WAR CONVALESCING GREAT NEGRO CONFERENCE Not with all the bellicose We ore pleased to see Mr. Da to be held at the threats and demands of the Fábrica de Hielo vid Rodriguez of San Jose takEuropean Dictators have we ing his convalescent calks Limon Liberty Hall ever been as near another round the city.
world war as we are at the Mr. Rodriglez has been sufer OCTOBER 2nd, 3rd.
present and yet we ing from heart troubles for so?
Herr me time and was advised to co All Sections of the Lines are asked to communicate Hitler will excuse for me down here for a change. He with Miss Westney, Secy of the Associabacking down when the real is spending the time with his tion for full porticulars.
crucial moment arrives in daugther Mrs. D:Costa, All cre also asked to prepare and send Representawhich he must either do or and is tives. These include accompanied by his LIMON die His last ultimatum is but other daughter another of his tall Bluffs to The Atlantic Voice Stakes TRATERNAL AND OTHER SOCIETY obtain for himself and his pethis opportunity of wishing him Remember SUNDAY and MONDAY ople what he wants. Many an early and complete ricoreOCTOBER 2nd. and 3rd.
have been his threats of a ry.
od European conflagration if cer tain things were not conceded him; he succeeded with KEEP THE PREFERENCE ACCORDED THE PACIFIC FARMER some but we believe he reaLA FLORIDA YOUR From page lizes that this is one of his Fábrica de Hielo EYES impossible demands for is for better, we think, to stick to the ills we know of ra which the whole world is opVenta de Leche ther than handing over our crops merely for the purpose posed to him. Even the Westof disposal for which we are required to pay six per cent ern Hemisphere seem annoyand Agency charges.
ed at these many acts y Maderas threats of aggression of a national Bank having on interest in the economic mighty nation against the weresources of the country should assist farmers in the growASK YOUR DRUGGIST aker; and so much so that conflict. The Cheks have moing of their crops, as is done in the United States and else the Congress of the United vilized over a million and a where and is also now being carried out in the Guanacaste States in thinking to amend half men alene Lirentier THE ABACA WILL NOT BE regions. The government Agricultural Department should so equipped the Latest apalso station a number of their trained Inspectors in each that, while the oppressed pliances for the protection of SUSPENDING OPERATIONS may be able to secure arms their country. Rumania and Canton or Province to instruct the farmers along technical and ammunition from her Yugoslavia have intimated lines, and who would be able to facilitate them in securing factories, the aggressor will their readiness to invade Hun As a large circle of ogr reathe aid of the Bank. In this manner the standard of our be denied agricultural pursuits would be raised with a corresponding Hitler is now fully aware fort to go to the assistance amount of worry or anxiety in reduction in the cost of living, and a demonstration of the of the fact that should he ca of the Germans. France is fu consequence of the announcerry out his threatened advan nyomobilized and Britain is ment that the Abaca Compareal meaning of CO OPERATION ce across the Checoeslovaki stated to be thoroughly pre ny had decided to: suspend an borders, he will have pit pared to answer any emer operations, we wish, by this THE ROADWAY FROM GUAPILES ted against him Great Brita gency. She has already plac Means, to assure all who are in, France, Russia, Rumania, ed her strong naval forces in interested in the important inIt is pleasing to note the, undertaken to secure the Yugoeslavia, Turkey, Greece, the most strategic positions dustry, that the stotement report that another and mo Roadway. The Municipal Fa Belgium and even Holland both in the North and Medi entirely incorrectes a there re determined effort is being construction of the long tal He is also conscious that he terranean Seas. Russia is all exists no reasons whatever for ked about Guapiles Turrialba cannot rely on Italy profes ready to pour her millions, the Company doing so. In fact thers of Turrialba are said sed intention of sticking by across Rumania and has war we undestand, from a very re to be again taking the initia him, and that there is not ned Poland that is she att liable source, that they are tive, and will be having, the much to be expected from empts to help the German about to commencethe quitivasuprot of this municipality as Japan. His only source of Dictator their Treaty will be tion of another plot of 100 hec well as those of Pococi, Siqui assistance would be from Po considered at end and her tareas in addition to the:300 al rres, Jimenez, Alvarado, Ore land and Austria Hungary, territory liable to invasion. ready established amuno and Cartago. Can it be thought that the sane leader of so great a pe ns SENORES GANADEROS: As it is known that this ople will lead them into such project is favourably regard a gigantic catastrophe? His Cardui helps to relieve ed by our Chief Executive, it ultimatum to the Cheks exfunctional pains of menis to be hoped that, once the pires today. In it he demands struation; and, in cases matter is fully and properly that the territory which online of malnutrition, it aids represented, there will be no ce formed part of Austria but subs MAMITIS, ABORTO, etc.
BILO in building up the whole undue delay in its receiving was awarded Checoeslovakia Sueros contra MORDEDURAS SERPIENTES system by helping wom the required legislative au at the time of allotments afen to get more energy thorization. The construc ter the world war, and on Acaba de recibir a precios bajísimos, el from their food.
tion of this roadway will not which three and a half millionly open up a vast agricul on Germans have settled, tural and cattle rearing reg shall be handed over to the Our boundary limits with ion, but by connecting with Reich, and all the Chek authat leading from Turrialba thority withdrawn, or if not FROM PAGE to Cartago, bring this impor he well take it by force of tant section of our province arms. Every civilized coun con ST. ANTHONY GREAT CONTEST their way to the disputed into direct connection with try, except his allies, is op ons net Monday night areas, and the result of their the interior, thus producing, posed to such aggression, The evening entertainment trip for which Congress vot a wonderful impetus for our hence his threats are being tant will see the greatest enthu will be interspersed with and ed the sum of five thousand economie interests. It is also anxiously watched.
siasm in Elocution yet witness attractive social programme and colones, is now most anxio our belief that the accompli In their continued effortsed in this City: or on that refreshments will be served.
usly, awaited shment of this project will to avoid the catrastrophe, En night the ALL STAR CHAM great amount of rivalry Should the proposals sub: facilitate the realization of gland and France have arran PIONSHIP ELOCUTION CON anticipated among former cham mitted by Panama be not ac that other long pending one ged another conference with TEST will be staged in the pior, for the Maxwell Prize ceded to by our Legislative. the construction of the Je the Nazi Chief with the asCatholic School Room.
inmerse gathering will As this function Body, it is rather difficult to sús Jimenez highway, which sistance, on this occasion, of promise: be on the spot. The Function conjecture what the next act will also lead to Turrialba the Italian Premier. But as to be the most exciting and inte will start punctually at 30 o will be, though in keeping from our central district of neither Checoeslovakia nor rest ing event of its kind, it is ex clock, so secure your adrnission with the example set us by Siquirres.
her staunch Ally, The Soviet pected that all lovers of orato tickets ealy for which the the leading Powers of the Union, are to take part, it is ry and literature will seiza the small charge of 0. 50 is made world, it may be a clash of May the pesent efforts ha not thought that anything opportunity of being present. in the cause of Charity arms.
ve the greatest success.
will come of it. Hitler has declared that the handing over to the Reich of the SuPURCHASE YOUR MEDICINES deten territory and the withdrawal of all the Chek troIN DRUG STORE ops is the only base from which all peace negotiations which merits your Confidence, 13 the rejuvenating can proceed, while the Cheks hormone proparation have expressed their determFOR WOMEN ination to reject every The Botiac Alemana prodecording to Dr Rich Weiss posal which would interfere Ask for our illustrated boodet with their territorial rights Lic. Paul Kleefeld. Prop.
Meantime Europe continues ON SALE IN ALL DRUGSTORES to actively prepare for the Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
CARDUI VACUNAS contra el carbón 2011 Laboratorio CARLOS VIQUEZ hi the 17th in is SO an If premakurely aged, close

    FranceHitlerInvasionItalyNazismSovietWorld War

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